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A28     u.s. news
               Diabierna 27 november 2020

                            They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss

            (AP)  —  Monday  seemed                                                                                             Emily  Murphy,  the  top  of-
            like  the  end  of  President                                                                                       ficial at the General Services
            Donald Trump's relentless                                                                                           Administration,    declared
            challenges to the election,                                                                                         Biden  the  “apparent  win-
            after  the  federal  govern-                                                                                        ner”  Monday,  a  procedural
            ment acknowledged Pres-                                                                                             yet  critical  step  that  allowed
            ident-elect Joe Biden was                                                                                           for the transition to begin in
            the  “apparent  winner”                                                                                             earnest.
            and  Trump  cleared  the                                                                                            She  made  the  determina-
            way  for  cooperation  on  a                                                                                        tion  after  Trump's  efforts  to
            transition of power.                                                                                                subvert the vote failed across
            But  his  baseless  claims                                                                                          battleground states. She cited
            have  a  way  of  coming                                                                                            “recent  developments  in-
            back. And back. And back.                                                                                           volving  legal  challenges  and
                                                                                                                                certifications  of  election  re-
            By  Wednesday,  Trump  was                                                                                          sults.”
            phoning into a local Pennsyl-                                                                                       Michigan  certified  Biden’s
            vania Republican lawmakers'                                                                                         154,000-count victory Mon-
            meeting  that  had  been  or-                                                                                       day, despite calls by Trump to
            chestrated by his campaign to                                                                                       the GOP members to block
            assert  falsely,  again,  that  the                                                                                 the vote to allow for an audit
            election was tainted.                                                                                               of  ballots  in  Wayne  Coun-
            “This  election  was  rigged                                                                                        ty,  where  Trump  claimed
            and we can’t let that happen,"                                                                                      he  was  the  victim  of  fraud.
            Trump said by phone, offer-                                                                                         Biden crushed the president
            ing no specific evidence.    A  day  after  Trump  said  his  of  the  legal  votes  have  been  Trump team's lawsuit seeking  by  more  than  330,000  votes
            The 2020 presidential race is  administration  should  be-  counted and the illegal votes  to throw out the results of the  there.
            turning into the zombie elec-  gin  working  with  Biden's  have not been counted in the  election.  The  judge  admon-  “The  board’s  duty  today  is
            tion that Trump just won’t let  team,  three  more  lawsuits  November 3rd election.”  ished  the  Trump  campaign  very  clear,”  said  Aaron  Van
            die.  Despite  dozens  of  legal  were  filed  by  allies  attempt-  In Pennsylvania, where state  in a scathing ruling about its  Langevelde,  the  Republican
            and  procedural  setbacks,  his  ing  to  stop  the  certification  Republican  lawmakers  met  lack of evidence.   vice chair. “We have a duty to
            campaign  keeps  filing  new  in  two  more  battleground  at Gettysburg on Wednesday  The campaign has appealed.   certify this election based on
            challenges  that  have  little  states. In Minnesota, a judge  to  air  grievances  about  the  Trump's  allies  have  private-  these returns.”
            hope of succeeding and mak-  did not rule on the suit and  election, Trump lawyer Rudy  ly  acknowledged  their  plan  Still,  the  Trump  legal  team
            ing  fresh,  unfounded  claims  the state certified the results  Giuliani  attended  in  person  would  never  actually  over-  dismissed the certification as
            of fraud.                    for Biden. Another was filed  and Trump dialed in from the  turn  the  results,  but  rather  “simply  a  procedural  step”
            But that’s the point. Trump’s  in  Wisconsin,  which  doesn't  Oval Office.            might  provide  Trump  an  and  insisted  it  would  fight
            strategy, his allies concede in  certify  until  Tuesday.  Arizo-  “We  have  all  the  evidence,"  off-ramp for a loss he wasn't  on.
            private, wasn’t to change the  na Republicans filed a com-  Trump asserted. “All we need  owning up to and an avenue  Trump  and  his  allies  have
            outcome, but to create a host  plaint over ballot inspection;  is  to  have  some  judge  listen  to  keep  his  base  loyal  for  brought at least four cases in
            of phantom claims about the  the  state  certification  is  due  to it properly without having  whatever he does next.  Michigan that sought — un-
            2020  presidential  race  that  Monday.                   a political opinion.”        “And then our governing and  successfully — to block certi-
            would infect the nation with  And the campaign legal team  But the strongest legal rebuke  politics  will  be  hellish,  be-  fication of election results in
            doubt and keep his base loyal,  said state lawmakers in Arizo-  yet came from a conservative  cause he will continue doing  part or all of the state.
            even though the winner was  na and Michigan would hold  Republican  judge  in  federal  what he’s doing from his pri-  In  Pennsylvania,  after  Gov.
            clear  and  there  has  been  no  meetings on the election “to  court  in  Pennsylvania,  who  vate own perch,” Mann pre-  Tom Wolf certified Biden as
            evidence of mass voter fraud.  provide  confidence  that  all  on  Saturday  dismissed  the  dicted.                the winner, an appeals court
            “Zombies  are  dead  people                                                                                         judge  ordered  state  officials
            walking  among  the  living                                                                                         to  halt  any  further  steps  to-
            — this litigation is the same                                                                                       ward  certifying  election  re-
            thing,” said Franita Tolson, a                                                                                      sults. The state has appealed
            professor at the University of                                                                                      to  Pennsylvania's  Supreme
            Southern  California  Gould                                                                                         Court.
            School of Law. “In terms of                                                                                         In  Arizona,  just  as  lawyers
            litigation  that  could  change                                                                                     for a woman in the Phoenix
            the  election,  all  these  cases                                                                                   area  dropped  a  case  alleging
            are basically dead men walk-                                                                                        that equipment was unable to
            ing.”                                                                                                               record her ballot because she
            It's  a  strategy  tolerated  by                                                                                    completed  it  with  a  county-
            many Republicans, most no-                                                                                          issued Sharpie pen, Trump’s
            tably Senate Majority Leader                                                                                        campaign  filed  its  own  law-
            Mitch  McConnell  of  Ken-                                                                                          suit  echoing  some  of  the
            tucky,  who  are  clinging  to                                                                                      same complaints. As that suit
            Trump as they face a test of                                                                                        was  about  to  be  dismissed,
            retaining their own power in                                                                                        lawyers for the woman filed a
            the form of two runoff elec-                                                                                        new case reviving the claims
            tions in Georgia in January.                                                                                        and  demanding  that  she  be
            “This  really  is  our  version                                                                                     allowed  to  recast  her  ballot.
            of a polite coup d’etat,” said                                                                                      All  three  of  the  cases  have
            Thomas  Mann,  senior  resi-                                                                                        now been dismissed.
            dent  scholar  at  the  Institute                                                                                   “The  legal  process  seems
            of  Governmental  Studies  at                                                                                       to  be  unfolding  the  way  it’s
            the  University  of  California                                                                                     supposed to, but the Trump
            at  Berkeley.  “It  could  end                                                                                      campaign  has  made  clear  its
            quickly  if  the  Republican                                                                                        desire to throw wrenches in
            Party  acknowledged  what                                                                                           the system wherever it can,”
            was going on. But they cower                                                                                        said Lisa Marshall Manheim,
            in  the  face  of  Trump’s  con-                                                                                    a professor at the University
            nection with the base.”                                                                                             of Washington School of Law.
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