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P. 21

                      Tuesday 9 May 2017
               Loyal Visitors Honored at the Aruba Beach Club

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-
            ity had the great pleasure
            of  honoring  three  lovely
            couples  whom  are  loyal
            and friendly visitors of Aru-
            ba  at  the  Aruba  Beach
            Club  as  Goodwill  Ambas-
            sadors.  The  symbolic  hon-
            orary  title  is  presented  in
            the name of the Minister of
            Tourism  as  a  token  of  ap-
            preciation  to  guests  who
            visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con-
            secutive years.
            The  honorees  were  Mr.
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                                         Jack and Mrs. Susan Busch  All  three  couples  say  that  ing  atmosphere.  They  also  Ms. Darline de Cuba repre-
                                         of  Buffalo,  New  York,  Mr.  they love Aruba very much  appreciate  the  care  and  senting  the  Aruba  Tourism
                                         Javier and Mrs. Erica de la  because  of  the  great  ex-  attention  given  to  them  Authority together with Ms.
                                         Uz of Florida, and Mr. Bruce  tremely friendly people, the  by the associates from the  Kenia Brito from the Activi-
      and Mrs. Sally Anderson of  climate,  the  beaches,  the  Aruba Beach Club. The cer-  ties Department of the Aru-
                                                                      restaurants,  and  the  relax-
                                                                                                   tificates were presented by  ba Beach Club. q
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