Page 6 - 15Dec2022
P. 6

PAGINA 6                                                          DIARIO                                  DIAHUEBS 15 DECEMBER 2022
   Proyecto Erasmus+ cu curso pa trahador di organizacionnan

                        local y internacional cu ta traha cu hoben

 ORANJESTAD (AAN):  a wordo declara door di
 CEDE  Aruba a organiza  Chulyta Jubitana, Carib-
 un curso funda door di Er-  bean Education  and Cul-
 asmus+ cu a tuma lugar na  tural Foundation from  St.
 Aruba.  E curso cu a haya  Maarten
 e nomber “CRECE” (Cre-         ‘This was my first time  in a particular moment in  bo ta interesa pa haya sa  informacion di CEDE Ar-
 ation, Reflection, and Edu- experiencing an Erasmus+  life. Accept the possibility  mas tocante di oportuni-      uba y proyectonan local y
 cation for Community Em- program, which took place  and  explore it-you won’t  dadnan di Erasmus+ pa bo  internacional  pa hoben y
 powerment) a tuma lugar  in Aruba for a duration of 9  regret.’  Esey declara door  of bo organizacion, manda  esnan cu ta traha cu hoben,
 di 28 di november pa 7 di  days. I am so grateful that  di Buga Bulj,  Posejdon  nos un email na euyouth@        acudi na nos website www.
 december. 40 participante  I was given the opportu-      procedente di Croacia.   Si y pa mas
 na curso CRECE a bin di  nity to attend this training
 un total di 20 organizacion  course where I was able to
 di Europa, di Caribe  y di  meet and bond with people
 Aruba.   E curso su meta  from different countries
 tabata pa yuda e represen-  and nationalities. I gained
 tantenan di e organizacion-  insights into what Youth
 nan mehora nan metodo-      Work entails  in different
 nan pa traha cu hoben y  EU countries and learned
 alaves pa informa mas to-   about new, impactful tools
 cante di loke ta e subsidio  that I myself can use with
 di Erasmus+.  E tabata un  the youth within my organi-
 oportunidad unico pa crea  zation.’  Esey declara door
 collaboracionnan nobo en-   di Chisela Vasquez Santos,
 tre e organizacionnan  lo-  Heart-Centered    Leader-
 cal y Europeo y tambe pa  ship Foundation di Aruba.
 mehora nan capacidad pa  Otro cu a papia ta: ‘Eras-
 traha den  un  contexto in-  mus+ is a great opportu-
 ternacional.                nity for  young  people to
    Pa conclui e curso, e par-  explore their possibilities
 ticipantenan a skirbi di nan  and to think outside of the
 experencianan durante  di  box. Meeting new cultures
 e dianan di CRECE.  Aki  in  a non-formal environ-
 ta sigui algun di loke nan  ment and becoming more
 a comparti cu nos: ‘Young  aware of the different ap-
 people are the co-creator  proaches to the challeng-
 of the present’, quoting  es that we are all facing,
 one of my trainers, we as  empowers you to become
 youth workers  stand in the  a more active member in
 frontline to guide, coach  society. In a long turn, this
 and support our young- could  provide  significant
 sters, listen to them and  changes in everyday life
 include  them. In order to  of your local community.
 help them ‘Create’ pro- Taking part in activities in
 grams for them, it is key to  Erasmus+ program fosters
 ‘Reflect’ on their needs first  you to see the bigger pic-
 before releasing any form  ture of the realities around
 of further Education  to  you, but also brings  a
 Empower them. As a youth  fresh look and new ways
 worker, I experienced this  of dealing with situations
 active training tour.’  Esey  that you see as obstacles
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