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WORLD NEWS Wednesday 15 June 2022
Argentina authorities seek data on Iranian, Venezuelan crew
ALMUDENA CALATRAVA to international terrorism.
Associated Press Rossi said the plane carried
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina cargo for several Argentine
(AP) — Police officers on auto parts companies that
Tuesday searched the ho- it loaded in Mexico be-
tel where the Venezuelan fore stopping by Caracas
and Iranian crew of a mys- and arriving in Argentina
terious plane that remains on June 6. It first landed in
stuck at Buenos Aires' main the central city of Córdo-
international airport have ba due to weather condi-
been staying as authorities tions that prevented it from
blocked its exit amid sus- landing in Ezeiza, just out-
picions about its crew and side Buenos Aires.
U.S. sanctions against Iran. "The plane's cargo was
Federal Judge Federico verified in all manners pos-
Villena ordered the raid at sible," Rossi told a local ra-
Hotel Plaza Canning, out- dio station.
side Buenos Aires, which The unusually large crew
has housed the crew of the had earlier raised suspicions
Venezuelan-owned Boeing in Paraguay, where the
747 cargo plane loaded A Venezuelan-owned Boeing 747 taxis on the runway after landing in the Ambrosio Taravella air- plane landed last month
with automative parts. port in Cordoba, Argentina, Monday, June 6, 2022. in Ciudad del Este, close
The plane has been stuck Associated Press to the Argentina and Brazil
at Argentina's largest air- borders, where it remained
port since June 6 as Argen- the Quds Force of the Rev- crewmembers than were guay and Mexico, in earlier between May 13 and May
tine authorities have seized olutionary Guard of Iran," actually aboard, an unusu- months, according to flight 16, Paraguay's interior min-
the passports of the five Ira- which has been officially ally large contingent for a tracking services. ister, Federico González,
nians who are among the listed as a terrorist organiza- cargo plane. Opposition leaders in Ar- told a local radio station on
at least 17 crew members tion by the U.S. government Until it was sold to Emtra- gentina have criticized the Wednesday.
who arrived in Argentina since 2007. sur around a year ago, the government for allowing The plane landed in Para-
aboard the plane. There do not appear to be plane had been owned by the plane to land in the guay with "18 crew mem-
Argentina's Security Min- any warrants out for the Mahan Air of Iran, which country. bers, of which seven were
ister, Aníbal Fernández, arrest of any of the crew- the U.S. government has Argentine authorities insist Iranians and 11 Venezu-
said that the government members. sanctioned for allegedly they have not found any elans," Douglas Cubilla,
received information from There are numerous sus- aiding the Quds Force and irregularities in the plane's head of airports at Para-
foreign intelligence agen- picions surrounding the terrorist activities. crew and the head of the guay's National Civil Aero-
cies that at least some of plane, including the way The plane had stopped Federal Intelligence Agen- nautics Directorate, had
the Iranian crew were part in which its operators re- in other Latin American cy, Agustín Rossi, criticized told a local radio station on
of "companies related to ported a lower number of countries, including Para- the opposition for linking it May 18.q
Danish-Canadian deal ends 49-year-old feud over Arctic isle
COPENHAGEN, Denmark ish Foreign Minister Jeppe of the flagpole and left a
(AP) — A territorial dispute Kofod. He said it was "an note saying, "Welcome to
between Denmark and important signal now that the Danish island." Canadi-
Canada over a barren there is much war and un- ans then planted their own
and uninhabited rock in rest in the world." flag and left a bottle of Ca-
the Arctic that has led to Canada and Denmark nadian brandy. Since then,
decades of friendly friction agreed in 1973 to create a the countries have in turns
has come to an end, with border through Nares Strait, hoisted their flags and left
the two countries agreeing halfway between Green- bottles of various spirits in a
on Tuesday to divide the land and Canada. But sort of tot-for-tot dispute.
tiny island between them. they were unable to agree In 2002, Nana Flensburg
Under the agreement, a which country would have was part of a Danish mili-
border will be drawn across sovereignty over Hans Is- tary crew that stood on
the 1.3-square-kilometer land, which lies about 1,100 the cliff to perform a flag-
(half-square-mile) Hans Is- kilometers (680 miles) south raising ceremony. The Poli-
land in the waterway be- of the North Pole. In the tiken newspaper on Tues- Greenland Prime Minister Mute Bourup Egede, left, Denmark's
tween the northwestern end, they decided to work day quote her as saying in Minister for Foreign Affairs Jeppe Kofod, center, and Canada's
coast of the semi-auton- out the question of owner- her diary that "among the Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly share a three-way hand-
omous Danish territory of ship later. stones in the cairns were lots shake after signing an agreement that will establish a land bor-
der between Canada and Denmark on Hans Island, an Arctic is-
Greenland and Canada's In the following years, the of bottles, glasses, etc. with land between Nunavut and Greenland, Tuesday, June 14, 2022,
Ellesmere Island. The rock territorial dispute — nick- documents that informed in Ottawa.
has no known mineral re- named the "whisky war" by about previous visits to the Associated Press
serves of value. media — raised its head island." The agreement
"It sends a clear signal that multiple times. enters into force after the "It's a win for Canada. It's a "We're showing other coun-
it is possible to resolve bor- In 1984, Denmark's minister two countries' internal pro- win for Denmark," Canadi- tries how territorial disputes
der disputes ... in a prag- of Greenland affairs raised cedures have been com- an Foreign Minister Mélanie can be resolved ... What
matic and peaceful way, a Danish flag on the island, pleted. In Denmark, the Joly said, while alluding to we're saying to President
where the all parties be- buried a bottle of Dan- Parliament must first give its Russian President Vladimir Putin is, 'We have the best
come winners," said Dan- ish schnapps at the base consent to the agreement. Putin's invasion of Ukraine. way to settle disputes.'"q