Page 8 - aruba-today-20230321
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                    Tuesday 21 March 2023

            As part of AUA Airport’s corporate strategy and commitment to create more sustainable airport operations:
            Aruba Airport receives Airport Carbon Accreditation Level 3

            In  Aruba  Airport  Authority  ‘Mapping’,   ‘Reduction’,
            N.V.  (AAA)’s  vision,  goals,  ‘Optimisation’,  ‘Neutrality’,
            and  objectives,  sustain-   ‘Transformation’ and ‘Tran-
            ability is defined as one of  sition’.
            the  most  important  strate-
            gic pillars of the company.  By  achieving  the  Airport
            AAA  has  the  ambition  to  Carbon Accreditation Lev-
            be  the  most  sustainable  el  3  –  Optimisation,  AUA
            airport  in  the  region  and  Airport  engaged  its  third
            proudly  announces  its  lat-  parties  in  carbon  footprint
            est  achievement,  the  Air-  management  and  wid-
            port  Carbon  Accreditation  ened the scope of its car-
            Level 3.                     bon  footprint  to  include  a
                                         range of Scope 3 emissions.
            In  2018,  AUA  Airport  en-  Third parties include airlines
            tered  Airports  Council  In-  and various service provid-
            ternational’s  (ACI)  Airport  ers,  such  as  independent                             dustry”,  were  the  words  About AUA Airport
            Carbon       Accreditation  ground  handlers,  catering   “We  congratulate  Aruba     expressed  by  ACI-LAC's  AUA  Airport  is  one  of  the
                                                                      for being the first airport in
            (ACA)  program,  which  is  companies,  fueling  com-
            the only global, airport-spe-  pany,  and  others  working   the  Eastern  Caribbean  to   Director  General,  Rafael  busiest  airports  in  the  Ca-
                                                                                                                                ribbean  region,  with  22
                                                                      achieve Level 3 "Optimisa-
            cific carbon management  on  the  airport  site.  Actions
                                                                                                                                different  airlines  operating
            certification  program  for  taken  to  measure,  man-    tion" in the Airport Carbon   AAA’s   Director   Health,  into  Aruba  contributing  to
            airports. It provides airports  age and reduce its carbon
            with a common framework  footprint  included  data        The management and em-       Safety  and  Sustainability,  processing  over  2.5  million
                                                                                                                                passengers  per  year  and
                                                                                                   Angeline  Flemming,  indi-
                                                                      ployees  of  Queen  Beatrix
            and assesses and recogniz-   collection, inspections, au-
            es the efforts of airports to  diting,  and  calculations  of   Airport have demonstrated   cated  that  “this  achieve-  providing  air  service  to  22
                                                                                                   ment  solidifies  the  efforts  cities and 34 non-stop des-
                                                                      once again their leadership
            manage  and  reduce  their  GHG  emissions,  amongst
            carbon  emissions  through  other efforts.                and  commitment  towards     and  commitment  of  our  tinations  worldwide.  AUA
                                                                      a  sustainable  aviation  in-
                                                                                                   staff,  airport  community,  Airport’s  markets  served
            6  levels  of  certification:
                                                                                                   partners,  and  stakeholders  comprise  of  77%  from  the
                                                                                                   towards  making  AUA  Air-   United  States  &  Canada,
                                                                                                   port  the  most  sustainable  11% from Latin America, 7%
                                                                                                   airport  in  the  region.  This  from  Europe,  and  5%  from
                                                                                                   certification  is  part  of  the  Dutch  Caribbean,  year  to
                                                                                                   airport’s long-term strategy,  date,  January  2023.  AUA
                                                                                                   and  we  hope  to  encour-   Airport attributes this to the
                                                                                                   age other organizations to  island’s  stable  economic
                                                                                                   also  embrace  sustainable  and  political  climate,  hos-
                                                                                                   practices  in  their  daily  op-  pitable  and  multilingual
                                                                                                   erations and pursue certifi-  population, and safe envi-
                                                                                                   cations  that  contribute  to  ronment. AUA Airport’s as-
                                                                                                   a  better  more  sustainable  piration  is  to  become  one
                                                                                                   way of doing business.”      of  the  most  Sustainable,
                                                                                                                                Safe,  and  Future  Proof  air-
                                                                                                   Joost  Meijs,  CEO  of  AAA  port so the Latin America &
                                                                                                   stated  “as  part  of  our  sus-  Caribbean  region,  provid-
                                                                                                   tainability  goals  and  ob-  ing  a  trusted  workplace,
                                                                                                   jectives,  we  aim  to  reach  modern  airport  facilities
                                                                                                   certain  levels  of  certifica-  and  excellent  customer
                                                                                                   tions  in  the  upcoming  two  service  which  reflects  Aru-
                                                                                                   years.  ACA  program  pro-   ban  hospitality,  contribut-
                                                                                                   vides  a  unique  common  ing  to  a  prosperous  future
                                                                                                   framework and tool for air-  for Aruba.
                                                                                                   ports  to  properly  manage
                                                                                                   its  carbon  footprint  and  Learn  more  about  what’s
                                                                                                   guide and support airports  happening  at  AUA  Airport
                                                                                                   though the process of con-   by  visiting  www.airporta-
                                                                                                   tinual  improvement  and  and  connect
                                                                                                   partnership with stakehold-  with AUA Airport on Twitter.
                                                                                                   ers. Reaching Level 3 shows  com/Aruba_Airport,  Face-
                                                                                                   the  commitment  of  our,
                                                                                                   staff and other partners to
                                                                                                   conduct  business  with  re-  port/  and
                                                                                                   spect to our environment.”   ArubaAirport.q
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