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A30    world news
                  Diahuebs 20 Januari 2022

                          UK’s Johnson defies calls to quit as ouster bid gathers pace

                                                                      ger  a  contest  to  replace  him                         Gray’s report would be pub-
                                                                      as  Conservative  leader.  The  So far, only a handful of Con-  lished next week, and urged
                                                                      winner  would  also  become  servative members of Parlia-  his  party  to  withhold  judg-
                                                                      prime  minister.  If  Johnson  ment  have  openly  called  for  ment until then. He also held
                                                                      won  the  vote,  he  would  be  Johnson  to  resign,  though  private  meetings  with  Con-
                                                                      safe from a similar challenge  several dozen are believed to  servative lawmakers Wednes-
                                                                      for a year.                  have  submitted  letters,  in-  day to shore up his crumbling
                                                                                                   cluding some elected as part  support.
                                                                      Johnson  on  Wednesday  an-  of a Johnson-led landslide in
                                                                      nounced he was lifting mask  December 2019.               Some  Conservative  legisla-
                                                                      mandates  and  most  other                                tors urged colleagues to show
                                                                      coronavirus  restrictions  in  Conservative  lawmaker  An-  unity.
                                                                      England   beginning    next  drew Bridgen, who is calling
                                                                      week,  as  he  tried  to  change  for a change, said he thought  “Now is the time to get be-
            (AP)  —  British  Prime  the government imposed on  the  subject  and  brush  aside  the 54-letter threshold would  hind  the  prime  minister,”
            Minister    Boris    John-   the country have helped the  questions about the scandal.  be  reached  “this  week,”  set-  said  Jake  Berry,  a  Johnson
            son  defied  calls  to  resign  Labour Party open up a dou-                            ting the stage for a confidence  ally. Jonathan Gullis, elected
            in  a  feisty  performance  ble-digit  opinion  poll  lead  “We  delivered  while  they  vote within days.          in  2019  to  represent  seat  of
            Wednesday  in  Parliament  on  the  Conservatives,  but  dithered,”  he  said  of  oppo-                            Stoke  on  Trent  North  —
            — but it may be too little  Johnson doesn’t have to face  sition  politicians,  several  of  Senior civil servant Sue Gray  one  of  a  swath  of  working-
            to  prevent  a  push  by  his  voters until the next general  whom  told  Johnson  he  was  is  investigating  claims  that  class Labour strongholds the
            Conservative  Party’s  law-  election, scheduled for 2024.  regarded by Britons as a char-  government  staff  held  late-  party  has  won  under  John-
            makers to oust him over a  His bigger danger is from his  latan,  a  hypocrite,  a  liar  and  night  soirees,  boozy  par-  son’s  leadership  —  urged
            series  of  lockdown-flout-  own  party,  which  has  a  his-  “stupid.”               ties and “wine time Fridays”  colleagues  who  had  sub-
            ing government parties.      tory  of  ousting  leaders  once                          while Britain was under coro-  mitted  letters  seeking  a  no-
                                         they become liabilities.     The  Labour  opposition  was  navirus  restrictions  in  2020  confidence vote to withdraw
            Pressure on the prime minis-                              boosted  by  the  defection  to  and  2021.  The  allegations  them.
            ter grew as one Conservative  Conservatives  are  weighing  their  ranks  of  Conservative  have  spawned  public  anger,
            lawmaker defected to the op-  whether to trigger a no-con-  lawmaker  Christian  Wak-  incredulity and mockery, and  Gullis  said  he  was  backing
            position  Labour  Party  and  a  fidence vote in Johnson amid  eford,  who  said  the  prime  prompted  growing  calls  for  Johnson  because  “he  has  a
            former Conservative Cabinet  the  public  anger  over  the  minister  was  “incapable  of  Johnson’s resignation.   unique ability to engage with
            Minister  told  him:  “In  the  scandal  dubbed  “partygate”  offering  the  leadership  and                        voters,  especially  in  places
            name of God, go!”            — a stunning reversal of for-  government this country de-  Johnson  apologized  to  law-  like Stoke on Trent.”
                                         tune for a politician who just  serves.”                  makers last week for attend-
            The  demand  from  former  over  two  years  ago  led  the                             ing a “bring your own booze”  But  Johnson’s  apologies  —
            Brexit  Secretary  David  Da-  party  to  its  biggest  election  Johnson  dismissed  calls  to  gathering  in  the  garden  of  in  which  he  acknowledged
            vis  came  during  a  combat-  victory in almost 40 years.  quit,  and  said  the  Conser-  his  Downing  Street  offices  “misjudgments” but not per-
            ive  Prime  Minister’s  Ques-                             vatives  would  regain  Wak-  in  May  2020.  At  the  time,  sonal rule-breaking — appear
            tions session in the House of  Under  Conservative  rules,  eford’s seat in the next elec-  people in Britain were barred  to  have  weakened,  rather
            Commons,  where  Johnson  a  no-confidence  vote  in  the  tion.  Johnson’s  press  secre-  from meeting more than one  than  strengthened,  his  posi-
            defended  his  government’s  party’s leader can be triggered  tary  said  the  prime  minister  person  outside  their  house-  tion  in  the  party.  Even  law-
            record in running the econ-  if 54 party lawmakers — 15%  intended to lead the party in  hold to help curb the spread  makers  who  back  Johnson
            omy, fighting crime and deal-  of the party’s House of Com-  that election.            of COVID-19.                 say he would have to resign if
            ing with the coronavirus pan-  mons total — write letters to                                                        he is found to have lied.
            demic and vowed to lead his  a party official demanding it.  But Johnson’s defiant perfor-  Johnson said he had consid-
            party into the next election.                             mance  was  met  with  muted  ered the party a work gather-  Experts  say  there  is  a  good
                                         If Johnson lost a confidence  cheers  on  the  Conservative  ing that fell within the rules.  chance the investigation will
            The allegations that Johnson  vote  among  the  party’s  359  side  of  the  House  of  Com-                        neither  exonerate  him  nor
            and his staff broke restrictions  lawmakers,  it  would  trig-  mons.                  Johnson told lawmakers that  conclude he broke the law.

                      UAE envoy: Yemen’s Houthis used missiles in Abu Dhabi attack

            (AP)  —  Yemen’s  Houthi                                                               investigations  suggested  the  said they targeted the airports
            rebels used cruise and bal-  “Several  were  intercepted,  a  The missiles and drones with  possibility of drones sparking  of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the
            listic missiles, in addition  few of them didn’t and three  bombs  attached  —  if  they  the fires.                world’s  busiest  for  interna-
            to drones, in an attack on  innocent  civilians  unfortu-  were fired from the Houthis’                             tional  transits,  as  well  as  an
            Abu Dhabi this week that  nately  lost  their  lives,”  he  stronghold  in  northern  Ye-  The Houthis  said they fired  oil  refinery  and  other  sensi-
            killed  three  people  and  added in remarks at a virtual  men  —  would  have  needed  five  ballistic  missiles  and  a  tive  Emirati  facilities.  There
            set off fires at a fuel depot  event  hosted  by  the  Jewish  to travel some 1,800 kilome-  number  of  explosive-laden  was no indication Dubai was
            and  an  international  air-  Institute for National Securi-  ters  (1,100  miles)  to  reach  drones  in  their  attack.  They  hit in Monday’s attack.
            port,  the  Emirati  ambas-  ty of America. The event was  targets in Abu Dhabi.
            sador to the United States  held to discuss U.S. policies
            said Wednesday.              and Israeli relations with the  Monday’s  attack  targeted  an
                                         UAE and Bahrain.             Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.
            The remarks by Ambassador                                 fuel  depot  in  an  industrial
            Yousef Al-Otaiba marked an  Al-Otaiba did not respond to  zone  outside  the  city  center
            official   acknowledgement  further  questions  from  The  of the Emirati capital, as well
            that missiles — and not just  Associated  Press  about  how  as an area of Abu Dhabi In-
            drones — were used in Mon-   many  missiles  targeted  the  ternational Airport still under
            day’s  attack,  claimed  by  the  UAE and how many were in-  construction.
            Iran-backed Houthis.         tercepted.
                                                                      The attack killed two Indian
            “Several  attacks  —  a  com-  Gulf  Arab  states,  as  well  as  nationals  and  one  Pakistani.
            bination  of  cruise  missiles,  the  U.S.,  U.N.  experts  and  Six people also were wound-
            ballistic missiles, and drones  others  have  previously  ac-  ed  at  the  oil  and  gas  facility
            —  targeted  civilian  sites”  in  cused Iran of supplying arms  when a fire caused an explo-
            the  United  Arab  Emirates,  to the Houthis, a charge that  sion of fuel tankers. Police in
            Al-Otaiba said.              Tehran denies.               Abu  Dhabi  said  preliminary
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