Page 26 - AM211013
P. 26
Djamars 12 òktober 2021
Boneiru no tin representashon den Union Europeo
Hóbennan boneriano mester tin bos
Caribbean Accounting & Tax Consultants Bonaire
Caribbean Accounting & Tax Consultants Bonaire
N.V. (CATC Bonaire) is looking for a:
KRALENDIJK -- Bo- ku tin komo meta pa dre- pa karga inovashon na Bo- sèn i yudansa di eksper- komo un partner i huntu ku
N.V. (CATC Bonaire) is looking for a:
neiru no tin representashon cha e relashon entre OCT neiru. Basta ku papiamentu tonan pa asina nan ideanan otro organisashonnan na
den Union Europeo, p’esei i Union Europeo, nan tin henter ora, saka sèn pone por ta un stap hopi grandi. Union Europeo ta bai yuda.
Job description:
Job description:
u u
i i
e e
q q
e e
d d
r r
mes Sion Janga riba invi- komo tarea pa informá e riba mesa pa hóbennan por *Analyzing complex financial qualifications:
OCTA ta mira BitLab
*Analyzing complex financial
tashon di Union Europeo islanan di oportunidatnan realisá nan ideanan. reports.Makingrecommendations * Completed SPD 2, HEAO/
* Completed SPD 2, HEAO/
based on analysis, the status
based on analysis, the status
BA, FEF, EPI or MBA (major
durenta un enkuentro na ku tin den Union Europeo, Boneiru no tin repre- of reserves, assets and BA, FEF, EPI or MBA (major
of reserves, assets and
Accounting) and completed
Accounting) and completed
Strasbourg, Fransia, a papia tambe ta sòru pa fondonan sentashon den Union Eu- expenses. or studying for ACCA
or studying for ACCA
*Maintaining contact with
*Maintaining contact with
riba oportunidat pa introdu- di Union Europeo bai pa ropeo, p’esei mes, segun customers. Qualification
* Minimal 8 years relevant
* Minimal 8 years relevant
* Establishing procedures for
sí un representashon hube- OCT i yuda nan ehekutá Janga, nan a papia riba * Establishing procedures for work experience
work experience
accounting practices.
accounting practices.
* Excellent language and
nil via BIT-Lab, meskos ku nan proyektonan den área- oportunidat pa introdusí un *Administering and organizing * Excellent language and
*Administering and organizing
writing skills in Dutch and
writing skills in Dutch and
bookkeeping services, in
otro organisashonnan na nan di sustenibilidat, igual- representashon hubenil via bookkeeping services, in English
addition to providing advice on
addition to providing advice on
* Excellent proficiency in
Hulanda pa asina hóbennan dat, kultura i inovashon. BIT-Lab, meskos ku otro all tax matters. * Excellent proficiency in
all tax matters.
MS Office, QuickBooks,
MS Office, QuickBooks,
*In general, being able to
Boneriano por tin un bos Pablo i Marta, ta kor- organisashon na Hulanda, *In general, being able to Twinfield, PM Record/
Twinfield, PM Record/
den Europa tambe. dinadó i sekretaria di e pa asina hóbennan Boneri- administrative support and Report
administrative support and
* Drivers license in
* Drivers license in
advice on fiscal and economic
Boneiru ta un Overseas organisashon aki. Janga a ano por tin un bos den Eu- advice on fiscal and economic category B
category B
related matters.
related matters.
Countries and Territories sinta huntu ku nan i a splika ropa tambe.
Please send us your filled in application form, available on our
(OCT). Tur isla ku ta kai nan ku mester di base pa BIT-Lab no ta solamente Please send us your filled in application form, available on our
website, motivation letter, CV and photo. These can be e-mailed
bou di un pais ku ta den hóbennan Boneriano yega un organisashon, pero un website, motivation letter, CV and photo. These can be e-mailed
Union Europeo, ta un OCT. na realisá nan ideanan. Tur punto sentral pa hóbennan to Mrs. Jans Stam-van Malsen at or pass by our offices on
Overseas Countries and studiante Boneriano na Hu- haña bos i risibí yudansa. or pass by our offices on
Kaya Irlanda 15 to personally deliver your documents at
Kaya Irlanda 15 to personally deliver your documents at
Territories Association landa ta konta i mester in- Via di BitLab lo sòru pa the information desk.
the information desk.
(OCTA), ta e organisashon vertí i tambe nan ideanan hóbennan yega mas lihé na
AFI Construction B.V.
Sion Janga den entrevista ku AFI Construction B.V.
ta buska
ta buska
Bulgerian News Agency 1 meewerkende voorman metselaar
1 meewerkende voorman metselaar
Pa mas inf. yama 785-6053
Pa mas inf. yama 785-6053
KRALENDIJK -- Sion Aruba, pero no ku Boneiru ta bisa ku ta gobièrnu lo-
Janga, kende e siman ku a i tabata kier sa mas di nos kal mester sòru pa e ta
Batista Service
pasa tabata na Strasbourg, situashon polítiko, retonan mas mihó representá afó i Batista Service
Fransia, riba invitashon di i kiko hóbennan Boneriano gobièrnu lokal ta skùif esa-
Union Europeo kaminda ta hasiendo. ki bèk riba Hulanda. ta buska
ta buska
1 elektrishen
ta duna un grupo di hóben Janga a splika den e en- Pues, niun hende no sa 1 elektrishen
selektá espasio pa bin ku trevista ku nos situashon ta ken ta responsabel pa kiko i
idea i solushonnan pa e basta difísil. Nos ta kai bou esaki ta stroba Boneiru.
Pa mas inf. yama 780-4224
diferente retonan ku tin di Hulanda i Hulanda bou Janga a bisa durante Pa mas inf. yama 780-4224
den Europa, a hasi un en- di Union Europeo, pero tòg e entrevista mas nos hasi
trevista ku Bulgerian News niun hende no sa ken mes- nòmber di Boneiru konosí
Agency. ter yuda Boneiru. pafó, mas lihé nos por haña VACANCY
Bulgerian News Agency Union Europeo ta bisa ta yudansa di otro paisnan pa Caribbean Accounting & Tax Consultants Bonaire
ta e agensia nashonal di no- tarea di Hulanda pa envolví yuda nos. N.V. (CATC Bonaire) is looking for a:
tisia pa Bulgeria. e isla den programanan di SENIOR ACCOUNTANT
Nan ta hopi konosí ku Union Europeo, Hulanda Job description: R e q u i r e d
Atrako reports.Makingrecommendations qualifications:
*Analyzing complex financial
* Completed SPD 2, HEAO/
based on analysis, the status
BA, FEF, EPI or MBA (major
of reserves, assets and
Accounting) and completed
armá expenses. or studying for ACCA
*Maintaining contact with
* Minimal 8 years relevant
* Establishing procedures for
work experience
accounting practices.
*Administering and organizing * Excellent language and
writing skills in Dutch and
bookkeeping services, in English
KRALENDIJK – addition to providing advice on * Excellent proficiency in
Djadumingu anochi den all tax matters. MS Office, QuickBooks,
*In general, being able to
Twinfield, PM Record/
kareda di 11’or un atrako provide top level Report
administrative support and
armá a tuma lugá na un advice on fiscal and economic * Drivers license in
category B
kas den e bario di Nawa- related matters.
ti. Please send us your filled in application form, available on our
Tres persona kara tapá website, motivation letter, CV and photo. These can be e-mailed
a presentá na e kas i mes- to Mrs. Jans Stam-van Malsen at or pass by our offices on
ter a lòs tiru. No tabata Kaya Irlanda 15 to personally deliver your documents at
tin ningun herido. the information desk.
AFI Construction B.V.
ta buska
1 meewerkende voorman metselaar
Pa mas inf. yama 785-6053
Batista Service
ta buska
1 elektrishen
Pa mas inf. yama 780-4224