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A30    world news
                     Diahuebs 15 aPRiL 2021

                            Iran's supreme leader: Vienna offers 'not worth looking at'

                                                                                                                                West  and  the  International
                                                                                                                                Atomic  Energy  Agency  says
                                                                                                                                Tehran  had  an  organized
                                                                                                                                military nuclear program up
                                                                                                                                until the end of 2003. An an-
                                                                                                                                nual U.S. intelligence report
                                                                                                                                released  Tuesday  maintained
                                                                                                                                the American assessment that
                                                                                                                                “Iran is not currently under-
                                                                                                                                taking the key nuclear weap-
                                                                                                                                ons-development   activities
                                                                                                                                that we judge would be nec-
                                                                                                                                essary  to  produce  a  nuclear

                                                                                                                                Iran  previously  had  said  it
                                                                                                                                could use uranium enriched
                                                                                                                                up to 60% for nuclear-pow-
                                                                                                                                ered ships. However, the Is-
                                                                                                                                lamic Republic currently has
                                                                                                                                no such ships in its navy.

                                                                                                                                Iran had been enriching up to
                                                                                                                                20% — even that was a short
                                                                                                                                technical  step  to  weapons-
                                                                                                                                grade levels. The deal limited
                                                                                                                                Iran's enrichment to 3.76%

                                                                                                                                Officials  initially  said  the
                                                                                                                                higher  enrichment  would
                                                                                                                                begin  Wednesday.  However,
                                                                                                                                an early Wednesday morning
                                                                                                                                tweet  from  Iran’s  envoy  to
                                                                                                                                the IAEA, Kazem Gharibaba-
                                                                                                                                di,  suggested  it  might  come
            (AP)  —  Iran's  supreme                                  In  Jerusalem  at  a  Memorial  first, and we are assured that  later.
            leader  on  Wednesday  dis-  He  also  criticized  the  U.S.  Day commemoration, Israeli  it’s  done,  then  we  will  do
            missed  initial  offers  at  and  warned  time  could  be  Prime  Minister  Benjamin  what  is  we  are  required  to  He  later  posted  a  letter  ad-
            talks  in  Vienna  to  save  running out.                 Netanyahu  appeared  to  ref-  do," he said.              dressed  to  IAEA  Director-
            Tehran's  tattered  nuclear                               erence Iran.                                              General Rafael Grossi warn-
            deal as “not worth looking  “The talks shouldn’t become                                France,  Germany  and  the  ing against “any adventurism
            at,”  attempting  to  pres-  talks  of  attrition,”  Khame-  “We must never remain apa-  United  Kingdom,  all  par-  by  (the)  Israeli  regime”  tar-
            sure  world  powers  after  nei said. "They shouldn’t be  thetic  to  the  threats  of  war  ties to the nuclear deal, only  geting Iranian nuclear sites.
            an attack on the country's  in a way that parties drag on  and  extermination  of  those  hours  earlier  issued  a  joint
            main  nuclear  enrichment  and prolong the talks. This is  who seek to eliminate us,“ he  statement  Wednesday  ex-  “The  most-recent  cowardly
            site.                        harmful to the country.”     said.  Israel  has  not  claimed  pressing  their  “grave  con-  act of nuclear terrorism will
                                                                      the  attack,  though  it  rarely  cern” over Iran’s decision to  only strengthen our determi-
            The comments by Ayatollah  Speaking  to  his  Cabinet,  an  does  in  its  ongoing  shadow  increase enrichment.    nation to march forward and
            Ali Khamenei, who has final  impassioned  Iranian  Presi-  war against Tehran.                                      to replace all (damaged) cen-
            say on all matters of state in  dent  Hassan  Rouhani  said                            “This  is  a  serious  develop-  trifuges  with  even  more  ad-
            the  Islamic  Republic,  came  the first-generation IR-1 cen-  The talks in Vienna are aimed  ment  since  the  production  vanced and sophisticated ma-
            after  a  day  that  saw  Iran's  trifuges that were damaged in  at finding a way for the Unit-  of  highly  enriched  uranium  chines,” Gharibabadi wrote.
            president  similarly  ratchet  Sunday's attack would be re-  ed  States  to  re-enter  Teh-  constitutes an important step
            up pressure over the accord.  placed by advanced IR-6 cen-  ran’s nuclear agreement with  in the production of a nuclear  IAEA  inspectors  visited  Na-
            European powers meanwhile  trifuges that enrich uranium  world powers and have Iran  weapon,”  the  countries  said.  tanz  on  Wednesday  on  their
            warned Tehran of a planned  much faster.                  comply again with its limits.  “Iran has no credible civilian  first  trip  since  the  sabotage,
            formal round of negotiations                              The  accord,  which  former  need  for  enrichment  at  this  the agency said, without elab-
            its actions were “particularly  “You  wanted  to  make  our  President  Donald  Trump  level.”                      orating on what they found.
            regrettable” and “dangerous.”  hands empty during the talks  unilaterally  withdrew  the
                                         but our hands are full,” Rou-  U.S. from in 2018, prevented  China  and  Russia  also  took  The  weekend  attack  at  Na-
            The  talks  already  have  been  hani said.               Iran from stockpiling enough  part in the deal.           tanz  was  initially  described
            thrown  into  disarray  by  a                             high-enriched  uranium  to                                only  as  a  blackout  in  the
            weekend attack on Iran's main  Rouhani  added:  “60%  en-  be  able  to  pursue  a  nuclear  Saudi  Arabia,  a  regional  ri-  electrical grid feeding above-
            Natanz  nuclear  enrichment  richment is an answer to your  weapon  in  exchange  for  the  val to Iran, similarly issued a  ground  workshops  and  un-
            site  suspected  to  have  been  evilness. ... We cut off both of  lifting of economic sanctions.  statement, saying enriching at  derground  enrichment  halls
            carried out by Israel. Tehran  your  hands,  one  with  IR-6                           that level “could not be con-  —  but  later  Iranian  officials
            retaliated  by  announcing  it  centrifuges  and  another  one  Rouhani  in  his  comments  sidered  a  program  intended  began calling it an attack.’
            would enrich uranium up to  with 60%.”                    Wednesday  insisted  Iran  is  for peaceful purposes.”
            60%  —  higher  than  it  ever                            still  hoping  that  the  Vienna                          Alireza Zakani, the hard-line
            has before but still lower than  Rouhani  also  accused  Israel  talks lead to a negotiated set-  “The  kingdom  calls  on  Iran  head  of  the  Iranian  parlia-
            weapons-grade levels of 90%.  of  being  behind  the  Natanz  tlement over its program —  to avoid escalation and not to  ment’s  research  center,  re-
            "The offers they provide are  attack.                     and  the  accompanying  lift-  subject  the  security  and  sta-  ferred  to  “several  thousand
            usually arrogant and humili-                              ing  of  punishing  sanctions.  bility  of  the  region  to  more  centrifuges  damaged  and
            ating  (and)  are  not  worth  “Apparently  this  is  a  crime  Khamenei as well said he be-  tension,  and  to  engage  seri-  destroyed” in a state TV in-
            looking  at,”  the  81-year-old  by the Zionists. If the Zion-  lieved in his negotiators, but  ously in the current negotia-  terview.  However,  no  other
            Khamenei said in an address  ists take an action against our  kept  up  the  pressure  on  the  tions,” Saudi Arabia said.  official has offered that figure
            marking  the  first  day  of  the  nation, we will respond,” he  West in his remarks Wednes-                        and  no  images  of  the  after-
            holy  Muslim  fasting  month  said, without elaborating.  day night.                   Iran  insists  its  nuclear  pro-  math have been released.
            of Ramadan in Iran.                                       “They must do what we say  gram is peaceful, though the
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