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a8    local
                Tuesday 3 sepTember 2024

            Aruban legends:

            Frenchman’s Pass

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  ever  man’s pass—and how it got  to  smoke  them  out  of  the
            plan on taking a group tour  its name—dates back to the  caves,  but  the  indigenous
            of the island, you may pass  colonization era, when the  settlers  ended  up  inhaling
            through  the  Frenchman’s  French tried to colonize the  too much smoke and most
            Pass in Balashi. The French-  island, but were met with an  died  in  those  caves.  From
            man’s pass (known to locals  angry mob of indigenous set-  then  on,  this  passage  was
            as “Franse Pas”) remains a  tlers, refusing to give up their  known as Frenchman’s Pass,
            mysterious—and  spooky—      land. However, as the French  and there have been many    involves a lonely hitchhiker,  ran to Santa Cruz.
            road of which its legend is  were heavily equipped with  accounts of spirits roaming   trying  to  find  a  ride  back
            told from generation to gen-  fire arms, the indigenous set-  the area of Spanish Lagoon.   home in the dark rainy night.  Arriving at a nearby bar, he
            eration.                     tlers began to retreat, and  There are many ghost stories                              ordered a drink and began
                                         hid away in nearby caves.  surrounding  this  area,  but   Sometime  after  trying  to  to  tell  everyone  about  his
            The  history  of  the  French-  The  French  colonizers  tried  one of the most famous one   hitchhike,  the  man  saw  a  experience. Everyone grew
                                                                                                   car approaching, appearing  quiet, because they realized
                                                                                                   almost ghost-like in the rain.  he wasn’t some drunk mess-
                                                                                                   However, since he needed  ing  around;  he  was  telling
                                                                                                   a  ride  real  bad,  he  didn’t  the truth.
                                                                                                   think twice and jumped in.
                                                                                                   But to his horror, he noticed  Sometime  later,  two  men
                                                                                                   that the there was no driver  walked into the bar and one
                                                                                                   in the front. Paralyzed with  of them noticed the hitchhik-
                                                                                                   fear, he didn’t dare to get  er. He called out to his buddy
                                                                                                   out, and the car started to  and said: “Look, there’s the
                                                                                                   move.                        idiot who sat in our car when
                                                                                                                                we were pushing it!”
                                                                                                   When approaching a sharp
                                                                                                   turn, the hitch hiker braced  French man’s pass is one of
                                                                                                   for  impact,  but  just  when  the  few  sites  on  the  island
                                                                                                   he  though  the  car  might  that keeps the locals on their
                                                                                                   drive  straight  off  the  road  toes. While most ghost stories
                                                                                                   and crash, he saw a hand  may not have real grounds—
                                                                                                   appear  out  the  window  or some may even be a set
                                                                                                   and turn the wheel. For the  up story for a joke, this pass
                                                                                                   next few turns, the hand ap-  contributes a lot to our cul-
                                                                                                   peared again. After having  ture of folkloric story-telling.q
                                                                                                   had enough, the man de-
                                                                                                   cided to jump out and he        Source:

                                                                                                                 Aruba to me

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