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                Tuesday 3 sepTember 2024
             Patrick Mahomes wants better start for Chiefs, more Week 1 magic

             when Ravens visit Thursday night

            By DAVE SKRETTA                                                                                                     a little different. There’s just
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    a little bit more passing that
            KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  —                                                                                         goes  on  now.  At  the  col-
            The Kansas City Chiefs insist                                                                                       lege    all  levels  really,  you
            that  they  are  not  thinking                                                                                      start  at  the  little  kid’s  level
            about  last  year’s  opener                                                                                         and  on  up  through  high
            against  Detroit,  when  they                                                                                       school  and  college,  and
            celebrated  their  latest  Su-                                                                                      the  ball  is  being  thrown
            per  Bowl  triumph  with  a                                                                                         more. It’s a compliment to
            flag-raising  ceremony  and                                                                                         Pat because he does it the
            were  promptly  beaten  by                                                                                          right way.
            the Lions.                                                                                                          “As  great  as  he  is,”  Reid
            Patrick  Mahomes  is  chief                                                                                         said,  “he’s  a  humble  guy
            among them.                                                                                                         and  respects  the  things
            The  three-time  Super  Bowl                                                                                        that happened before him.
            MVP  had  by  far  the  worst                                                                                       He gets it.”
            Week  1  performance  of                                                                                            Mahomes  tends  to  rise  to
            his career that night, com-                                                                                         the  occasion,  the  bigger
            pleting  barely  more  than                                                                                         the  game  the  bigger  his
            50% of his passes for just 226                                                                                      performance. It’s a big rea-
            yards with his fewest touch-                                                                                        son  why  the  two-time  NFL
            down passes (two) and first                                                                                         MVP  has  led  the  Chiefs  to
            interception  in  six  season   Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes celebrates on the sidelines during the first half   six consecutive AFC cham-
            openers.                     of an NFL preseason football game against the Chicago Bears Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024, in Kansas   pionship  games,  reached
            Makes sense that Mahomes     City, Mo.                                                                              four  Super  Bowls  and  won
            has tried to wash away his                                                                         Associated Press  three of them.
            memory  of  the  Lions  with  best of his best  and it is an  games, and playing the Ra-  in  NFL  history  though  96  That includes this past sea-
            the  Ravens  awaiting  him  exceedingly  high  bar.  He  vens  in  particular.  “When-  starts, and every game he  son,  when  the  Chiefs  had
            Thursday night.              had  never  lost  a  season  ever  you  play  teams  like  seems to climb another his-  to beat the Ravens on the
            “I don’t think last year’s too  opener  until  running  into  this, you want to make sure  torical chart. One big step  road to win their latest con-
            much  on  your  mind,”  Ma-  Detroit, winning his first five  you match their physicality.  will  likely  come  Thursday  ference title.
            homes  said.  “You’re  so  fo-  as the starting quarterback  We’re fast, and we’ve got  night, when Mahomes  with  And while nobody mistakes
            cused on trying to get bet-  in  Kansas  City.  He  had  guys  that  run  around,  but  28,424 yards passing  needs  Week  1  for  the  playoffs,
            ter, and we’re playing the  completed at least 75% of  we  pride  ourselves  on  be-   just 84 to pass Hall of Famer  the  spotlight  nevertheless
            best  of  the  best  Week  1.  his  passes  in  four  of  those  ing  physical  as  well,  so  it’s  Len Dawson for the career  shines a little more brightly
            We’re  going  to  see  where  games,   averaged     308  going  to  be  a  great  chal-  franchise record.          than typical games.
            we’re  at.  We’re  going  to  yards and thrown for 18 TD  lenge, man.”                 “It’s  a  little  bit  different  The  Chiefs  will  once  again
            have  to  go  out  there  and  passes without a pick.     Something  else  that  Ma-   game now with the passing  raise a championship ban-
            play our best football early  He was just 21 of 39 for 226  homes  tries  not  to  think  the way it is,” Chiefs coach  ner  Thursday  night,  and
            in  the  season.  All  we  can  yards in the 21-20 loss to the  about: his place in history.  Andy Reid said, “but he has  the eyes of the NFL will fall
            do is go out there and be  Lions.  “You  don’t  want  to  He’s   completed     more  so much respect for Len be-    squarely  on  Arrowhead
            our best.”                   get pushed around. I think  passes for more yards and  fore Len passed. They had  Stadium for the game that
            That  is  more  the  norm  for  that’s  the  biggest  thing,”  more  touchdown  passes  a  relationship  there.  They  raises  the  curtain  on  the
            Mahomes  in  Week  1    the  Mahomes  said  of  Week  1  than     any   quarterback  talked. The game’s just it’s  regular season.q

            Star right fielder Fernando Tatis Jr. is back with the Padres as they

            push for a playoff spot

            By BERNIE WILSON             list  on  June  24,  retroactive  ry for essentially the whole
            AP Sports Writer             to June 22.                  season. It was first described
            SAN  DIEGO  (AP)  —  Star  He  spent  last  week  work-   as a quadriceps injury, but
            right  fielder  Fernando  Tatis  ing out at the team’s spring  the  team  discovered  the
            Jr.  was  activated  Monday  training complex in Arizona.  stress  reaction  after  imag-
            by  the  San  Diego  Padres  Tatis received a warm wel-   ing. Tatis won the NL Gold
            after  being  sidelined  for  come in the clubhouse, in-  Glove and Platinum Glove
            more than two months with  cluding  an  emphatic  hug  awards  last  year  in  his  first
            a stress reaction in his right  with center fielder Jackson  season in right field.
            thighbone.                   Merrill, considered by some  He was an All-Star at short-
            Tatis was set to bat second  to be the leading contend-   stop in 2021 before missing
            in  the  opener  of  a  three-  er for NL Rookie of the Year.  the 2022 season due to in-
            game  series  against  the  “I’m in a really good place  jury and a PED suspension.
            Detroit  Tigers.  The  Padres  right now,” Tatis said. “I feel  Tatis  was  hitting  .279  with
            entered the day in a virtual  like  I  can  do  anything  out  14  home  runs  and  36  RBIs
            tie with Arizona for the NL’s  there on the baseball field.”  when he went on the IL.  San  Diego  Padres’s  Fernando  Tatis  Jr.  smiles  in  the  dugout
            top wild card.               On the day he was placed  Outfielder  Bryce  Johnson      during the seventh inning of a baseball game against the New
            Tatis last played on June 21.  on the IL, Tatis said he had  was optioned to Triple-A El   York Mets, Friday, Aug. 23, 2024, in San Diego.
            He  was  put  on  the  injured  been dealing with the inju-  Paso.q                                                            Associated Press
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