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A28 u.s. news
Diahuebs 15 aPRiL 2021
Former North Carolina Gov. McCrory enters US Senate race
(AP) — Former Republi- himself a “McCrory Repub-
can Gov. Pat McCrory on lican" who supported Trump
Wednesday announced policies on immigration, for-
he'll run for the U.S. Sen- eign policy and the Supreme
ate in North Carolina, Court.
shaking up the calculus in
the expanding field to suc- Walker, meanwhile, has em-
ceed retiring Sen. Richard braced Trump, calling him-
Burr with the entrance self the most “pro-Trump
of a veteran of statewide congressman” from North
politics. Carolina when on Capitol
Hill. A Lara Trump candi-
McCrory, who served as gov- dacy, with a likely endorse-
ernor for four years through ment from her father-in-law,
2016, revealed his plans on would turn the GOP primary
his morning WBT radio upside down.
show in Charlotte, where he
also served a record 14 years McCrory's gubernatorial
as mayor. McCrory had said term was marked by work-
in late 2019 that he would ing with the Republican-
strongly consider a Senate dominated legislature to pass
bid in 2022. He has quietly a massive tax overhaul, trans-
built a team of experienced portation funding reform and
political staff, led by the con- vouchers for low-income
sultant who helped Burr and children to attend private
North Carolina Sen. Thom schools. He said his policies
Tillis win. helped begin a “Carolina
Comeback” economic recov-
“I’m no doubt the best one ery.
for the job based upon all
the candidates who are even But he was blistered in the
thinking about running, be- final months of his failed
cause I’ve actually had to reelection bid for agreeing
make some tough decisions,” to sign the legislature's 2016
McCrory told The Associ- “bathroom bill,” which re-
ated Press in an interview quired transgender people to
later Wednesday, citing his use public bathrooms aligned
past electoral history of deal- with the gender on their birth
ing with crises, budgets and certificate.
security. “Washington right
now is just broken and it McCrory defended House
needs fixing. And I think they Bill 2, making him the face
need someone from outside of the law among LGBT ac-
of Washington ... who’s ac- tivists and the public. Several
tually been a problem solver large corporations and sports
and done the job.” leagues relocated events to
other states or reconsidered
Former President Donald “He has shown that he can In a video announcement, The ex-governor will have expanding in North Caro-
Trump narrowly won North win statewide office," Coo- McCrory emphasized that to maneuver carefully in lina due to the law, which
Carolina in last year's presi- per said. He also noted that 50-50 split in the Senate, regards to Donald Trump, was partially repealed in
dential race and Democrats McCrory's radio program, in adding that the Harris vote who also won North Caro- 2017. While McCrory was
have targeted Burr's seat as a which the former governor is “giving the left everything lina’s electoral votes in 2016. praised by social conserva-
prime pickup opportunity to focuses on the latest political they want to radically change Trump remains very popular tives when he signed HB2
expand their razor-thin Sen- news, has offered good prep- America for generations to among the GOP faithful and and laws restricting abortion,
ate edge. aration: “He’s been doing as come.” continues to promote un- he's a political product of the
much training as anybody substantiated accusations of Republican Party's moderate,
McCrory enters the cam- could in running for the Sen- “It’s time we join together voter fraud during the 2020 business-oriented wing.
paign as the most well-known ate.” and take back the Senate election.
among any announced candi- from Kamala Harris,” Mc- National and state Demo-
date, surging past recent U.S. 2020 Senate primary candi- Crory says in the video. Har- McCrory said in the AP in- crats immediately jumped
Rep. Mark Walker, who un- date Erica Smith and cur- ris, however, has yet to cast terview he had already stated on McCrory's entry. Mc-
veiled his bid in December rent state Sen. Jeff Jackson many votes that have granted his criticism about some of Crory is “a failed politician
to try to secure early GOP are among several Democrats the policy wishes of far-left Trump's post-election narra- who signed hateful and divi-
primary support. Current competing for the opportu- Democrats. tive. McCrory at times also sive legislation into law, hurt
U.S. Rep. Ted Budd and Lara nity to take back the seat held criticized Trump during the our national reputation, and
Trump, the daughter-in-law by the Republican Burr since McCrory, 64, has been on the 2016 election. damaged our state’s econo-
of Trump and a North Caro- 2005. Former state Supreme sidelines of hard-nosed state my,” state party Chair Bob-
lina native, also are consider- Court Chief Justice Cheri Republican politics since los- McCrory said Wednesday he bie Richardson said in a news
ing runs for the Republican Beasley also is expected to ing his gubernatorial reelec- hoped “to have a good discus- release. "We have some free
nomination. join the field soon. Burr an- tion by barely 10,000 votes sion” with him but stopped advice -- don’t quit your day
nounced years ago that his to current Democratic Gov. short of saying whether he job, Pat.”
Chris Cooper, a political sci- third six-year term would be Roy Cooper in 2016. He ran would expressly seek the ex-
ence professor at Western his last. A Democratic victory for governor two other times, president's endorsement. Asked whether he regretted
Carolina University, said would help a party clinging to losing in 2008, and winning how he handled HB2 five
McCrory's prominence in a small edge in the Senate in in 2012. His Senate candi- “I'm not going to be divert- years ago, McCrory said the
the state means he's currently which Vice President Kamala dacy means he will no longer ed by talking about the past issue has been resolved: “I’m
the likely frontrunner for the Harris can break tie votes. host the radio show. because I care about the fu- glad the state’s moved on and
Republican nomination. ture," McCrory said, calling I’ve moved on, too.”