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A30    world news
               Diabierna 27 november 2020

                                     Greece extends coronavirus lockdown by a week

            (AP)  —  Greece’s  gov-                                                                                             strictions on how many times
            ernment  spokesman  on                                                                                              a  day  people  can  leave  their
            Thursday  announced  a                                                                                              homes,  or  for  how  long.  A
            weeklong extension to the                                                                                           9 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew is in
            country’s  current  lock-                                                                                           place,  during  which  people
            down,  due  to  the  contin-                                                                                        can go out only for work, ur-
            ued spread of the corona-                                                                                           gent health reasons or to walk
            virus,  particularly  in  the                                                                                       a pet.
            north of the country.                                                                                               State-run  broadcaster  ERT
                                                                                                                                reported  that  three  CO-
            Stelios  Petas  said  the  lock-                                                                                    VID-19  patients  needing
            down, which was due to end                                                                                          intensive  care  unit  facilities
            on Nov. 30, would be extend-                                                                                        were airlifted from northern
            ed to the morning of Dec. 7.                                                                                        Greece  to  Athens  Thursday
            “The  decision  is  necessary                                                                                       as there were no more avail-
            as  the  epidemiological  load                                                                                      able ICU beds in their areas.
            continues to be high,” Petsas                                                                                       Although  the  government
            said.  “In  particular  in  some                                                                                    has  carried  out  mass  hirings
            areas  it  is  a  source  of  con-                                                                                  of  medical  workers  since
            cern.”                                                                                                              the pandemic struck and has
            The  announcement  came                                                                                             more than doubled the num-
            amid  a  24-hour  strike  by                                                                                        ber of ICU beds since mid-
            civil servants on a variety of                                                                                      2019, many ICUs, particular-
            demands,  including  better                                                                                         ly in northern Greece where
            workplace protection against                                                                                        the  outbreak  has  been  most
            the  coronavirus.  The  strike  controllers  called  off  their  the strike on a variety of de-  and  deaths  that  is  straining  severe,  are  at  or  near  their
            disrupted  public  transport  strike after a court ruled their  mands,  including  the  in-  the country’s health system.  capacity.  Health  authorities
            and  services,  while  several  participation illegal.    crease of coronavirus-related  Under the current lockdown  have  appropriated  two  pri-
            hundred people defied a ban  Greek  journalists  were  also  protective measures in work-  measures,  all  retail  stores,  vate  clinics  in  the  northern
            on gatherings imposed due to  participating  with  a  two-  places  and  in  schools,  mass  bars,  restaurants,  museums,  city of Thessaloniki and their
            the  pandemic,  holding  pro-  hour work stoppage between  hirings  in  the  public  trans-  entertainment  venues  and  staff, to be used for coronavi-
            tests in Athens and the north-  11  a.m.  and  1  p.m.,  during  port  and  health  sectors,  and  gyms  are  closed.  People  are  rus patients.
            ern city of Thessaloniki.    which  no  news  broadcasts  salary  increases  for  civil  ser-  only  allowed  to  leave  home  Greece  has  so  far  registered
            Ferries  to  the  islands  were  were aired.              vants.                       for  specific  reasons,  includ-  more than 97,000 confirmed
            halted and the Athens metro  About 400 people gathered in  Public transport workers are  ing work, health reasons, es-  coronavirus  cases  and  just
            system and tram were shut for  central  Athens  for  a  protest  also calling for workers to be  sential purchases, and to ex-  over 1,900 deaths in a coun-
            Thursday’s  strike,  although  march, while about 150 strik-  allowed to undergo tests for  ercise or walk a pet, and must  try of 11 million. Nearly 600
            buses continued to run in the  ing  workers  also  gathered  COVID-19  at  their  compa-  send a telephone text message  people are intubated in ICUs
            capital. Flights that had been  briefly  for  a  protest  rally  in  nies’ expense.    or carry a self-declaration to  nationwide, according to fig-
            canceled or rescheduled went  Thessaloniki.               Greece has seen a significant  do so.                     ures released Wednesday eve-
            ahead, however, as air traffic  Civil  servants  unions  called  surge  in  coronavirus  cases  However,  there  are  no  re-  ning.

               EU fines drug makers for keeping                                              Tensions rise over housing of

                      cheap medicine off market                                              migrants on Spanish islands

                                                 grethe  Vestager,  said  that  Teva  phar-
                                                 maceuticals and Cephalon, a company
                                                 it later acquired, must pay 60.5 mil-
                                                 lion euros ($72 million) for agreeing
                                                 between themselves to delay for years
                                                 the launch of Teva’s cheaper version
                                                 of Cephalon’s blockbuster Modafinil.
                                                 In return for the delay, Teva got ben-
                                                 eficial side deals and some payments.
                                                 Vestager said that “Teva’s and Cepha-
                                                 lon’s pay-for-delay agreement harmed
                                                 patients and national health systems,
                                                 depriving  them  of  more  affordable
                                                 Modafinil  treats  excessive  daytime   (AP)  —  The  mayor  of  a  town  Onalia Bueno, the mayor of Mogán
                                                 sleepiness and under the brand name   hosting many of the Africans ar-   on  Gran  Canaria  island  told  jour-
                                                 Provigil  it  accounted  for  more  than   riving in increasing numbers on  nalists that the 10 hotels in her area
                                                 40% of Cephalon’s turnover. A cheap   Spain’s  Canary  Islands  pressed  currently  housing  3,471  migrants,
                                                 alternative would have had a serious   the Spanish government Thurs-     including  unaccompanied  minors,
                                                 impact on the company, and the EU     day to move into state facilities  should  be  freed  up  by  the  end  of
                                                 argued that Cephalon enticed Teva in   thousands of migrants and asy-    December when the contract with
                                                 2005 to stay out of its market. In 2011,   lum seekers currently lodged in  the  central  government  to  house
            (AP) — The European Union has  Teva acquired Cephalon.                     hotels.                            migrants expires.
            fined two pharmaceutical compa-      Teva said in a statement that it main-                                   Bueno  has  threatened  to  fine  the
            nies for colluding to keep a cheap  tained its innocence. “We continue to   More than 20,000 West Africans and  hotels if they continue to rent out
            alternative  to  a  sleep  disorder  believe  the  modafinil  patent  settle-  Moroccans have reached the Atlan-  rooms  to  the  Spanish  government
            medicine off the market for their  ment agreement did not infringe EU      tic  Ocean  archipelago  by  boat  or  after December 31.
            profit  and  at  the  expense  of  pa-  competition  law  in  relation  to  the   been rescued at sea so far this year,  The government says the hotels are
            tients.                              principles” laid out by the EU’s court   up  from  1,500  in  the  same  period  an  adequate  transitional  solution
                                                 of justice. “We are planning to file an   of 2019. Roughly half came in No-  given the plunge in tourism caused
            EU  antitrust  commissioner,  Mar-   appeal.”                              vember alone.                      by the coronavirus pandemic.
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