Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
LOCAL Wednesday 15 June 2022
Antoinette “It’s so great to be back”
Today we want to share with our readers a letter we re-
ceived from one of our loyal reader Antoinetta de Wit
from Canada.
I am a frequently returning Dutch-Canadian tourist, back
in beautiful Aruba for a two week relaxing visit.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of us personal-
ly and economically yet it is great to see that the people
of Aruba have worked hard to mitigate the impact of be-
ing shut down and of a slowly improving economy.
All of the airport staff were cordial, pleasant and happy
to see us. The procedures for arrival are so easy to follow
and standing in long lines has become less onerous than
years ago. We were through it all faster than ever and a
nice line of taxis stood at the ready. other bits of garbage. We saw the beach
The welcoming associates at our time share Resort (La crew of both La Cabana and Eagle Aruba Antoinetta DeWit
Cabana) knew we were coming, all of the paper work scour the beach with their sifters, to ensure British Columbia
was done and our unit was ready for us to start our “hap- five star first impressions. Canada
py to be here vacation” . It’s so great to be back!q
Eagle Beach has always been very beautiful but this
time we really noticed something even more beautiful…
no cigarette or cigar butts anywhere, no loose straws or
Corruption Survey 2022
Oranjestad, June 13, 2022 - the fact that Aruba is not
The Centrale Bank van Aru- part of these international
ba (CBA) is conducting a surveys, and consequently
"Corruption Survey", which important data on local
began on June 10, 2022. corruption are not avail-
The online survey includes, able, the CBA has been
among others, questions conducting the corruption
about the level of corrup- survey since 2018.
tion, experiences with cor-
ruption when using servic- We are aware that this in-
es particularly in the public formation is sensitive. We
sector, and the need for therefore stress that this
additional anti-corruption survey is strictly anonymous
measures. and guarantee that all in-
formation received will be
Curbing corruption in Aru- treated with the utmost
ba is a high priority for the confidence. Data will only
CBA, because corruption be used on an aggregated
has far reaching nega- basis for statistical and an-
tive economic and social alytical purposes. All Aru-
repercussions. Several in- ban residents older than
ternational organizations, 18 years are invited to take
such as Transparency In- part in this important sur-
ternational, frequently exe- vey by filling in the online
cute surveys on the level of questionnaire. This can be
corruption in many coun- accessed via our website:
tries. To compensate for q