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SPORTS              Tuesday 3 sepTember 2024

             U.S. Open: Jessica Pegula reaches her 7th Grand Slam

             quarterfinal. She is 0-6 at that stage so far

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  losing to No. 1 Iga Swiatek,
            AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                    who  went  on  to  win  one
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Jessica                                                                                         of  her  five  major  champi-
            Pegula is back in the quar-                                                                                         onships.  There  could  be
            terfinals  at  the  U.S.  Open                                                                                      another  meeting  against
            after a 6-4, 6-2 victory over                                                                                       Swiatek  looming:  Pegula
            Diana  Shnaider  on  Mon-                                                                                           next  faces  the  winner  of
            day,  her  seventh  trip  to                                                                                        Monday night’s match be-
            that round at a Grand Slam                                                                                          tween Swiatek and No. 16
            tournament.  Now  comes                                                                                             Liudmila Samsonova.
            the hard part: Pegula is 0-6                                                                                        Three  of  Pegula’s  six  quar-
            in  major  quarterfinals  over                                                                                      terfinal exits at Slams came
            her career.                                                                                                         against a No. 1 player  Swi-
            The  No.  6-seeded  Pegula,                                                                                         atek  twice  and  Ash  Barty
            an  American  whose  par-                                                                                           once.
            ents  own  the  NFL’s  Buffalo                                                                                      Asked  during  her  on-court
            Bills  and  NHL’s  Buffalo  Sa-                                                                                     interview  in  Arthur  Ashe
            bres, is on quite a run at the                                                                                      Stadium  what  she  needs
            moment, having won 13 of                                                                                            to  do  to  get  to  the  semifi-
            her past 14 matches, all on                                                                                         nals this time, Pegula joked:
            hard  courts.  That  included                                                                                       “I always say I just need to
            her  second  consecutive                                                                                            win the match to get to the
            title in Canada and an ap-                                                                                          semis, and then that’ll solve
            pearance in the final at the                                                                                        everything, right?”
            Cincinnati  Open,  where     Jessica Pegula, of the United States, returns a shot during a match against Daria Snigur, of Ukraine,   She  continued:  “Listen,  it
            she lost to No. 2 Aryna Sa-  in the fourth round of the U.S. Open tennis championships, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024, in New York.   doesn’t  really  matter  to
            balenka.                                                                                           Associated Press  me.  I  mean,  every  match
            “I  feel  like  there’s  been                                                                                       is every match. I’ve always
            more pressure this year, be-  the  semifinals  in  New  York,  No.  3  this  year  and  was  unbelievable  career  the  played it like that. It just so
            cause I did so well coming  before needing surgery on  eliminated  Sunday  by  No.  guy’s  had.  Just  an  icon  of  happens to be (the) quar-
            into  this  tournament,”  the  her  right  wrist  in  October,  13 Emma Navarro.       the game. I miss him in the  terfinals,  but  at  the  same
            30-year-old  Pegula  said.  “I  sidelining her for 10 months.  In  men’s  action  Monday,  change rooms. I miss being  time, to be able to say I’ve
            want  to  keep  working  my  “This  was  my  worst  and  No.  25  Jack  Draper  be-    next to his stinky shoes and  been in that position many,
            way and hopefully bringing  most  serious  injury,  I  would  came  the  first  British  man  all  his  stinky  clothes,”  said  many times is great. So I just
            my best tennis for the later  say. But, I mean, I love the  to  reach  the  quarterfinals  Draper, who’ll take on No.  have  to  keep  putting  my-
            rounds this time.”           sport, so in my head, I was  in  New  York  since  the  re-  10 Alex de Minaur or Jordan  self  there  and  keep  trying
            Also  returning  to  the  quar-  like,  ‘I  will  do  everything  I  cently retired Andy Murray  Thompson,  two  Australians  to play my game.”
            terfinals   was    Karolina  could  to  (get)  better  and  did it in 2016. Draper, who  scheduled  to  play  each  That  game  worked  quite
            Muchova, a 6-3, 6-3 winner  try.’ And here I am today,”  exited in the fourth round a  other  Monday.  “Andy’s  a  well against the 18th-seed-
            over No. 5 Jasmine Paolini,  said  Muchova,  whose  U.S.  year ago, will appear in his  legend,  and  if  I  have  half  ed Shnaider, a 20-year-old
            the runner-up at the French  Open  ended  a  year  ago  first Slam quarterfinal thanks  the career he had, then I’ll  Russian  who  played  one
            Open  and  Wimbledon  this  with  a  loss  to  eventual  to a 6-3, 6-1, 6-2 win against  be a happy man.”           season of college tennis at
            season.  Muchova  enjoyed  champion  Coco  Gauff.  unseeded Tomas Machac.              Pegula made it to the quar-  NC State and won a silver
            a  breakthrough  2023,  get-  “I’m just a really happy kid  “I  obviously  miss  Andy.  terfinals  at  Flushing  Mead-  medal in women’s doubles
            ting to the final in Paris and  now.”  Gauff  was  seeded  Shoutout to Andy. What an  ows two years ago, before  at the Paris Olympics.q
             U.S. Open action is delayed when a fire alarm shuts down the

             electronic line-calling system

             NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Play  in  plaining the delay. Medve-  A similar scene happened
             2021 champion Daniil Med-   dev  took  the  first  two  sets  across  the  way  at  Louis
             vedev’s  U.S.  Open  match  against  Nuno  Borges  and  Armstrong  Stadium,  where

             in  Arthur  Ashe  Stadium  they were at 2-1 in the third  Beatriz  Haddad  Maia  was
             and at all contests on other  set  of  their  fourth-round  serving for the first set of her
             courts,  too    was  delayed  match  when  chair  umpire  match against 2018 Austra-
             for  six  minutes  Monday  Nacho Forcadell told them  lian Open champion Caro-
             when  the  tournament’s  they needed to stop.            line  Wozniacki  when  chair
             electronic  line-calling  sys-  “Ladies  and  gentlemen,  umpire  Marijana  Veljovic
             tem  stopped  working  be-  due to a technical difficul-  informed the players, then
             cause  the  building  where  ty  with  the  electronic  line-  the  spectators,  there  was
             it’s housed was evacuated  calling  system,  we  have  a glitch with the automatic
             due to a fire alarm.        paused  the  match,”  For-   system  that  makes  in  and
             “Following  the  determina-  cadell  announced  to  the  out line calls.
             tion  that  this  was  only  an  crowd in Ashe.          There  were  a  total  of  15
             alarm, play was resumed,”  Medvedev  wound  up  fin-     matches  in  progress  at    Daniil Medvedev, of Russia, serves during a match against Nuno
             the  U.S.  Tennis  Association  ishing  off  his  6-0,  6-1,  6-3  the  time.  Eventually,  all   Borges, of Portugal, in the fourth round of the U.S. Open tennis
             said  in  a  statement  ex-  victory.                    resumed.q                    championships, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024, in New York.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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