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LOCAL Wednesday 6 november 2024
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Discover Infini: Celebrating Aruban Culinary Heritage Through
Our Eight-Course Chef’s Table Experience
At Infini, we take pride in offer- preserving the cake for extended enjoyed in small portions due to its
ing a unique dining experience periods—sometimes even years. powerful taste and the high alcohol
that goes beyond just a meal. Our In colonial times, the cake was seen content. Each bite offers a journey
eight-course chef’s table menu is as a sign of wealth, reserved for through layers of flavour, from the
a journey through the rich and di- those who could afford its laborious sweetness of the dried fruit to the
verse flavours of Aruba, inspired by preparation and costly ingredients. warmth of the rum.
our island’s culinary heritage and Over the centuries, however, it has
enhanced by locally-sourced in- evolved into a beloved part of ev- A celebration of Aruba's culinary
gredients. The highlight of our menu eryday Aruban culinary traditions. heritage at Infini
is the final course, Bolo Pretu and The recipe is often passed down At Infini, our eight-course chef's
Wortel, a modern interpretation of through families, each generation table menu offers a true reflection
a traditional Aruban dessert paired adding its personal touch while of Aruba’s diverse culinary heritage.
with carrots, walnut, cream cheese, keeping the core elements that The final course, Bolo Pretu and Wor-
and the famous black cake. This make Bolo Pretu distinctive. tel, is a tribute to the island’s rich
dish not only reflects our dedication history, showcasing how food can
to supporting local producers but The ingredients that make Bolo Pretu transcend generations and bring
also honours a longstanding tradi- unique people together. Through our dedi-
tion that holds deep significance in inspired the creation of our final At the heart of Bolo Pretu is its com- cation to using local ingredients and
Aruban culture. course, bringing the past into the plex combination of dried fruits, preserving traditional recipes, we
present through food. which are typically soaked for create a dining experience that is
The story behind Bolo Pretu: Aruba’s months in rum or cherry cordial. as meaningful as it is delicious.
traditional black cake The cultural significance of Bolo These include cherries, dates, figs, For those looking to explore Aruba’s
The dish, Bolo Pretu, or black cake, Pretu raisins, and prunes, along with an culinary past and present in a single
is much more than a simple des- Traditionally, Bolo Pretu has been assortment of nuts, such as walnuts, meal, Infini provides the perfect op-
sert. Deeply rooted in Aruban and a highlight at many of Aruba's sig- to give the cake its signature dense portunity. Each course is crafted
Caribbean history, it is a symbol of nificant ceremonies, from religious and moist texture. The preparation with care, and the story behind Bolo
celebration, served during wed- celebrations to family gatherings. It process is intensive, requiring care- Pretu ensures that our guests leave
dings, anniversaries, and other spe- is often presented at weddings and ful attention to detail and time to with more than just a taste of the
cial events. Its significance lies not anniversaries, symbolising prosper- develop the cake’s rich, intense island—they leave with a deeper
only in its rich flavours but also in its ity, unity, and festivity. Its dark, rich flavours. understanding of its cultural roots.
connection to the island’s cultural texture and robust flavour come Once baked, the cake is soaked To experience this unique blend of
heritage, influenced by African, Eu- from a unique blend of ingredients, again in alcohol, further enhanc- history and flavour, you can reserve
ropean, and indigenous traditions. including fruits soaked in alcohol, ing its depth and complexity. The a table at Infini by calling 297-699
At Infini, this historical importance which was originally a method of result is a dessert that is meant to be 39 82.q