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                    Tuesday 21 March 2023
            With overdoses up, states look at harsher fentanyl penalties

            Continued from Front                                                                                                Democratic Attorney Gen-
                                                                                                                                eral Aaron Ford would give
            But the strategy is alarming                                                                                        one to 20 years in prison for
            recovery  advocates  who                                                                                            selling,  possessing,  manu-
            say focusing on the criminal                                                                                        facturing  or  transporting  4
            angle  of  drugs  has  histori-                                                                                     grams  or  more  of  fentanyl
            cally  backfired,  including                                                                                        into  the  state,  depend-
            when  lawmakers  elevated                                                                                           ing  on  the  amount.  It’s  a
            crack cocaine penalties in                                                                                          change  for  Ford,  who  has
            the 1980s.                                                                                                          supported  criminal  justice
            “Every time we treat drugs                                                                                          reforms including a sweep-
            as  a  law  enforcement                                                                                             ing  2019  law  that,  among
            problem  and  push  stricter                                                                                        other provisions, raised the
            laws, we find that we punish                                                                                        threshold  for  such  penal-
            people in ways that destroy                                                                                         ties  to  100  grams.  It  would
            their lives and make it hard-                                                                                       also  remove  fentanyl  from
            er for them to recover later                                                                                        the  state’s  “Good  Samari-
            on,” said Adam Wandt, an                                                                                            tan”  law,  which  exempts
            assistant  professor  of  pub-                                                                                      people  from  criminal  drug
            lic policy at John Jay Col-                                                                                         possession  charges  while
            lege  of  Criminal  Justice  in                                                                                     reporting an overdose.
            New  York.  He  said  people                                                                                        “What  we’ve  learned  is
            behind bars often continue                                                                                          that lowering the thresholds
            getting drugs — often with-  People whose family members have died from fentanyl overdose stand at a committee meeting   for all drugs was overinclu-
            out  receiving  quality  ad-  on Jan. 19, 2023, in Columbia, S.C.                                                   sive,” Ford said.
            diction  treatment  —  then                                                                        Associated Press   Harm reduction advocates
            emerge  to  find  it’s  harder  Fentanyl  mostly  arrives  in   meaning 1 gram — about  Conference of State Legis-  are  pushing  Ford  and  oth-
            to get work.                 the U.S. from Mexico and is   the  same  as  a  paper  clip  latures.                  ers to rethink their support,
            Since  2020,  drug  overdos-  mixed into supplies of other   — could contain 500 lethal  And in this year, in one leg-  arguing   the   thresholds
            es are now linked to more  drugs,  including  cocaine,    doses.                       islative  chamber  of  liberal  for  longer  penalties  can
            than 100,000 deaths a year  heroin, methamphetamine       That’s  what’s  driving  some  Oregon  and  one  cham-    sweep  up  low-level  users
            nationally, with about two-  and    counterfeit  oxyco-   lawmakers  to  crack  down  ber  of  conservative  West  —  not  just  the  dealers  the
            thirds  of  them  fentanyl-re-  done pills. Some users seek   with harsh penalties, along  Virginia,  lawmakers  have  law is aimed at — as well as
            lated. That’s more than 10  it  out.  Others  don’t  know   with  adopting  measures  agreed upon tougher pen-      some  who  may  not  even
            times as many drug deaths  they’re taking it.             such  as  legalizing  materi-  alties.  In  her  State  of  the  know  they  are  taking  fen-
            as in 1988, at the height of  Ingesting  2  milligrams  of   als to test drug supplies for  State  speech  this  March,  tanyl.  They  warn  that  the
            the crack epidemic.          fentanyl  can  be  fatal,    fentanyl  and  distributing  Alabama  Gov.  Kay  Ivey,  state’s crime labs test only
                                                                      naloxone, a drug that can  a  Republican,  called  on  for the presence of fentan-
                                                                      reverse overdoses.           lawmakers to adopt a drug  yl,  not  the  exact  amount
                                                                      Before  this  year’s  legis-  trafficking bill that includes  in a mixture of drugs. Thus,
                                                                      lative  sessions  began,  a  tougher  fentanyl  sentenc-  people  with  over  4  grams
                                                                      dozen  states  had  already  es.                          of  drugs  containing  a  few
                                                                      adopted  fentanyl  posses-   In  Nevada,  where  Demo-    milligrams of fentanyl could
                                                                      sion  measures,  according  crats  control  the  Legis-   be  subject  to  trafficking
                                                                      to tracking by the National  lature,  a  bill  backed  by  penalties, they say.q

                                                                      Biden issues first veto, taking on new

                                                                      Republican Congress

                                                                      By ZEKE MILLER and           and Biden is gearing up for  Critics  say  environmental,
                                                                      SEUNG MIN KIM                even bigger fights with Re-  social  and  governance
                                                                      Associated Press             publicans  on  government  (ESG) investments allocate
                                                                      WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     spending  and  raising  the  money  based  on  political
                                                                      dent  Joe  Biden  issued  the  nation's  debt  limit  in  the  agendas,  such  as  a  drive
                                                                      first  veto  of  his  presidency  next few months.        against  climate  change,
                                                                      Monday  in  an  early  sign  The  measure  vetoed  by  rather than on earning the
                                                                      of  shifting  White  House  re-  Biden  ended  a  Trump-era  best  returns  for  savers.  Re-
                                                                      lations  with  the  new  Con-  ban  on  federal  managers  publicans in Congress who
                                                                      gress  since  Republicans  of  retirement  plans  con-    pushed  the  measure  to
                                                                      took  control  in  January.  sidering  factors  such  as  overturn the Labor Depart-
                                                                      He's seeking to kill a Repub-  climate change, social im-  ment's  action  argue  ESG
                                                                      lican  measure  that  bans  pacts  or  pending  lawsuits  is  just  the  latest  example
                                                                      the government from con-     when  making  investment  of  the  world  trying  to  get
                                                                      sidering  environmental  im-  choices.                    "woke."
                                                                      pacts  or  potential  lawsuits  Because  suits  and  climate  Biden,  in  a  video  released
                                                                      when  making  investment  change       have    financial  by  the  White  House,  said
                                                                      decisions for Americans' re-  repercussions,  administra-  he vetoed the measure be-
                                                                      tirement plans.              tion  officials  argue  that  cause it "put at risk the re-
                                                                      It's just the latest manifesta-  the  investment  limits  are  tirement savings of individ-
                                                                      tion of the new relationship,  courting  possible  disaster.  uals across the country."q
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