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A28    u.s. news
                        Diahuebs 6 Mei 2021

                                   Broadway readies ticket sales for a fall reopening

                                                                      fans  can  start  buying  tickets  theaters  restart,  marking  the  demand  full  venue  capacity.
                                                                      again," Charlotte St. Martin,  first time an established show  Some  off-Broadway  shows
                                                                      president  of  the  Broadway  had been felled by the coro-  have opened with limited ca-
                                                                      League,  said  in  a  statement  navirus pandemic. Producers  pacity.
                                                                      Wednesday.                   of "Mean Girls" also decided
                                                                                                   not to restart.              All  city  theaters  abruptly
                                                                      New  York  Gov.  Andrew                                   closed  on  March  12,  2020,
                                                                      Cuomo  said  Broadway  the-  But there will be new shows,  knocking  out  all  shows,  in-
                                                                      aters can reopen Sept. 14 and  including  Antoinette  Chi-  cluding  16  that  were  still
                                                                      will be allowed to decide their  nonye Nwandu's "Pass Over"  scheduled to open.
                                                                      own entry requirements, like  that  is  slated  to  reopen  the
                                                                      whether  people  must  prove  August  Wilson  Theatre,  the  Some scheduled spring 2020
                                                                      they've been vaccinated to at-  same venue "Mean Girls" has  shows — like a musical about
                                                                      tend  a  show.  Selling  tickets  vacated.  And  a  Shubert  the-  Michael Jackson and a revival
                                                                      will  allow  theaters  to  gauge  ater  has  been  promised  for  of Neil Simon's "Plaza Suite"
                                                                      interest  before  stages  open,  playwright  Keenan  Scott  II's  starring  Matthew  Broderick
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  of the Great White Way at  said Robert Mujica, Cuomo's  play "Thoughts of a Colored  and  Sarah  Jessica  Parker  —
            Many  Broadway  produc-      full  capacity  by  mid-Sep-  budget director.            Man."                        pushed  their  productions  to
            tions  are  scrambling  to  tember.                                                                                 2021.  But  others  abandoned
            resume ticket sales in the                                The  Broadway  that  reopens  The lifting of all capacity re-  their plans, including "Hang-
            coming  days  to  welcome  "We  remain  cautiously  opti-  will  look  different.  In  May,  strictions has long been con-  men" and a revival of Edward
            theater-goers  this  fall  af-  mistic about Broadway's abil-  the  big  budget  Disney  mu-  sidered  by  the  industry  as  Albee's "Who's Afraid of Vir-
            ter  city  and  state  leaders  ity  to  resume  performances  sical  "Frozen"  decided  not  crucial to any reopening plan  ginia Woolf?"
            have green-lit a reopening  this  fall  and  are  happy  that  to  reopen  when  Broadway  since  Broadway  economics

                           Sex offender charged with murder in death of Iowa girl, 10

            IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) —  terest in the case. Breasia was  it is important to understand
            A  registered  sex  offender  last seen in the early hours of  that bringing forth charges is
            kidnapped  and  shot  to  July 10 at a Davenport apart-   not the end of the legal pro-
            death  a  10-year-old  Iowa  ment  complex,  where  she  cess but just the beginning,"
            girl,  his  son's  half  sister,  was  staying  the  night  with  he said.
            while  the  two  kids  were  her  half  brother  and  his  fa-
            staying  overnight  with  ther, Dinkins.                  Detectives  with  the  Daven-
            him  last  summer,  a  pros-                              port  Police  Department  led
            ecutor said Wednesday.       A  criminal  complaint  re-  the investigation and received
                                         leased Wednesday alleges that  assistance  from  the  FBI,
            Authorities  announced  that  Dinkins  removed  Breasia  which  announced  a  $10,000
            Henry  Dinkins  is  charged  from the apartment "without  reward for information in the
            with first-degree murder and  consent  or  authority,  or  by  case  in  December  on  what
            first-degree  kidnapping  in  deception, to secretly confine  would  have  been  Breasia's
            the death of Breasia Terrell, a  and inflict serious injury" on  11th birthday.                                     his girlfriend for weeks. Au-
            Davenport girl whose disap-  her.                                                      Biggs  also  credited  several  thorities said he also violated
            pearance  last  July  prompted                            Investigators  had  asked  any-  detectives  who  worked  long  the  terms  of  his  parole  by
            an  extensive  search  and  in-  Scott  County  Attorney  Mi-  one  with  information  about  hours  on  the  case,  saying  it  having  contact  with  minors.
            vestigation.                 chael Walton released few ad-  Dinkins'  whereabouts  on  had been hard on their per-  He has been jailed in Clinton
                                         ditional details during a brief  July  9-10  to  come  forward,  sonal  lives.  They  routinely  County  while  awaiting  trial
            An  autopsy  confirmed    that  news conference Wednesday,  publicizing  photos  of  a  ma-  must  look  at  "the  worst  of  on those charges.
            human  remains  discovered  saying only that the case was  roon Chevy Impala and other  humanity"  and  carry  on,  he
            by  fishermen  in  March  in  a  developed  through  "an  in-  vehicles associated with him.  said.                 Dinkins  was  served  with  an
            rural area north of Davenport  tensive,  nine-month  investi-                                                       arrest  warrant  on  the  new
            were Breasia.                gation  involving  numerous  Davenport Police Capt. Brent                              charges  Wednesday  and  did
                                         agencies."  He  said  that  he  Biggs  said  Breasia's  mother  He  was  arrested  days  after  not  yet  have  an  attorney  in
            Dinkins,  a  48-year-old  who  had to withhold investigative  had  been  "supportive  and  Breasia's  disappearance  on  the  case.  A  public  defender
            has been in and out of prison  details while his office pros-  cooperative"  with  investiga-  charges  that  he  violated  sex  assigned to represent him on
            throughout  his  adulthood,  ecutes Dinkins.              tors throughout the case. "We  offender  registry  require-  other charges didn't immedi-
            had long been the only per-                               cannot imagine the grief and  ments  by  failing  to  tell  au-  ately return a phone message.
            son  that  investigators  had  "While announcing charges is  pain she must experience," he  thorities  that  he  had  been
            identified  as  a  person  of  in-  a significant step in this case,  said.            living in the apartment with

                           Small business COVID-19 relief program runs out of money

                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — The  since April of last year.            year,  and  included  second
                                                                      government's  key  COV-                                   loans for hard-hit companies.
                                                                      ID-19  relief  program  for  The program, which has run
                                                                      small  businesses  has  run  out of cash and refunded by  The SBA said in a statement
                                                                      out of money.                Congress  twice  before,  was  it  will  continue  to  fund  ap-
                                                                                                   scheduled to expire May 31.  plications that have been ap-
                                                                      The Small Business Admin-    It's  not  yet  known  if  law-  proved.  New  applications
                                                                      istration said Wednesday that  makers will approve another  made  through  Community
                                                                      the Paycheck Protection Pro-  round of funding.           Financial Institutions, which
                                                                      gram has been exhausted. As                               are  financial  lenders  that
                                                                      of Sunday, the PPP had given  More  than  half  the  loans  serve  underserved  commu-
                                                                      out nearly 10.8 million loans  and nearly a third of the loan  nities, would also be funded.
                                                                      worth more than $780 billion  money  was  given  out  this
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