Page 29 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 29
Saturday 9 January 2016
Venezuelan socialists protest new congress’ ban on Chavez
An oversized portrait of Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez Chavez, who died in 2013 thirds majority in congress, moved from congress is a
that was recently removed from the National Assembly build- suffering from cancer, is taking control of the body giant reconstruction of Bo-
ing, now stands in Bolivar Square in Caracas, Venezuela, Thurs- revered by millions of poor for the first time in 17 years. livar’s face based on an
day, Jan. 7, 2016. Venezuelans who benefit- Foes of the socialists note exhumation of his remains
ed from social programs that while Chavez’s eyes ordered by Chavez. The im-
(AP Photo/Fernando Llano) like free housing and medi- are everywhere — pro- age has long stirred contro-
cal attention. A stencil of viding a protective gaze versy because it was given
his eyes, on giant red bill- or Big Brother-like dose of a darker complexion that
boards and spray-painted despotism, depending on contrasts with 19th century
on buildings, is the most the viewer’s political views paintings in which Bolivar is
ubiquitous image in the — his chosen successor, shown with more European
country. Maduro, is rarely lionized in features.
Opponents say the so- the same way, which they Ramos in the video says the
cialists’ outrage is being say is a reflection of grow- only depiction he wants to
feigned to distract from the ing discontent among Ven- see of Bolivar in the legisla-
economic crisis that led to ezuelans. ture is the “classic” one.
the government’s thrashing In Bolivar, however, Ramos “That’s no Simon Bolivar, it’s
in legislative elections last picked on a more univer- an invention of this man, a
month, when opposition sally beloved figure. crazy thing,” Ramos says,
candidates won a two- Among the images re- referring to Chavez.
FABIOLA SANCHEZ of government supporters
Associated Press dressed in red swore loy-
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) alty to Chavez and Bolivar.
— Although the face of One protester dressed up
Hugo Chavez is already as Uncle Sam pulling the
plastered on walls through- strings of a cut-out Ramos.
out much of the Venezu- “I have to defend their
elan capital, the late lead- honor for my children, my
er’s supporters are now grandchildren and great
vowing to put up images of grandchildren,” said one
the “eternal commander” protester, 77-year-old Eva
on every street corner. Prada, who held images of
Caracas Mayor Jorge Ro- both Chavez and Bolivar.
driguez gave the order at a President Nicolas Maduro
rally Thursday to protest the visited Chavez’s mauso-
decision by the new oppo- leum accompanied by his
sition-controlled congress newly appointed Cabi-
to banish from the neoclas- net to lend his support to
sical legislature building all the campaign. In a fiery
images of Chavez and his speech before dozens of
mentor, independence military officers, he called
hero Simon Bolivar. the removal of Bolivar’s
Chavistas have been en- portrait from congress the
raged by a video playing most-serious affront to the
non-stop on state media memory of “the Libera-
showing the congress’ tor” in the nearly 200 years
new leader, Henry Ramos, since his death. He ordered
cracking jokes while order- that every military family
ing workers to haul away a be given pictures of Boli-
giant billboard of Chavez. var and Chavez to hang in
“I don’t want to see Chavez their homes.
or Maduro,” Ramos says in “I don’t know how each
the video, shot from a cell- of us should react, in our
phone on his first day on hearts and minds, when the
the job. “Take it all to Mira- entire fatherland has been
flores, or the trash,” he says, undeniably desecrated,”
referring to the presidential Defense Minister Vladimir
palace. Padrino told troops at the
At the rally Thursday out- mausoleum, which is in a
side the National Assembly historic fort atop a Caracas
in Plaza Bolivar, hundreds slum.