Page 25 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 25

                                                                                                                                                        Saturday 9 January 2016

                                 LIFE is Beautiful

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US Financial Front:

Employers hire at blistering pace, defying global trends 

Waitress Laura Haege carries a breakfast to be serve at the                     raise rates after announc-       prices rise further before      to a far lesser degree than
Waveland Cafe, in Des Moines, Iowa. U.S. employers have                         ing its first increase in near-  raising rates again.            many other countries.”
steadily added jobs even as global growth has flagged and                       ly a decade last month.          U.S. stocks rose modestly       O’Keefe noted that global
financial markets have sunk. The jobs report for December on                    Steady hiring would reduce       after the jobs report was is-   trade accounts for only
Friday, Jan. 8, 2016, may provide some hints of whether that                    the supply of people seek-       sued. The Dow Jones indus-      about 30 percent of U.S.
trend can endure.                                                               ing jobs, which could lead       trial average was up about      economic activity, one of
                                                                                to higher pay and possibly       24 points in late morning af-   the lowest such percent-
                                                 (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)  help lift inflation closer to    ter falling sharply all week.   ages in the world.
                                                                                the Fed’s 2 percent target.      For all of 2015, employers      Kevin Logan, chief U.S.
C. S. RUGABER                    the best three-month pace                      Many economists expect           added 2.65 million jobs,        economist at HSBC, says
AP Economics Writer              in a year.                                     the Fed to raise its bench-      a monthly average of            U.S. factories remain vul-
WASHINGTON (AP) —                Even as many more jobs                         mark rate three times this       221,000. That made 2015         nerable to slowing global
American employers add-          have been added, the un-                       year. Stuart Hoffman, chief      the second-best year for        growth. But manufactur-
ed a robust 292,000 jobs         employment rate has held                       economist at PNC Finan-          hiring since 1999, after 2014.  ing makes up less than 9
in December, suggesting          at 5 percent for the past                      cial Services, says the ro-      “2015 went out with a           percent of U.S. employ-
that the U.S. economy is so      three months because                           bust jobs data means the         mega-bang,” says Patrick        ment. Many factories are
far defying global weak-         nearly 1 million more Amer-                    next increase will likely be     O’Keefe, director of eco-       now highly automated
ness and growing solidly.        icans have begun seeking                       in March.                        nomic research at the con-      and don’t employ as many
The strong hiring under-         jobs since September. That                     Still, the jobs report con-      sulting firm CohnReznick.       people as they used to.
scores the resilience of         influx has kept the number                     tained no signs of inflation.    “It speaks to the underlying    “People are consuming
the United States at a time      of unemployed nearly un-                       That led other economists        strength of the domestic        things that aren’t things,
of financial turmoil stem-       changed at 7.9 million.                        such as Alan Levenson at T.      economy. The United State       like data plans, restaurant
ming from China’s slowing        A resilient U.S. economy                       Rowe Price to say that Fed       is intertwined with the in-     meals, health care and en-
economy and plummeting           will likely help some other                    officials may need to see        ternational economy but         tertainment,” Logan said.q
stock market. Most econo-        countries by drawing in
mists expect U.S. consumer       more imports, especially
spending to continue to          as the higher-valued dol-
offset overseas weakness,        lar holds down the prices
though many foresee only         of foreign goods. The World
modest U.S. growth.              Bank said this week that
In its monthly jobs report Fri-  Mexico and emerging
day, the Labor Department        markets in Central America
said the unemployment            should fare better than the
rate was 5 percent in De-        rest of South America be-
cember for a third straight      cause of their proximity to
month. More Americans            the healthier U.S. economy.
started looking for jobs and     Still, the effect could be lim-
found them.                      ited if Americans’ spending
The government also said         remains concentrated in
employers added a com-           services — from restaurants
bined 50,000 more jobs in        to health care — rather
October and November             than factory goods.
than it had previously es-       At the same time, Friday’s
timated. For the July-Sep-       solid jobs report could
tember quarter, hiring av-       make it more likely that the
eraged 284,000 a month —         Federal Reserve will further
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