Page 13 - AB
P. 13
local Saturday 11 February 2023
Minister Geoffrey Wever:
5.9 million florin NSS project is in full swing
ernization of the economic cuses on fixing this issue by
foundation, and for the in- providing users high qual-
surance of a sustainable ity, up-to-date and impar-
future for the island and fu- tial data in order to make
ture generations. decisions based on reliable
The Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals Framework “By implementing the NSS,
(Oranjestad)—Minister of what the benefits of this sys- Latin America and the Ca- also states that the NSS is Aruba will have the nec-
Economic Relations, Com- tem are. ribbean (UN-ECLAC) in the an essential system for sus- essary data to monitor our
munication and Sustain- implementation of this new tainable development. The progress, identify areas
able Development, Mr. This seminar was attended system. NSS is also a part of the ef- that need improvement
Geoffrey Wever, opened for by various members of the fort to implement SDGs. and make decisions based
the first NSS seminar “Build- Aruban Parliament, pub- Mr. Gabriel Gamez of the on reliable information,
ing a modern National Sta- lic and private sectors, UNSD is an expert in imple- In the fast-paced world we which benefit the citizens.
tistical System–Emerging and NGOs, all whom have menting NSS’s in different currently live in, data and I’m glad to see the positive
data needs for monitoring shown an interest and sup- countries around the world, information play a crucial reception for this seminar
sustainable development”. port for the NSS. Minister and underlines that citizens role in decision making, and I’d like to thank those
Minister Geoffrey Wever is Wever is glad that Aruba and users are central to the planning and manage- who attended. I’m sure
implementing the Nation- is getting the support from NSS. ment development. Even that with this established
al Statistic system (NSS), renowned international or- though that is the case, foundation, we can work
in which it is important for ganizations like the United Minister Geoffrey Wever sometimes data are left together to create a bet-
stakeholders to be well-in- Nations Statistical Division explained that the NSS incomplete or unreliable, ter and prosperous future
formed about what the NSS (UNSD) and United Nations is a key mechanism that which make the challeng- for Aruba,” Minister Wever
will mean in practice, and Economic Commission for Aruba needs for the mod- es ahead blurry. The NSS fo- concluded. q
Schools in Oranjestad organize beautiful light parade for the children
(Oranjestad)—In the after-
noon to evening hours yes-
terday, a school-organized
light parade took place in
Oranjestad. Three schools
in the area joined forces
and organized a light pa-
rade for their students in the
streets of the island’s capi-
Imelda Kindergarten, along
with Rosario and St. Rosa
elementary school, were
the three schools that par-
ticipated in the festive pa-
rade. A parade filled with
lights, creativity, and great standby during this mini-
carnaval ambience, dur- It’s also worth mentioning parade.q
ing which the children were that St. Rosa elementary is
able to enjoy and have fun celebrating their 160th an-
safely. niversary this year. In this
way, the school was able
Many parents and specta- to also celebrate their own
tors were present behind achievement.
barricades to give support
to the kids, and to also en- Police opened the streets
joy the festivities accompa- so students and teacher
nied by music provided by could enjoy their night
local carnaval group Youth worriless. EMS (Even Medi-
Xtreme. cal Services) was also on