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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 9 May 2017

               The First Eat Local Food Truck Festival a Huge Hit for the Island

             ORANJESTAD  -  During  the                                                                                         Cuba,  and  Nico  Connor
             weekend of the 29th and                                                                                            provided  live  entertain-
             30th  of  April,  Aruba  held                                                                                      ment throughout the night.
             its very first food truck fes-                                                                                     Authentic Aruban arts and
             tival on Plaza Nikki Habibe                                                                                        crafts were also on sale as
             in  downtown  Oranjestad.                                                                                          Korteweg,  Aruba’s  local
             The   highly   anticipated                                                                                         art  fair,  set  up  shop  near
             event  had  an  impressive                                                                                         the  plaza.  All  very  good
             turnout as thousands of lo-                                                                                        reasons for people to stick
             cals and tourists gathered                                                                                         around while enjoying their
             to taste Aruba’s local cui-                                                                                        meals.
             sine.                                                                                                              “Our goal was to bring lo-
             A total of 8 different food                                                                                        cals  and  tourists  together
             trucks,  each  varying  in                                                                                         whilst  promoting  the  culi-
             flavor  and  feel,  collected                                                                                      nary side of Aruba, and in
             on  Plaza  Nikki  Habibe  in                                                                                       addition  create  an  ambi-
             the  main  street  of  Oran-                                                                                       ance  where  families  of  all
             jestad:  El  Mexicano,  a                                                                                          backgrounds  could  come
             popular truck with a selec-                                                                                        together  to  have  a  good
             tion of authentic Mexican                                                                                          time”,  said  Darice  Solog-
             street food; Candela Grill,                                                                                        nier, Niche Specialist at the
             a  truck  offering  an  inter-  go;  Truck  di  Piet,  a  truck                                                    Aruba  Tourism  Authority.
             esting  twist  to  the  familiar   that  offers  a  multitude  of                                                  “We are very satisfied with
             food truck classics; Eataly,   local  favorites;  Nos  Local                                                       the turnout of the event”.
             the  go-to  truck  for  tradi-  Snack Truck served up deli-                                                        The first Food Truck Festival
             tional Italian meals on the   cious Aruban meals as did                                                            resulted to be an event of
                                                                                                                                tremendous ambiance for
                                                                                                                                entire  families,  both  local
                                                                                                                                and  international,  look-
                                                                                                                                ing to enjoy the best truck
                                                                                                                                food on the island accom-
                                                                                                                                panied  by  mood  setting
                                                                                                                                live  music,  local  art  and
                                                                                                                                craft beers.
                                                                                                                                Stay  updated  on the next
                                                                                                                                Food  Truck  Festival  on  the
                                                                                                                                Eat Local Facebook page.
                                                                      The Little One, a small truck   beer experience.          For   more     information
                                                                      known for its big flavor. The   Aside  from  all  the  great   regarding   participa-
                                                                      ever popular Poffertjes van   food  and  drink  options,  a   tion   please   contact
                                                                      Pofferdorie  and  the  Soft   magnificent  lineup  con-
                                                                      Ice Truck satisfied people’s   sisting  out  of  DJ  Jaime,
                                                                      dessert  cravings  as  they   Sergio  and  the  Shortcuts,   -Photos courtesy of Ayrton
                                                                      served  up  delicious  Dutch   Xavier  Croes,  Mirugia  de   Tromp.q
                                                                      poffertjes  and  ice  cream
                                                                      treats respectively.
                                                                      For those in search of some
                                                                      authentic   alcoholic   re-
                                                                      freshments;  a  variety  of
                                                                      Aruba’s  best  drinks  stands
                                                                      participated: Balashi, offer-
                                                                      ing  Aruba’s  premier  local
                                                                      beers; Craft Aruba, provid-
                                                                      ing  craft  beers  and  other
                                                                      interesting beverages; and
                                                                      Bros  and  Beer  and  Craft
                                                                      Beer  Lovers  Aruba,  two
                                                                      stands  that  offered  wide
                                                                      selections of craft brews to
                                                                      those looking for a unique
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