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HEALTHWednesday 2 August 2017
Pressing Down
By: Dr Carlos Viana sugar. Even though she had Chinese Medical physicians to constant negative think- both are effective as natu-
been told that coffee and as weaknesses in the Spleen, ing and often substance ral antidepressants, appetite
In the late fifties attend- milk was usual breakfast bev- short-term, it may lead to abuse. suppressants, and sleep aids.
ing the Miami Country Day erage for Hispanic children; problems with fatigue and Regardless of the cause, reg- Get The Point! Often, indi-
School or Boys in Miami this matron was devoutly digestion Long-term prob- ular medicine treats both ac- viduals who live in modern
Shores I woke up one morn- against giving coffee to lems related to mucus, knowledged and clinical de- society become stressed
ing in my dormitory with a fe- children. Astutely aware of which could affect the mind pression with antidepressant beyond the natural bounds
ver and the classical symp- cultural differences among in ways such as muddling medication which, unfortu- of a healthy physiology. Re-
toms of measles the three Hispanics, even before the the thinking. Longer term nately, are risky. In 2005, the gardless of the origin of the
Cs—cough, coryza (runny Cuban exodus to Miami, the weaknesses in the Spleen Food and Drug Administra- stress, or if we consciously
nose) and conjunctivitis (red school doctor had chosen may also begin to effect the tion issued a warning of pos- recognize that we are de-
eyes). Of course those were correctly a food that would quality of blood in the body sible increased suicide risk in pressed the effects may very
the days, before the MMS pull me out of my funk. Within which can strongly influence adults taking antidepressants well be the same. Aggressive
vaccine when children were an hour I was wide awake a the heart system causing and an increased suicide risk antidepressant medication
still allowed to get measles. clamoring to be able to join symptoms such as insomnia in children. With such over- advertisement promises to
I duly reported to the infir- my school mates. a/or restlessness. So, insom- whelming evidence against get you out of your funk by
mary to sweat out my fever What the insightful school nia or excessive sleeping are the prescription of the newer taking their little pill. How-
that would last at least three doctor had realized is that additional symptoms of de- antidepressants, why would ever, the small print paints
days. I was clinically depressed. pression. physicians prescribe such a more dangerous picture.
Five days later, I was still in Our word depression comes Fatigue or loss of energy can drugs or patients take them? For a safer alternative for
the infirmary. My bout with from the Latin word “deprim- reflect an imbalance in the There are other ways to treat your symptoms, call for an
the virus had been uncom- ere” which means to “press Kidney energy. If left untreat- depression, including acu- appointment.q
plicated, yet the physician down”. ed, the Kidneys inability to puncture treatments, coun-
who came in every after- Perhaps this comes from nourish Liver energy produc- seling and natural herbal CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
noon hearing I was still sleep- the realization that people es a definite loss of interest or treatments. an Oriental Medical Doc-
ing most of the day, would can feel that life is pressing pleasure in usual activities. An important caution is that tor (O.M.D.) having studied
not order my discharge them down. Many people Women who have lost their no food based supplement in Shanghai, China; a Board
from the school infirmary. identify the feeling of being interest and pleasure in sex that is effective in treating Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
The doctor made sure I had depressed as “being blue”, usually excuse their position depression should be taken (C.C.N.), a fellow member of
not had diarrhea checked “feeling sad for no reason”, as being “too tired”. The Kid- together with antidepres- the Board Certified Associa-
me carefully with his stetho- or “having no motivation neys, being strongly related sant medication, since they tion of Addiction Profession-
scope for pneumonia. He to do anything”. Indeed, to the foundations of Yin and could compound the nega- als (C.Ad.), the Chairperson
knew complications are usu- many symptoms of depres- Yang, the combined forms tive side effects. This is espe- of the Latin American Com-
ally more severe amongst sion include feeling sad or of life energy in your body, cially relevant with St. John’s mittee of the International
adults who catch the virus blue, anxiety or irritability, or are also likely to play a role wort. Academy of Oral Medicine
and that the fatality rate feelings of worthlessness or in the ability to climax and In our clinic we use a com- and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
from measles in children or excessive guilt. When a per- vaginal lubrication bination of diet and acu- Rejuvenating Cell Therapist
for otherwise healthy peo- son has thoughts of death or Some of the common life- puncture to rebalance the and specializes in Anti-Aging
ple in developed countries is suicide they usually can fig- style habits which may con- energy of your body and to Medicine, has a weekly radio
low. Why was I still lethargic? ure out that something is not tribute to this are: lack of support you as you transition program, writes and lectures
Asking some questions right with them. exercise, poor dietary hab- off antidepressant medica- extensively. For information:
about my home back in Aru- However, in our grass- roots its - especially fried foods tion. Once the metabolites VIANA NATURAL HEALING
ba, I heard the good doctor, clinic I diagnose patients as and foods not meant for or chemical traces of anti- CENTER NV, Kibaima 7, Aru-
on his way out of the infirma- suffering from a stagnation our metabolic type, alcohol depressant medication are ba, TEL: 585-1270, Web Site:
ry arguing with the school of Liver chi. This indicates and other drugs, including out of your body we rec-
nurse. Several minutes later that the energy within the some prescription medica- ommend SAMe, s-adeno-
with much complaining the body is not flowing smoothly tions and repressed or overly sylmethionine, and 5 –HTP, Dr. Viana’s Award Winning
nurse brought me a cup of and results in the symptoms expressed emotions, espe- 5-Hydroxytryptophan. SAMe BOOK: Prescriptions from
coffee laden with milk and of depression even when pa- cially anger or grief. People is a substance that occurs Paradise, Introduction to
tients themselves do not rec- who realize they are in a naturally in the body and Biocompatible Medicine –
ognize this. As a result of Liver funk are better prepared that can be taken as a sup- Available at local Bookstores,
Chi Stagnation, the Heart, to help themselves. Clinical plement. 5-HTP is a naturally- Hotel Gift shops and Boticas.
Spleen a/or Kidney systems depression, where physical occurring amino acid. Stud- Signed copies at Viana Heal-
may also be effected. symptoms of depression are ies have demonstrated that ing Center, EBooks: Amazon
Symptoms may include sig- present can be more serious neither of these substances kindle, Nook, Itunes check
nificant weight loss or weight than normal depressed feel- have the side effects of anti- for Events at: facebook.
gain, explained by Tradition ings because it often leads depressant medication and com/vianahealingcenter.q