Page 21 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 21
Saturday 9 January 2016
Philadelphia police: Suspect shot officer in name of Islam
Officials investigate the scene of a shooting Friday, Jan. 8, 2016, and eventually reached vout Muslim. announcement Tuesday of
in Philadelphia. A Philadelphia police officer was shot multiple through the driver’s-side The gun used by Archer his plan to tighten gun con-
times by a man who ambushed him as he sat in his marked po- window. The officer re- was stolen from an officer’s trol laws.
lice cruiser, authorities said. turned fire, hitting his at- home in 2013, police said. Last March, Archer plead-
tacker at least three times. Jim Kenney, in his first week ed guilty to firearms and
(AP Photo/Joseph Kaczmarek) Hartnett, 33, was in stable as mayor of the nation’s assault charges stemming
condition. fifth-largest city, called Ar- from a 2012 case but was
“I don’t know how this of- cher’s actions “abhorrent” immediately released and
ficer survived,” Ross said. and said they have noth- placed on probation, court
“This is absolutely one of ing to do the teachings of records show. Records also
the scariest things I’ve ever Islam. show he was scheduled to
seen.” The mayor also said, “There be sentenced Monday in
Archer’s mother, Valerie are just too many guns suburban Philadelphia in a
Holliday, told The Philadel- on the streets, and I think traffic and forgery case.
phia Inquirer her son has our national government The attorney who repre-
been hearing voices re- needs to do something sented him in the firearms
cently and that the family about that.” case was unavailable to
asked him to get help. She His statement comes after comment because he was
also described him as a de- President Barack Obama’s in court, his office said. q
ERRIN WHACK told police he believed the
Associated Press department defends laws
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A that are contrary to Islam.
man accused of ambush- Ross said there was no ap-
ing a police officer and parent motive for the at-
firing shots at point-blank tack. Police said there was
range said he was acting no indication anyone else
in the name of Islam and was involved.
pledged allegiance to the “He just came out of no-
Islamic State group, Phila- where and started firing on
delphia authorities said Fri- him,” Ross said of the sus-
day. pect. “He just started firing
Both the officer and sus- with one aim and one aim
pect were injured during only, to kill him.”
the barrage of gunfire late Officer Jesse Hartnett
Thursday at an intersection shouted, “I’m bleeding
as the officer sat in his po- heavily!” into his police ra-
lice car. dio, got out of his car and
The suspect was identified chased the suspect before
as 30-year-old Edward Ar- police apprehended him.
cher. Police Commissioner The gunman fired at least
Richard Ross said Archer 13 shots toward Hartnett
US announces new plans to
counter violent extremism
WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI, the National Counter-
Obama administration an- terrorism Center and other
nounced new steps Friday departments and agen-
to counter violent extrem- cies.
ism by the Islamic State The State Department is
group and other militants, revamping an existing pro-
both at home and abroad. gram as the “global en-
The Homeland Security gagement center.”
and Justice Departments The goal is to do a better
will create and operate a job of involving and em-
task force focused on do- powering foreign govern-
mestic efforts to prevent ments and non-govern-
violent extremism. mental groups based out-
The task force will be based side the U.S. to speak out
at the Homeland Security against the Islamic State
Department and staffed and other militant groups,
by representatives from the the department said.q