Page 27 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 27

                                                                                                                     Saturday 9 January 2016

Iran holds mass protests against Saudi Arabia amid tensions

NASSER KARIMI                     The rally in Tehran lasted      Iranian worshippers attend a rally to protest the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a prominent
Associated Press                  some 40 minutes and took        opposition Saudi Shiite cleric, after their Friday prayers in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Jan. 8, 2016.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Irani-        place in an outdoor space       Thousands of worshippers who took part in Friday prayers in Tehran joined the rally, carrying
ans held mass protests on         at the Mosalla Mosque, the      pictures of al-Nimr and chanting “Death to Al Saud,” referencing the kingdom’s royal family.
Friday across the Islamic         main site for Friday prayers    Iranian state media reported similar protests taking place in other Iranian cities and towns. The
Republic, angered by Sau-         in Tehran.                      poster reads:”We all sacrifice for you Islam”.
di Arabia’s execution of a        Iranian state media re-
Shiite cleric that has en-        ported similar protests tak-                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)
flamed regional tensions          ing place in other Iranian
between the Mideast rivals.       cities and towns. Shiites       acts of terror,” of support-    nel, injuring a number of      ciated Press reporter who
Later in the day, the Iranian     across the greater Mideast      ing “extremist terrorists in    Yemeni guards and inflict-     reached the site just after
foreign minister insisted in a    have rallied throughout the     Syria and elsewhere,” and       ing damage to the build-       the announcement saw no
letter to the U.N. chief that     week over al-Nimr’s execu-      waging a “senseless war” in     ings.” He did not specify      damage to the building,
Tehran has no desire to es-       tion.                           Yemen.                          where the killings, injuries   which sits in a neighbor-
calate tensions and said          Iranian Foreign Minister Ja-    Zarif also accused Saudi        and damage took place.         hood near a presidential
Saudis must make a “cru-          vad Zarif said in a letter to   authorities of engaging in      Zarif also accused the Sau-    palace that’s seen many
cial choice” — either con-        U.N. Secretary-General Ban      “numerous direct and at         dis of persistently mistreat-  previous strikes.
tinue supporting extremists       Ki-moon obtained Friday         times lethal provocations       ing Iraqi pilgrims, “fueling   Iran vowed to file a report
and promoting sectarian           by The Associated Press         against Iran.” He cited Sau-    public outrage in Iran.”       about their claim to the
hatred or promote good            that Iran has “no desire or     di bombers hitting Iranian      On Thursday, Iran claimed      United Nations, while the
neighborliness and region-        interest in escalation of ten-  diplomatic facilities in Ye-    that a Saudi-led airstrike     Saudi military issued a state-
al stability.                     sion in our neighborhood”       men several times, includ-      the previous night had hit     ment through the king-
The crisis has seen Saudi         and hopes Saudi Arabia          ing on April 24 and Sept. 18    the Iranian Embassy in Sa-     dom’s state news agency,
Arabia sever ties with Iran       will “heed the cause of rea-    last year and Jan. 7, “killing  naa, citing Iran’s Foreign     dismissing the allegation as
after crowds of protesters        son.”                           two local service person-       Ministry. However, an Asso-    false.q
in Iran attacked two of its       Zarif said that from the first
diplomatic posts on Sun-          days of President Hassan
day. Those assaults came          Rouhani’s election, both
after Saudi Arabia execut-        he and the president have
ed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a         sent public and private
prominent opposition Shiite       signals to Saudi Arabia
cleric, the day before.           “about our readiness to en-
After Friday prayers in Teh-      gage in dialogue and ac-
ran, thousands of worship-        commodation to promote
pers joined the rally, car-       regional stability and com-
rying pictures of al-Nimr         bat destabilizing extremist
and chanting “Death to            violence.”
Al Saud,” referencing the         But he also accused the
kingdom’s royal family.           Saudis of trying to prevent
They also chanted “Down           or defeat the nuclear deal
with the U.S.” and “Death         reached in July, of produc-
to Israel,” traditional Iranian   ing or mis-educating many
slogans at protests.              “extremist perpetrators of

UN envoy in Syria to assure upcoming peace talks in Geneva 

Associated Press                  peace when Syrian gov-          negotiate a peace process       though this round is seen      The U.N. resolution made
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) —            ernment forces are step-        for Syria led by the U.N., the  as particularly urgent af-     no mention of Assad’s fate
As a Saudi-Iran crisis roils the  ping up their attacks and       United States and Russia.       ter the U.N. Security Coun-    after the transitional period.
Middle East, the U.N. spe-        laying siege to opposition-     The U.N. is urging the sides    cil passed a resolution last   “The Saudi-Iranian esca-
cial envoy to Syria arrived       held areas that leave Syr-      in Syria’s five-year-conflict   month endorsing a transi-      lation of tension will have
in Damascus on Friday to          ians starving to death.         to the negotiating table on     tional plan for Syria.         effects (on Geneva talks)
lay the groundwork and            Staffan de Mistura’s visit      Jan. 25 in an effort to find    Its passage was a rare         since they are the two main
prepare the peace nego-           comes as the Saudi-Irani-       a resolution for the conflict   show of unity among glob-      regional powers ... in the
tiations between President        an rift has raised concerns     that has killed more than       al powers, which have          Syrian arena,” said Khaled
Bashar Assad’s government         that the disagreements          250,000 people and dis-         backed opposing sides of       al-Nasser, a member of the
and its opponents due later       between Riyadh and Teh-         placed half the country’s       the conflict — Russia siding   main Western-backed op-
this month in Geneva.             ran — who support differ-       population. Conferences         with Assad and the United      position group, the Syrian
But Syrian opposition figures     ent sides in Syria’s civil war  in Geneva in 2014 failed to     States saying the Syrian       National Coalition. “I am
insist it’s impossible to talk    — could derail efforts to       bring about a settlement,       leader should step down.       pessimistic.”q
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