Page 5 - HOH
P. 5
local Monday 7 noveMber 2022
Presentation of two books regarding the history of
families in the Caribbean
ORANJESTAD – Philip Timo- Philip Timothy Arnell wrote 1600s. The second book is est from each reader.
thy Arnell is presenting two two books, titled ‘Fortunate about the history of families
books that he wrote about Member of a Caribbean from Barbados that goes Philip Timothy Arnell was
the history of his family in Diaspora’ and ‘Still Bajan back to the year 1582. Both born in Queens, New York
the Caribbean. The presen- After All These Years’. The books highlight the lines of on the 3rd of October 1968
tation took place at the De- first book is about the his- lineage and progression from parents with Caribbe-
partment Arubiana/Caribi- tory of families from Sint together with interesting an ancestry. Philip is a Ca-
ana of the National Library Maarten and Saint Martin stories. ribbean-American and has
of Aruba on Wednesday and Anguilla with influence Both books have special both American and French to his wife Paula, and they
the 2nd of November. of Aruba going back to the stories which will incite inter- Nationality. He is married have three children.q
Potential for collaboration between neighboring islands in the
Caribbean to improve food security
ORANJESTAD – Aruba recently. The importance
hosted the Comprehen- of family agriculture can-
sive Disaster Risk Manage- not be left out, a beautiful
ment and Financial Resil- activity for families which
ience Regional Workshop at the same time can
for Overseas Countries become an additional
and Territories in the Ca- source of income, even
ribbean. This is a workshop for hobbyists.
about resiliency of the Ca-
ribbean islands. There is collaboration be-
tween islands in the King-
The goal to create a resil- dom of the Netherlands
ient Aruba with food se- to learn from each other
curity is a key component and elevate their level of
of this, and it also came food safety, and expand
forward in a report by the domestic market. It is
the World Bank. Covid-19 time to consider also the
taught us that Aruba can- potential for collabora-
not remain dependent on tion between neighboring
a single economic pillar, islands in the Caribbean,
and it cannot remain de- not only Dutch islands, in
pendent on imports. The order to guarantee food
opportunity to expand the rest of the Caribbean is- vating in the direction of be further motivated and safety as soon as possible.
Primary Sector is on that lands. Aruba is the most hydroponics and other facilitated, and accord-
Aruba cannot miss. arid island in the region, technological methods ing to a press release, the Minister of Nature, Ursell Ar-
which might be good for that are more efficient. government of Aruba is ends congratulated Santa
Even though Aruba is our tourism, but is a big completely prepared to Rosa – Department of Ag-
lucky to evade most hur- challenge for our tradi- There is a spark of interest do this. The focus needs riculture and Fishing – for
ricanes, it has many other tional agriculture. For this in the community for agri- to be on education and their hard work facilitat-
challenges similar to the reason, farmers are inno- culture, but this needs to collaboration. Education ing this event, where local
can foster knowledge products prepared and
and raise a new genera- cooked by locals were
tion that is connected exhibited and presented
to planting and feeding. in an extraordinary way to
This is the reason why the visitors from the other Ca-
government is stimulating ribbean islands. q
school projects in this area