Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210506
P. 29
world news Diahuebs 6 Mei 2021
Germany aims for net-zero emissions by 2045, 5 years earlier
BERLIN (AP) — Officials a burden for curbing climate
in Germany proposed The proposed targets so far change on younger genera-
Wednesday accelerating don't include corresponding tions.
the plans to cut the coun- emission-reduction mea-
try's greenhouse gas emis- sures. Experts maintain that The legislation, passed two
sions by setting a new goal to speed up the process of years ago, set specific targets
of reaching "net-zero" by cutting emissions, Germany for sectors such as heating
2045. would have to more aggres- and transportation to reach
sively phase out coal-fired a 55% reduction by 2030 but
Under the proposal an- power plants. not for the long-term goal of
nounced by Environment cutting emissions to net-zero
Minister Svenja Schulze The plan must be brought by 2050.
and Finance Minister Olaf before Chancellor Angela
Scholz, the country would Merkel's Cabinet, which The 2019 regulations "irre-
increase its emissions reduc- is expected to happen next versibly pushed a very high
tion targets from 55% to 65% week. Scholtz and Schulze burden of emissions reduc-
below 1990 levels by 2030, both said they were confident tion into the period after
and to 88% by 2040. it would be approved. 2030," Constitutional Court
judges said in an April 29 rul- global warming well below 2 be a benchmark for policy-
The timetable would put The government was forced ing. degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees makers. It ordered the Ger-
Germany in a position to to rework its plans after Ger- Fahrenheit), ideally no more man government to come up
have net-zero emissions five many's highest court ruled The court backed the argu- than 1.5 C (2.7 F), by the end with new targets from 2030
years earlier than the previ- last week that existing legisla- ment that the 2015 Paris cli- of the century compared with onward by the end of next
ous target of 2050. tion risks placing too much of mate accord's goal of keeping pre-industrial times should year.
EU plans tightening foreign investment with eye on China
BRUSSELS (AP) — The that with the proposal, the
European Union is plan- EU is "closing a gap in our
ning to tighten the foreign rule book to make sure that
investment rules in the all companies compete on an
bloc to make sure that lo- equal footing."
cal producers and indus-
tries are no longer under- Battered by the COVID-19
cut by non-EU investors pandemic, the EU economy
that have faced slacker has taken an unprecedented
rules up to now. hit and also laid bare depen-
dencies on strategic products
The plans announced in sensitive sectors, from
Wednesday will surely affect energy to heath, in which it
China, which has invested wants to become far more
heavily in Europe despite re- autonomous.
lying on types of state aid no
longer available to EU firms. The goal is to "build Europe
a stronger and more resilient
Internal Market Commis- economy," EU Vice President
sioner Thierry Breton says Margrethe Vestager said.
US, Japan, South Korea diplomats review North Korea strategy
LONDON (AP) — The State Department spokesman proliferation, and cooperat- proach to North Korea that
United States, Japan and They discussed "shared con- Ned Price said in a statement. ing to strengthen deterrence shuns the Trump administra-
South Korea are plowing cerns about North Korea's and maintain peace and sta- tion's aim for an immediate
ahead with efforts to push nuclear and ballistic missile "They also agreed on the im- bility on the Korean Penin- comprehensive deal through
North Korea back to nu- programs" and "reaffirmed perative of fully implement- sula," Price said. face-to-face meetings be-
clear negotiations despite their commitment to con- ing relevant U.N, Security tween leaders, as well as the
the North's rejection of certed trilateral cooperation Council resolutions by U.N. A broad outline of President Obama administration's
any such pressure. toward denuclearization of member states, including Joe Biden's policy review "strategic patience" policy.
the Korean Peninsula," U.S. North Korea, preventing calls for an incremental ap-
U.S. Secretary of State Anto-
ny Blinken and his Japanese
and South Korean coun-
terparts met Wednesday on
the sidelines of an interna-
tional conference to go over
the Biden administration's
recently concluded North
Korean policy review. The
three-way meeting followed
separate talks Monday in
London among Blinken, Jap-
anese Foreign Minister Mo-
tegi Toshimitsu and South
Korean Foreign Minister
Chung Eui-yong.