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P. 14

                     Tuesday 23 april 2024

            Report urges fixes to online child exploitation CyberTipline before

            AI makes it worse

            By  BARBARA  ORTUTAY  and                                                                                           as  sextortion  messaging.
            MATT O’BRIEN                                                                                                        The FBI recently warned of
            AP Technology Writers                                                                                               a  “huge  increase”  in  sex-
            A tipline set up 26 years ago                                                                                       tortion cases targeting chil-
            to combat online child ex-                                                                                          dren    including  financial
            ploitation  has  not  lived  up                                                                                     sextortion, where someone
            to  its  potential  and  needs                                                                                      threatens  to  release  com-
            technological  and  other                                                                                           promising images unless the
            improvements  to  help  law                                                                                         victim pays.
            enforcement go after abus-                                                                                            Police  detectives  told
            ers  and  rescue  victims,  a                                                                                       Stanford  researchers  they
            new  report  from  the  Stan-                                                                                       are  having  a  hard  time
            ford  Internet  Observatory                                                                                         persuading their higher-ups
            has found.                                                                                                          to  prioritize  these  crimes
            The  fixes  to  what  the  re-                                                                                      even  after  they  present
            searchers  describe  as  an                                                                                         them  with  detailed  written
            “enormously      valuable”                                                                                          descriptions  to  emphasize
            service must also come ur-                                                                                          their  gravity.  “They  wince
            gently as new artificial intel-                                                                                     when they read it and they
            ligence technology threat-                                                                                          don’t  really  want  to  think
            ens to worsen its problems.                                                                                         about this,” Grossman said.
            “Almost  certainly  in  the                                                                                           Many  law  enforcement
            years to come, the Cyber-                                                                                           officials said they were not
            Tipline  will  just  be  flooded   Pages from the CyberTipline website are seen on a computer in New York on Friday, April 19, 2024.  able  to  fully  investigate  all
            with  highly  realistic-looking                                                                    Associated Press   reports due to time and re-
            AI  content,  which  is  going  now and those cracks are  day  due  to  a  meme  that  to be very conservative or  source constraints. A single
            to make it even harder for  going  to  become  chasms  was  spreading  on  multiple  to report potentially border-  detective may be responsi-
            law  enforcement  to  iden-  in a world in which AI is gen-  platforms  --  which  some  line content, because if it’s  ble for 2,000 reports a year.
            tify real children who need  erating brand-new CSAM,”  people  thought was  funny  found to have been CSAM  Outside  the  U.S.,  especial-
            to  be  rescued,”  said  re-  said Alex Stamos, using the  and others were sharing out  and they knew about it and  ly  in  poorer  countries,  the
            searcher Shelby Grossman,  initials for child sexual abuse  of outrage.                they  didn’t  report  it,  they  challenges around child ex-
            an author of the report.     materials. Stamos is a Stan-  “That day actually led them  could receive fines.”       ploitation reports are espe-
            The service was established  ford  lecturer  and  cyberse-  to  make  some  changes,”  One relatively easy fix pro-  cially severe. Law enforce-
            by  Congress  as  the  main  curity expert.               Stamos  said.  “It  took  them  posed  in  the  report  would  ment  agencies  might  not
            line of defense for children  The system is behind tech-  weeks  to  get  through  that  improve how tech platforms  have reliable internet con-
            who  are  exploited  online.  nologically  and  plagued  backlog” by making it eas-    label what they are report-  nections, “decent comput-
            By  law,  tech  companies  by  a  constant  challenge  ier  to  cluster  those  images  ing  to  distinguish  between  ers” or even gas for cars to
            must report any child sexu-  among  government  and  together.                         widely shared memes and  execute search warrants.
            al abuse material they find  nonprofit  tech  platforms:  The  CyberTipline  received  something  that  deserves   Pending legislation passed
            on  their  platforms  to  the  the lack of highly skilled en-  more than 36 million reports  closer investigation.  by  the  U.S.  Senate  in  De-
            system,  which  is  operated  gineers, who can get paid  in 2023, nearly all from on-  The  Stanford  researchers  cember     would    require
            by the National Center for  far  higher  salaries  in  the  line  platforms.  Facebook,  interviewed  66  people  in-  online  platforms  to  report
            Missing and Exploited Chil-  tech  industry.  Sometimes  Instagram    and    Google  volved  with  the  CyberTi-    child  sex  trafficking  and
            dren.  After  it  receives  the  those employees are even  were  the  companies  that  pLine,  ranging  from  law  online  enticement  to  the
            reports,  NCMEC  attempts  poached  by  the  same  sent in the highest number  enforcement  to  NCMEC  CyberTipline  and  give  law
            to find the people who sent  companies that send in the  of reports. The overall num-  staff to online platform em-  enforcement more time to
            or received the material as  reports.                     ber has been dramatically  ployees.  The  NCMEC  said  investigate child sexual ex-
            well as the victims, if possi-  Then  there  are  legal  con-  increasing.             it  looked  forward  to  “ex-  ploitation. Currently, the ti-
            ble. These reports are then  straints.  According  to  the  Nearly half  of the tips  sent  ploring  the  recommenda-  pline doesn’t offer straight-
            sent to law enforcement.     report, court decisions have  last  year  were  actionable,  tions internally and with key  forward ways to report sus-
            While  the  sheer  amount  led  the  staff  at  NCMEC  to  meaning  NCMEC  and  law  stakeholders.”                 pected sex trafficking.
            of   CyberTipline   reports  stop  vetting  some  files  (for  enforcement  could  follow  “Over  the  years,  the  com-  While   some   advocates
            is  overwhelming  law  en-   instance,  if  they  are  not  up.  Hundreds  of  reports  plexity   of   reports   and  have  proposed  more  in-
            forcement, researchers say  publicly  available)  before  concerned  the  same  of-    the  severity  of  the  crimes  trusive  surveillance  laws  to
            volume  is  just  one  of  sev-  sending  them  to  law  en-  fender, and many included  against  children  continue  catch abusers, Stamos, the
            eral  problems  core  to  the  forcement.  Many  law  en-  multiple  images  or  videos.  to evolve. Therefore, lever-  former chief security officer
            system. For instance, many  forcement  officials  believe  Around  92%  of  the  reports  aging emerging technolog-  at  Facebook  and  Yahoo,
            of the reports sent by tech  they  need  a  search  war-  filed in 2023 involved coun-  ical solutions into the entire  said they should try simpler
            companies    like  Google,  rant to access such images,  tries outside the U.S., a large  CyberTipline  process  leads  fixes first.
            Amazon,  and  Meta    lack  slowing  down  the  process.  shift  from  2008  when  the  to  more  children  being  “There’s no need to violate
            important  details,  such  as  At  times,  multiple  warrants  majority involved victims or  safeguarded and offenders  the  privacy  of  users  if  you
            enough  information  about  or  subpoenas  are  needed  offenders inside the U.S.      being held accountable,” it  want  to  put  more  pedo-
            an  offender’s  identity,  the  to  identify  the  same  of-  Some  are  false  alarms.  “It  said in a statement.  philes  in  jail.  They’re  sitting
            report  said.  This  makes  it  fender.                   drives  law  enforcement  Among  the  report’s  other  right  there,”  Stamos  said.
            hard  for  law  enforcement  It’s also easy for the system  nuts when they get these re-  findings:                 “The system does not work
            to  know  which  reports  to  to  get  distracted.  The  re-  ports that they perceive are   The CyberTipline reporting  very  well  at  taking  the  in-
            prioritize.                  port  reveals  that  NCMEC  definitely adults,” Grossman  form doesn’t have a dedi-    formation that currently ex-
            “There are significant issues  recently  hit  a  milestone  of  told reporters. “But the sys-  cated  field  for  submitting  ists and then turning it into
            with the entire system right  a million reports in a single  tem  incentivizes  platforms  chat-related material, such  prosecutions.”q
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