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A32    sports
                  Diahuebs 20 Januari 2022

                          U. of Michigan reaches $490M settlement over sexual abuse

                                                                      begin the healing process for  on campus is horrible.”    sity President Mark Schlissel
                                                                      survivors,” said Jordan Acker,  Anderson  worked  at  the  would  allow  the  school  to
                                                                      chair  of  the  University  of  university  from  1966  until  be more accountable toward
                                                                      Michigan  Board  of  Regents.  his 2003 retirement and was  abuse victims.
                                                                      “At the same time, the work  director  of  the  university’s
                                                                      that  began  two  years  ago,  Health  Service  and  a  phy-  Keith  Moree  and  Robert
                                                                      when  the  first  brave  survi-  sician  for  multiple  athletic  Stone told reporters Tuesday
                                                                      vors came forward, will con-  teams,  including  football.  A  that the Ann Arbor school is
                                                                      tinue.”                      number  of  football  players  ripe  for  a  culture  change  as
                                                                                                   and other athletes have come  its board conducts a search to
                                                                      Attorney  Parker  Stinar  said  forward to accuse Anderson,  permanently  replace  Schlis-
                                                                      the  settlement  was  reached  who died in 2008, of sexually  sel, who was removed Satur-
                                                                      Tuesday  night.  The  univer-  abusing them.              day due to an alleged “inap-
                                                                      sity  had  been  in  mediation                            propriate relationship with a
                                                                      to  resolve  multiple  lawsuits  A  report  by  a  firm  hired  by  university employee.”
                                                                      by mostly men who said Dr.  the  school  determined  that
                                                                      Robert  Anderson  sexually  staff missed many opportuni-  The  settlement  with  Ander-
                                                                      abused  them  during  routine  ties to stop Anderson over his  son’s  victims  is  one  of  sev-
                                                                      medical examinations.        37-year career. The universi-  eral agreed to by universities
                                                                                                   ty regularly is ranked among  following  sex  abuse  scan-
                                                                      “It has been a long and chal-  the top public universities in  dals. They include Michigan
                                                                      lenging journey, and I believe  the U.S.                  State University’s agreement
                                                                      this  settlement  will  provide                           to pay $500 million to settle
                                                                      justice  and  healing  for  the  The  deal  came  roughly  two  claims  from  more  than  300
                                                                      many brave men and women  weeks  after  a  state  senator  women  and  girls  who  said
                                                                      who refused to be silenced,”  announced  new  bipartisan  they were assaulted by Larry
                                                                      said  Stinar,  who  represents  legislation  that  would  ret-  Nassar,  who  was  a  campus
                                                                      about 200 victims.           roactively  give  the  accusers  sports doctor and a doctor for
                                                                                                   a 30-day window to sue the  USA Gymnastics.
                                                                      Tad  DeLuca,  the  whistle-  school  for  damages  regard-
                                                                      blower whose letter to Mich-  less  of  legal  time  limits  and  That  settlement,  announced
                                                                      igan  athletic  director  Warde  bar  the  university  from  us-  in May 2018, was considered
            (AP)  -  The  University  of  est  in  several  large  payouts  Manuel  alleging  sexual  as-  ing  the  government  immu-  the largest at the time, far sur-
            Michigan  announced  a  made by American universi-        sault sparked an investigation  nity defense. The bills, which  passing the $100 million-plus
            $490  million  settlement  ties  following  accusations  of  into Anderson, told The As-  were poised for introduction  that  Penn  State  University
            Wednesday  with  more  repeated sexual abuse by em-       sociated Press is a telephone  this week, were promoted as  has paid to settle claims by at
            than  1,000  people  who  ployees.                        interview  that  he  found  no  a way to provide the victims  least 35 people who accused
            say they were sexually as-                                joy  in  the  settlement  and  more  certainty  and  increase  assistant football coach Jerry
            saulted by a former sports  Individuals  and  their  attor-  worries  that  it  will  leave  pressure on the school for a  Sandusky of sexual abuse.
            doctor  during  his  nearly  neys  will  determine  how  to  deeper issues unaddressed.  resolution.                Last  year,  the  University  of
            four-decade  career  at  the  split  $460  million,  with  no  “The  settlement  is  going  to                      Southern  California  agreed
            school.                      input from the university, the  gloss things over so Michigan  Early  this  week,  two  men  to an $852 million settlement
                                         school said in a statement. An  can go back to having a glossy  who  say  they  were  sexually  with more than 700 women
            The  university  said  media-  additional $30 million will be  block `M’ and look wonder-  assaulted  by  Anderson  also  who  have  accused  the  col-
            tion led to the deal specifying  set aside for future claims.  ful  for  the  world,”  DeLuca  said  they  were  hoping  that  lege’s longtime campus gyne-
            1,050 people will share in the                            said, referring to the univer-  a  change  in  leadership  with  cologist, Dr. George Tyndall,
            financial  settlement,  the  lat-  “We hope this settlement will  sity’s logo. “But the situation  the weekend firing of univer-  of sexual abuse.

                           Butler’s block seals Florida State’s OT win over No. 6 Duke

            (AP)  —  Florida  State  let  2017, and their 14th win over  and seven rebounds for Duke  Evans  and  Anthony  Polite  the  final  seconds  of  regula-
            a  late  lead  evaporate  in  an AP Top 25 team in the last  (14-3, 4-2).              were quiet early, scoring two  tion, drawing a foul and sink-
            regulation.   Given    an-   four seasons.                                             combined points in the first  ing two free-throw attempts
            other chance in overtime,                                 Duke trailed 59-50 with 6:53  half  for  Florida  State.  Polite  as  Florida  State  knocked  off
            the Seminoles got it done  “I  thought  our  effort  was  at  remaining, but a 3-pointer by  finished with nine points and  Miami.  This  time  he  drove
            against No. 6 Duke.          a level 5 tonight, offensively  Moore  kicked  off  a  furious  five  assists,  while  Evans  had  again, and his shot helped se-
                                         and  defensively,”  Florida  rally by the Blue Devils, who  six crucial points and five as-  cure a signature win.
            RayQuan Evans made a pair  State  coach  Leonard  Hamil-  went  ahead  67-65  on  Wil-  sists.
            of  free  throws  with  12  sec-  ton  said.  “It  took  a  tremen-  liams’ dunk with 30 seconds                    “I just think in the moment I
            onds  left  in  overtime,  John  dous effort on our kids’ part.”  to go. Banchero scored seven  A  week  ago,  it  was  Evans  did what the team needed me
            Butler   blocked   Wendell                                points  during  the  closing  who  also  drove  the  lane  in  to do,” Evans said.
            Moore  Jr.’s  driving  attempt  Caleb  Mills  had  16  of  his  stretch  and  assisted  on  two
            in  the  lane  with  2  seconds  18 points in the second half  dunks  by  Williams.  Moore
            remaining, and Florida State  and  overtime  for  Florida  finished with 13 points.
            stunned  Duke  79-78  on  State,  which  won  its  fourth
            Tuesday night.               straight game. Butler, a fresh-  “That  was  just  a  tremen-
                                         man, scored a career-high 14  dous basketball game,” Duke
            Florida  State  (11-5,  5-2  At-  points, and Naheem McLeod  coach Mike Krzyzewski said.
            lantic Coast Conference) led  had  season  highs  of  nine  “Two  teams  that  just  played
            by  nine  in  the  second  half  points  and  seven  rebounds  their hearts out. I thought it
            but  ended  up  needing  Ev-  for the Seminoles.          was  the  most  physical  game
            ans’  driving  layup  high  off                           we’ve been in.”
            the glass with 2 seconds left  Paolo Banchero had 20 points
            to send the game to overtime.  and 12 rebounds, the fourth  Butler  made  5  of  8  shots
            The  Seminoles  held  on  for  straight  game  the  freshman  from  the  floor  and  3  of  4
            their first win over a ranked  has  scored  20  or  more,  and  from 3-point range.
            Duke  team  since  Jan.  10,  Mark Williams had 15 points
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