Page 30 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 30
WORLD NEWSSaturday 9 January 2016
Cuban dissidents leaving country amid shift in US policy Puerto Rico sued
for diverted funds
A. RODRIGUEZ tro and run by his brother, with the Cuban govern- “The reforms that have to amid budget crisis
M. WEISSENSTEIN Raul. Exiles support some ment. He argues that will be made in terms of restric-
Associated Press political activists here with bring better conditions for tions of liberty must come DANICA COTO
HAVANA (AP) — One year money and lobbying of the Cuban people in the from the Cuban govern- Associated Press
ago, the Cuban govern- politicians and the press in long run, and says he may ment, not from the govern- SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP)
ment began releasing 53 the U.S. and other coun- travel to Cuba as early as ment of the United States,” — Puerto Rico is facing its
political prisoners whom tries. this spring if he feels the said Marselha Goncalves first lawsuit over how the
President Barack Obama The Cuban government rights situation here is im- Margerin, Amnesty Interna- U.S. territory’s government
wanted freed as part of a has diverted funds to meet
historic deal to re-establish Dissident Miguel Alberto Ulloa, 25, poses for a photo in his home, holding his release document, certain bond payments as
diplomatic relations be- a day after his release, in Havana, Cuba, one year ago, on Jan. 9, 2015. Advocates, relatives its liquidity dwindles amid a
tween the former Cold War and dissidents say that Cuba has freed at least 38 people on a U.S. list of imprisoned opposition worsening economic crisis.
foes. members, U.S. officials said Friday after weeks of virtual silence that those released had been on The lawsuit filed late Thurs-
U.S. government informa- the list of 53. day by Assured Guaranty
tion and an Associated Corp. and Ambac Assur-
Press assessment of the (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa) ance Corporation claims
dissidents’ lives 12 months the government violated
after their release shows historically has character- proving and a presidential tional’s advocacy director the U.S. constitution by di-
that at least 35 have asked ized internal dissidents as trip will help. for the Americas. verting tax revenues meant
for refugee status allowing unpatriotic mercenaries In a statement Thursday Cuban officials did not re- to back certain bonds and
them to move permanent- acting on behalf of the U.S. night, the State Depart- spond to requests for com- used them instead to fi-
ly to the U.S., reducing the government and violent ment said: “We have pub- ment on how the freed dis- nance general obligation
ranks of an already weak exile groups who want to licly called for the release sidents are faring. bonds, which have higher
and divided opposition retake control of Cuba. of political prisoners and Among those back behind priority.
movement. Whatever the reason, others jailed for exercising bars is Wilberto Parada, “At this time we have no
Many applications have many ordinary Cubans their internationally recog- who was arrested for public choice but to protect our
been delayed by vetting of today question the dissi- nized freedoms in Cuba, disorder in October when stakeholders through ju-
the dissidents’ criminal re- dents’ credentials, saying and will continue to do so.” he protested in front of a dicial recourse,” Nader
cords, some of which have they suspect the activists It added that the U.S. Em- prosecutor’s office in Ha- Tavakoli, Ambac’s CEO
little to do with political ac- are motivated mostly by bassy has been in contact vana. and president, said in a
tivity. Seven have either left money from abroad and with many of those freed Vladimir Morera, from the statement. “The Common-
Cuba or are preparing to the chance of visa to the last year. central province of Villa wealth has committed it-
leave this month. U.S. or Europe. International advocacy Clara, has been jailed self to a ‘scorched earth’
Among those who remain, Obama’s new policy groups such as Amnesty since May on charges of strategy of blaming its fiscal
at least six men are back in moves away from a de- International say that re- assault. Fellow dissidents and structural problems on
Cuban prison on what their cades-long U.S. focus on gardless of U.S. policy, it’s said he held a weekslong lenders, Congress and oth-
allies say are politically re- the dissidents and toward up to Cuba to improve the hunger strike that ended ers, in an effort to deflect
lated charges. Others have a broader diplomatic and island’s human rights situa- last month.q responsibility and obtain
abandoned activism alto- economic engagement tion. retroactive application of
gether. bankruptcy laws.”
About 20 of the freed dis- The two New York-based
sidents have decided not companies and their affili-
to leave, some because ates insure nearly $8 billion
they’ve abandoned politi- of the territory’s debt, ac-
cal activism. But others say cording to the lawsuit filed
they want to stay and work in the U.S. District Court of
to change the govern- Puerto Rico. The compa-
ment. nies claim the government
“Our commitment is here,” illegally diverted at least
said Jose Daniel Ferrer, $163 million when it had
leader of the Patriotic Union other available resources
of Cuba, a group based in to pay part of its debt.
the country’s east. “We do Gov. Alejandro Garcia Pa-
a lot to make our members dilla said Friday that the
aware of that, so that they lawsuit will provoke other
don’t leave.” creditors to rush to court.
Many Cuban exiles view He warned that Puerto
the country’s dissidents Rico does not have the le-
as brave freedom fighters gal structure to deal with
against the single-party such lawsuits and called
state founded by Fidel Cas- on U.S. Congress to provide
the island with a restructur-
Colombia rebels demand remains of guerrilla priest ing mechanism.
“It’s a shame that Con-
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Catholic priest who set ing for social justice. anniversary of Torres’ death gress, which responds to
Colombia’s second-largest aside his cassock in 1965 His body was never found approaches it’s time he re- Wall Street lobbyists, has
rebel group is demanding to take up arms for the Na- but is believed to have ceive a proper burial. ignored Puerto Rico’s crisis
that authorities locate and tional Liberation Army. been taken by his military Locating the remains could and instead opted to al-
return the e remains of one enemies as a trophy. also encourage the ELN to low the island’s 3.5 million
of Latin America’s most He was killed in his first join peace talks with the U.S. citizens and its credi-
emblematic guerrillas. combat and has been re- The ELN in a statement Fri- much-larger FARC rebel tors to enter into chaos,”
Camilo Torres was a Roman vered by leftists ever since day said that as the 50th ground.q he said.q
as a martyr who died fight-