Page 11 - HOH
P. 11
local Tuesday 2 augusT 2022
Minister of Education met with EducationUSA Aruba
To discuss points of interest for students going to study in the U.S.
ORANJESTAD – In a pleas- comply.
ant environment, Aruba’s
minister of Education, Mr. It is recommended for the
Endy Croes met with repre- student to begin prepara-
sentatives of EducacionUSA tions a year in advance in
Aruba, Mrs. Jo-Anne Croes order to receive guidance
and Mrs. Marilis Becker. and find a good match
regarding college or junior
During the meeting, they college which fits them.
discussed various impor- EducationUSA Aruba helps
tant points of interest for the students find a good
students who choose to school in the United States,
continue their studies in the where the student loan
United States. EducationU- they receive from the gov-
SA Aruba provides the nec- ernment of Aruba, ‘Arub-
essary information to these alening’, is sufficient to cov-
students. er the cost of the school.
EducationUSA Aruba has EducationUSA Aruba is also
a list of four thousand ac- focused on students who
credited colleges and ju- have a talent for sport, and
nior colleges, and guides helps them not only to get
the students who have the the Arubalening but also to their sports programs which who have a talent in sports. preparation, and for cre-
wish to study in the United find scholarships depend- are much better organized ating opportunities for Aru-
States through the process ing of the student’s talent. compared to the Nether- The minister thanked Edu- ba’s youth to study abroad.
and all the requirements A positive aspect of educa- lands, and this surely is an cationUSA Aruba to open
with which they have to tion in the United States is added value for students the road to guidance,
Aruba Lions Club celebrating 75 years of existence
This year, Aruba Lions Club is cel- and Wheelchair, Smile Mobile, Relief, with which they received
ebrating 75 years of existence. In and Eye Sight, where they check more than one container of food
connection with this great celebra- the sight of schoolchildren, among to feed those who were going
tion, president of Aruba Lions Club, many other projects. through difficulty during the pan-
Mr. Rubin Ponson explained during demic. He mentioned that they
a press conference what the plans During the pandemic, Ponson ex- delivered more than a thousand
are for this and gave information plained, it was difficult for the club food packages in the community.
on Aruba Lions Club’s projects. to continue with these projects.
“We had a difficult time when we Ponson explained that for the cel-
Since 1947, Aruba Lions Club is serv- couldn’t carry out the projects. ebration of 75 years of Aruba Lions
ing the community of Aruba help- Now we have started preparing Club, they are announcing a proj-
ing those in need. For the celebra- again to start. We started schedul- ect to collect funds. “This is what al-
tion of 75 years, Aruba Lions Club ing some of the projects like Smile lows Aruba Lions Club survive with
is preparing various activities for its Mobile, Hospital Bed and Wheel- its projects with which it serves the
members. chair, which are ongoing projects”, community. Without these funds, raffle became a car raffle. Pon-
Mr. Ponson explained that Aruba he said. we cannot do anything”, he said. son explained that they focused
Lions Club is known for its social in the modern times for this raffle,
projects, and consists of members Even so, Ponson highlights, during Aruba Lions Club is known for meaning they focused on electric
who serve the community through the difficult times, Aruba Lions Club their raffle, where the main prize vehicles.
these projects, like Hospital Bed started other projects like Hunger is a house. But this year, the house
The raffle will have five prizes: 5 –
an electric vehicle for children;
4 – electric step; 3 – electric bike;
2- electric scooter; 1 – electric car,
four doors, completely new, 100%
electric with a range of 300km on
the battery. The proceeds go 100%
back to the community. The win-
ners will be chosen on the 2nd of
Ponson explained that Aruba Lions
Club will have its celebration with
some international guests, who will
come to celebrate some days and
will conclude the celebrations with
the car raffle. The raffle will take
place during activities at Aruba Li-
ons Club itself with music, food and
drinks in order to celebrate.