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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 21 March 2023

             Idaho poised to allow firing-squad executions in some cases

            By REBECCA BOONE                                                                       “I’ve  seen  the  aftermath  to ask my staff to do that,”
            Associated Press                                                                       of  shootings,  and  it’s  psy-  Tewalt said.
            BOISE,  Idaho  (AP)  —  Ida-                                                           chologically  damaging  to  Both Tewalt and his former
            ho  is  poised  to  allow  firing                                                      anybody  who  witnesses  co-worker       Kevin   Kempf
            squads  to  execute  con-                                                              it,” Foreman said. “The use  played  a  key  role  in  ob-
            demned inmates when the                                                                of the firing squad is, in my  taining  the  drugs  used  in
            state can’t get lethal-injec-                                                          opinion,  beneath  the  dig-  the 2012 execution of Rich-
            tion drugs, under a bill the                                                           nity of the state of Idaho.”  ard  Albert  Leavitt,  flying
            Legislature passed Monday                                                              The bill originated with Re-  to  Tacoma,  Washington,
            with a veto-proof majority.                                                            publican Rep. Bruce Skaug,  with  more  than  $15,000  in
            Firing  squads  will  be  used                                                         prompted  in  part  by  the  cash  to  buying  them  from
            only  if  the  state  cannot                                                           state’s  inability  to  execute  a pharmacist. The trip was
            obtain  the  drugs  needed                                                             Gerald  Pizzuto  Jr.  late  last  carefully kept secret by the
            for  lethal  injections  —  and                                                        year. Pizzuto, who now has  department  but  revealed
            one death row inmate has                                                               terminal cancer and other  in  court  documents  after
            already had his scheduled                                                              debilitating  illnesses,  has  University  of  Idaho  profes-
            execution  postponed  mul-                                                             spent more than three de-    sor Aliza Cover sued for the
            tiple times because of drug                                                            cades on death row for his  information under a public
            scarcity.                                                                              role  in  the 1985  slayings  of  records act.
            Idaho  previously  had  a  fir-                                                        two gold prospectors.        Kempf  was  promoted  to
            ing  squad  option  on  the                                                            The  Idaho  Department  of  lead the Idaho Department
            books  but  has  never  used                                                           Correction  estimates  that  of Correction two years lat-
            it. The option was removed                                                             it will cost around $750,000  er but now is the executive
            from state law in 2009 after                                                           to  build  or  retrofit  a  death  director of the Correctional
            the U.S. Supreme Court up-   The  execution  chamber  at  the  Idaho  Maximum  Security   chamber  for  firing  squad  Leaders  Association.  He
            held a method of lethal in-  Institution is shown as Security Institution Warden Randy Blades   executions.         said the execution process
            jection that was commonly    look on in Boise, Idaho on Oct. 20, 2011.   Associated Press   Idaho  Department  of  Cor-  is  always  challenging  for
            used at the time.                                                                      rection Director Jeff Tewalt  all  involved,  including  the
            Only Mississippi, Utah, Okla-  can, has voiced his support  squad is “humane.”         last  year  told  lawmakers  family  members  of  victims.
            homa  and  South  Carolina  for  the  death  penalty  but  “This is a rule of law issue our  there  would  likely  be  as  Those challenges could be
            currently  have  laws  allow-  generally  does  not  com-  criminal system should work  many  legal  challenges  to  amplified in firing squad ex-
            ing  firing  squads  if  other  ment  on  legislation  before  and penalties should be ex-  planned  firing  squad  ex-  ecutions, he said.
            execution  methods  are  he signs or vetoes it.           acted,” Ricks said.          ecutions  as  there  are  to  “I’ve got to say at the same
            unavailable,  according  to  Sen. Doug Ricks, a Republi-  But Sen. Dan Foreman, also  lethal  injections.  At  the  time,  my  thoughts  go  to
            the Death Penalty Informa-   can who co-sponsored the  a  Republican,  said  firing-   time, he said he would be  staff  members  that  may
            tion  Center.  A  judge  has  bill,  told  his  fellow  senators  squad  executions  would  reluctant  to  ask  his  staff-  have  to  carry  out  some-
            put  South  Carolina’s  law  on Monday that the state’s  traumatize the people who  ers to participate in a firing  thing,  per  law,  that  looks
            on hold until a lawsuit chal-  difficulty  in  finding  lethal  who  carry  them  out,  the  squad.                 like  putting  someone  to
            lenging  the  method  is  re-  injection  drugs  could  con-  people  who  witness  them  “I don’t feel, as the director  death,” Kempf told the AP
            solved.                      tinue “indefinitely” and that  and the people who clean  of the Idaho Department of  during  a  phone  interview
            Gov. Brad Little, a Republi-  he believes death by firing  up afterward.               Correction, the compulsion  earlier this month. q

                                         Police: Dentist used rush order cyanide to poison wife

                                         perform surgery. As Angela  have decided to file charg-   made for her for their work-  gators  that  Craig  was  on
                                         Craig languished in the hos-  es against him.             outs on March 6 and then  the  verge  of  bankruptcy
                                         pital with doctors unable to  Police in the Denver suburb  gave  her  one  with  potas-  and  had  been  having
                                         figure out what was wrong  of Aurora began investigat-    sium  cyanide  before  she  problems  in  his  marriage.
                                         with her, police also allege  ing Craig after the partner  had to go back to the hos-  Angela  Craig’s  sister,  Toni
                                         James  Craig  was  meeting  in  his  dental  practice  and  pital again. The delivery of  Kofoed,  told  police  that
                                         with a woman he planned  friend, Ryan Redfearn, told  a third substance he is ac-      Craig had drugged his wife
                                         to start a new life with, ac-  a nurse that Craig had or-  cused  of  ordering,  Olean-  about  five  years  ago  with
                                         cording  to  court  docu-    dered  potassium  cyanide  drin,  was  intercepted  by  an unknown drug because
                                         ments.                       even  though  they  did  not  authorities  after  they  be-  he  said  he  planned  to  kill
            In this undated photo provided   Craig,  45,  was  arrested  on  need  it  for  their  work,  ac-  gan investigating him.  himself  and  did  not  want
            by  Aurora  Police  Department   suspicion  of  first-degree  cording  to  an  arrest  war-  According to the arrest af-  her to be able to save him.
            is James Craig.
                        Associated Press  murder  Sunday,  shortly  af-  rant  laying  out  evidence  fidavit, Craig told Redfearn  Kofoed  believes  that  inci-
                                         ter his wife died after being  gathered  by  investigators.  that he ordered the potassi-  dent  is  what  Craig  refer-
            By COLLEEN SLEVIN            taken off life support during  Craig had asked an office  um cyanide for his wife and  enced  in  a  series  of  texts
            Associated Press             her third trip to the hospital  manager  not  to  open  the  told  a  social  worker  that  between   Angela   and
            DENVER  (AP)  —  Investiga-  this  month.  According  to  package  but  another  em-   she had been suicidal and  James  Craig  about  her
            tors say a Colorado dentist  court  records,  he  is  being  ployee  did,  leading  to  its  depressed  since  he  asked  symptoms after she first fell
            intent on killing his wife put  represented  by  the  public  discovery and eventual dis-  for  a  divorce  in  Decem-  ill on March 6. James Craig
            poison in her protein shakes  defender’s  office,  which  closure  to  authorities,  the  ber even though neither of  wrote:  “Given  our  history  I
            before  finally  succeeding  does not comment on cas-     document said.               the  couple’s  children  said  know that must be trigger-
            with  a  rush  order  dose  of  es.  Craig  is  scheduled  to  Investigators  believe  Craig  anything  about  suicide  at-  ing.  Just  for  the  record,  I
            potassium  cyanide  pow-     appear in court Thursday to  put  arsenic  in  one  of  the  tempts.                   didn’t drug you. I am super
            der  he  said  he  needed  to  learn  whether  prosecutors  protein shakes he routinely  Redfearn  also  told  investi-  worried though.”q
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