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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 3 sepTember 2024
            A Pakistani religious leader is tried in his absence for allegedly

            threatening Geert Wilders

            By MIKE CORDER                                                                                                      brief trial.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “Every day you get up and
            SCHIPHOL, Netherlands (AP)                                                                                          leave  for  work  in  armored
            — Prosecutors demanded a                                                                                            cars,  often  with  sirens  on,
            14-year  sentence  Monday                                                                                           and you are always aware
            for a Pakistani Muslim leader                                                                                       somewhere in the back of
            accused of inciting the mur-                                                                                        your mind that this could be
            der of anti-Islam lawmaker                                                                                          your last day,” Wilders told
            Geert  Wilders,  the  leader                                                                                        the court.
            of  the  party  that  won  last                                                                                     “I’m 60 now, I haven’t been
            year’s  general  election  in                                                                                       free since I was 40,” he add-
            the Netherlands.                                                                                                    ed.
            Muhammad Ashraf Asif Ja-                                                                                            While  Jalali  is  not  likely  to
            lali did not appear for trial                                                                                       ever serve a sentence if he
            at a closely guarded court-                                                                                         is  convicted,  Wilders  said
            room  near  Amsterdam  as                                                                                           he  hoped  the  case  would
            prosecutors  accused  him                                                                                           send a message to him and
            of abusing his position as a                                                                                        the world that issuing death
            religious leader to call on fol-                                                                                    threats  would  not  be  ac-
            lowers  to  hang  or  behead                                                                                        cepted.
            Wilders.                                                                                                            A prosecutor, who asked not
            In a second case, prosecu-    Anti-Islam  lawmaker  Geert  Wilders,  takes  his  seat  at  the  high  security  court  at  Schiphol,  near   to be identified for security
            tors  sought  a  six-year  sen-  Amsterdam, Netherlands, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024, where two Pakistani men go on trial, likely in   reasons, told judges that the
            tence  against  a  second     their absence, on charges of threatening anti-Islam lawmaker Wilders, whose Party for Freedom   threats began to be aired on
                                          won national elections last year.
            Pakistani  man,  Saad  Rizvi,                                                                      Associated Press  social  media  after Wilders’
            for  incitement  or  threaten-                                                                                      announcement that he was
            ing a terrorist crime against  authorities seeking legal as-  Islam.                   to 10 years for preparing a  organizing a competition for
            Wilders.                     sistance to serve subpoenas  Last year, a former Pakistani  terrorist  attack  on  Wilders,  cartoons of the Prophet Mu-
            Rizvi also did not show up for  on  the  two  men  were  not  cricketer,  Khalid  Latif,  was  who is sometimes called the  hammad in 2018.
            his trial.                   executed.                    sentenced  to  12  years  in  Dutch Donald Trump.         The    planned     contest
            Neither  of  the  men  is  be-  They  are  the  latest  Dutch  prison over allegations that  In a statement to the court,  sparked  angry  protests  in
            lieved to be in the country,  trials for Muslims who have  he had offered a reward for  Wilders told judges of the im-  Pakistan  and  elsewhere  in
            and Pakistan has no extra-   threatened Wilders’ life, forc-  the  death  of  Wilders.  Latif  pact of the threats on his life,  the Muslim world in 2018.
            dition  agreement  with  the  ing him to live under around-  also did not appear for trial.  that  has  been  lived  under  Physical  depictions  of  the
            Netherlands.    Prosecutors  the-clock police protection  In 2019, a Pakistani man was  intense security since 2004.  prophet are forbidden in Is-
            said in a statement that re-  for nearly 20 years because  arrested in the Netherlands,  Two  armed  military  police  lam and deeply offensive to
            quests they sent to Pakistani  of his outspoken criticism of  convicted  and  sentenced  sat in court throughout the  Muslims. q

             Mexico finds the devil is in the details with laws against

             gender-based attacks on women politicians

            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  In  a  a  dangerous  precedent,  The  court  ruled  last  week  family  business  (his  brother  up  uncomfortable  aspects
            U.S.  electoral  campaign  even  though  the  losing  that the comment violated  now  holds  the  Zacatecas  of limits on free speech, or
            punctuated by jibes about  candidate belonged to his  a  Mexican  electoral  law  state  governorship  that  Ri-    how  one  female  can  be
            “childless cat ladies,” some  own Morena party.           that  prohibits  “slandering,  cardo Monreal once held)  accused  of  committing

            might wish there were rules  “We  should  be  careful  insulting  or  seeking  to  dis-  could  be  legitimate  points  gender  violence  against
            against  mocking  candi-     about this,” López Obrador  qualify a female candidate  to  make.  It  also  brought  another.q
            dates just because of their  said.  “When  insults,  real  or  based  on  gender  stereo-
            gender. Mexico  which just  imagined,  can  be  cause,  types,”  in  this  case,  beliefs
            elected its first female presi-  or  could  be  a  cause,  for  that  women  succeed  in
            dent  has such a law, but it  overturning  or  nullifying  a  politics based on their hus-
            turns out it’s not as easy as  victory,  that  is  something  bands’  or  fathers’  political
            all that.                    else altogether.”            power. It brings up obvious
            The debate centers around  The dispute arose after op-    comparisons to U.S. politics,
            a  hard-fought  race  be-    position  Alessandra  Rojo  and the digs by Ohio Sen.
            tween  two  female  can-     won a narrow victory over  JD Vance, the Republican
            didates  for  a  Mexico  City  Morena’s  Caty  Monreal  in  Vice  presidential  candi-
            borough  presidency.  An  the  race  for  the  borough  date,  about  “childless  cat
            electoral  court  overturned  that  includes  downtown  ladies”  with  allegedly  no
            an  opposition  candidate’s  Mexico  City.  During  the  stake  in  America’s  future.
            victory, ruling that she had  campaign,  Rojo  brought  It  is  unclear  whether  that
            committed “gender-based  up the fact that Monreal’s  could  be  perceived  as  a
            political  violence”  against  father,  Ricardo  Monreal,  dig  at  Vice  President  Ka-
            the losing, ruling-party can-  is  a  leading  Morena  party  mala  Harris.  But  critics  say   Mexican  President  Andres  Manuel  Lopez  Obrador  raises  the
            didate. Outgoing President  politician,  suggesting  she  the fact that Caty Monreal   hand  of  Claudia  Sheinbaum,  the  ruling  party’s  presidential
            Andrés  Manuel  López  Ob-   may have been the candi-     had  little  political  experi-  candidate, during a ceremony to give her the party’s command
            rador  suggested  Monday  date because of her dad’s  ence  or that her father ap-      staff in Mexico City, Sept. 7, 2023.
            the  ruling  could  create  influence.                    pears  to  treat  politics  as  a                                    Associated Press
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