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LOCAL Monday 7 noveMber 2022
E. Biemans, G.M. Case and Bucuti & Tara Protect Aruba’s Nature
by Founding a Nature Preservation Park in Noord
The founders are giving back to Aruba in honor of Bucuti & Tara’s 35th anniversary
EAGLE BEACH, Aruba – November 7, 2022 reforest the plots with indigenous trees and
– Undeveloped green space in Noord is build natural pathways. In the future, Aruba’s
becoming harder to find, but this will soon population will be able to enjoy The Bucuti
change thanks to Ewald Biemans, Grete Ma- & Tara Nature Preservation Foundation, to be
rie (Ree) Case, and Bucuti and Tara, who known as The Bucuti Tara - GMC Park,” Ewald
together sponsored and donated approxi- Biemans, Owner/CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach
mately 12 hectares (30 acres) of land as a Resort, explains. “Bucuti & Tara’s milestone
nature preserve for the public and future anniversary gives us an opportunity to rec-
generations to enjoy. ognize 35 years of extremely positive impact
to Aruba’s people and economy, and we
Preserving Aruba for Aruba wish to continue that by preserving Aruba’s
The stretch of land is a desirable place for de- beautiful and precious nature,” says Ewald
velopment with its convenient location to the Biemans, Owner/CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach
high-rise hotels. As the last remaining undevel- Resort.
oped private land in Noord, the new nature
preserve is located across from Imeldahof To learn more, visit
and borders the Church of Noord all the way
to the Washington School. This land holds tre- Photo credit: Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba.
mendous value and would be desirable for
tourism-related businesses, including new ac- About Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
commodations or restaurants. Instead of fur- Declared the first CarbonNeutral®/net zero
ther crowding and overdeveloping the area, hotel in the Caribbean in August 2018, Bucuti
Biemans, Case, and Bucuti & Tara sponsored & Tara Beach Resort is one of the Top 10 Ho-
and donated this natural countryside so it will tels for Romance in the World (fourth straight
be protected from further development for- year), No. 1 Hotel for Romance in the Carib-
ever and the people of Aruba can continue island was 60 years ago and with the subse- bean (seventh straight year) and No. 3 Hotel
to enjoy it. quent booms of tourism, his commitment to for Service in the Caribbean. Aruba’s premier
protecting Aruba’s natural beauty and re- adults-only boutique resort is led by celebrat-
Bucuti & Tara Nature Preserve sources spans Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, ed hotelier and environmentalist, Ewald Bie-
The Bucuti & Tara Nature Preserve is protect- the most eco-certified hotel in the Caribbe- mans, named by Caribbean Journal as the
ed land. Motorized vehicles of any type are an, and far beyond the hotel. 2017 Caribbean Hotelier of the Year. The re-
prohibited. The preserve is a typical Aruban sort is nestled on the powdery white sands of
ecosystem with any number of the 280 bird Biemans’ commitment to protecting Aruba’s Eagle Beach, home to protected sea turtles
species, including Wara Wara, Shocos, and natural beauty can be evidenced over the and named one of the “Dream Beaches of
Prikichis, calling Aruba home and all that years. He established the Aruba Hotel and the World.”
thrive in its native flora and fauna. This gifted Tourism Environmental Committee and be-
land will eventually offer residents and visi- gan the Sponsor-a-Mile program 30 years Now home to the Caribbean’s Safest, Health-
tors a quiet, natural place to walk, jog or sit ago. He continues to introduce eco-certifi- iest Vacation Experience thanks to its physi-
amongst Aruba’s indigenous trees, plant life, cation programs to help colleague hotels in cian-developed COVID-19 safety protocols
and wildlife. Aruba begin their sustainability journeys. Par- and Aruba’s Health & Happiness Code seal,
ticularly treasured initiatives include teaching Bucuti has 104 well-appointed guestrooms,
The timing coincides with the 35th anniversary entrepreneurship to young students in the lo- suites and penthouses. It offers sunbeds and
this year of Biemans’ Bucuti & Tara Beach Re- cal school system, giving guest lectures at the shade for every guest; freshwater infinity pool;
sort on Eagle Beach. To commemorate the University, and welcoming researchers and spa; WiFi; and complimentary iPad with Sky-
milestone anniversary, the resort has been re- pupils for hotel sustainability tours. Encourag- pe for use during stay. Award-winning healthy
flecting on its cherished history with its island ing guests to take nature tours is core to the dining is enjoyed at oceanfront Elements,
home. Biemans recalls how undeveloped the Bucuti & Tara experience. In 2019, the resort Tara Lounge and private beach dining. Re-
introduced Lanta y Planta. As the new nature served exclusively for guests and their friends,
preserve is dedicated, Bucuti & Tara’s com- the newly renovated open-air SandBar offers
mitment to the community and the preserva- top-shelf cocktails and live music daily along
tion of Aruba over 35 years continues with this with the Caribbean’s first Healthy Hour. The
forthcoming reforestation dedication of 35 resort is TAG Approved® as a LGBTQ-friendly
indigenous trees. hotel. Bucuti, a worldwide sustainable tourism
leader, holds eco-certifications of LEED Gold,
“As a long practitioner of sustainability and Green Globe Platinum and Travelife Gold
the Caribbean’s first and only certified car- and was named the World’s Most Sustain-
bon-neutral hotel, now our work will begin to able Hotel/Resort in 2016 by Green Globe.q