Page 28 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 28
WORLD NEWSSaturday 9 January 2016
South Korea resumes anti-North Spain: US couple charged over son’s death
Korea propaganda broadcasting
tioned by the judge. on Nov. 15 when the family
FOSTER KLUG and its biggest aid pro- HERNAN RATO Case prosecutor Enrique went to a restaurant to cel-
HYUNG-JIN KIM vider, to end “business as CIARAN GILES Barata said their passports ebrate a family birthday.
Associated Press usual” with North Korea. Associated Press had been removed and Barata said the father told
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) Diplomats at a U.N. Secu- GIRONA, Spain (AP) — that the pair had “lost their the judge that the family
— As world leaders debat- rity Council emergency An American couple ar- sense of reality” following did not take the child to
ed how to punish North session pledged to swiftly rested after police found the death of their asthmat- a hospital because they
Korea’s claim of a fourth pursue new sanctions. For the badly decomposed
nuclear test, South Ko- current sanctions and any
rea retaliated by broad- new penalties to work, Case prosecutor Enrique Barata, center right, talks to the media outside the courthouse in Girona,
casting anti-Pyongyang better cooperation and Spain, Friday, Jan. 8, 2016. American couple Bruce and Schrell Hopkins who were arrested after
propaganda across the stronger implementation police found the badly decomposed body of their 7-year-old son at the family’s apartment in
rivals’ tense border Friday from China is seen as key. northeastern Spain told a court Friday that the child suffered from asthma and did not wake up
on what was believed to South Korean and U.S. mil- one morning but that the family didn’t think he was dead.
be Kim Jong Un’s birth- itary leaders also have dis-
day. cussed the deployment (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
North Korea considers of U.S. “strategic assets,”
such broadcasts to be an Seoul’s Defense Ministry body of their 7-year-old ic son Caleb. did not believe in standard
act of psychological war- said. Officials refused to son at the family’s apart- The charges come three medicine, but that they
fare and likely will have a elaborate, but the assets ment in northeastern Spain days after the couple’s ar- had previously treated his
furious response. Pyong- likely are B-52 bombers, claimed Friday that the rest when police found the asthma with inhalers and
yang is extremely sensitive F-22 stealth fighters and child did not wake up one body of Caleb under sev- homeopathic medicine.
to any outside criticism of nuclear-powered subma- morning weeks ago but eral blankets on a bed at “The child was fine play-
the authoritarian leader- rines. After North Korea’s that they didn’t accept he the rented apartment in ing around and living a
ship of Kim, the third mem- third nuclear test in 2013, was dead. the city of Girona where normal life. But one morn-
ber of his family to rule the the U.S. took the unusual Bruce and Schrell Hopkins, the couple lived with their ing he wouldn’t wake up,”
country. When South Ko- step of sending its most aged 39 and 38, and who three children. Barata told reporters. “The
rea briefly resumed pro- powerful warplanes — originated from the Detroit Barata said the exact father explained he tried
paganda broadcasts in B-2 stealth bombers, F-22 area, were charged Friday cause and time of the to give his son resuscitating
August after an 11-year stealth fighters and B-52 with negligent homicide child’s death had yet to be maneuvers, cardiac mas-
break, Seoul says the bombers — to drills with but were released provi- established and that Ca- sage and mouth-to-mouth
two Koreas exchanged South Korea in a show of sionally after being ques- leb was known to be alive breathing. q
artillery fire, followed by force. B-2 and B-52 bomb-
threats of war. ers are capable of deliv- Cologne Police chief dismissed over assaults
South Korea’s Yonhap ering nuclear weapons.
news agency reported It may take weeks or lon- GEIR MOULSON tirement, and the 60-year- by groups of men within
that frontline troops, near ger to confirm or refute FRANK JORDANS old commander said he a 1,000-strong crowd de-
11 sites where loudspeak- the North’s claim that it Associated Press understood the reasons scribed by police as pre-
ers started blaring pro- successfully tested a hy- BERLIN (AP) — The police why. dominantly Arab or North
paganda at noon, were drogen bomb, which chief of the German city The state’s interior minister, African in origin.
on highest alert. Yonhap would mark a major and of Cologne was dismissed Ralf Jaeger, said Albers’ The German government
said Seoul had deployed unanticipated advance Friday amid mounting criti- removal was “necessary said 31 suspects were brief-
missiles, artillery and other for its still-limited nuclear cism of his force’s handling to restore public trust and ly detained for question-
weapons systems near the arsenal. Outside experts of a string of New Year’s the Cologne police’s abil- ing after the New Year’s
border to swiftly deal with are skeptical the blast was Eve sexual assaults and ity to act with a view to Eve trouble, among them
any possible North Ko- a hydrogen bomb, but robberies that police and upcoming major events.” 18 asylum-seekers. The 31
rean provocation. South even a test of an atomic witnesses have blamed Cologne’s annual Carnival included nine Algerians,
Korea’s Defense Ministry bomb would push North largely on foreigners. is next month. eight Moroccans, five Ira-
did not immediately con- Korea closer to building The state government of Albers had faced mount- nians, four Syrians, two
firm the reports. The North a nuclear warhead small North Rhine-Westphalia ing criticism for the police Germans and one person
Korean response could enough to place on a said it was sending Wolf- response to New Year’s each from Iraq, Serbia and
be harsh because of the long-range missile. gang Albers into early re- Eve attacks on women the United States.q
high emotions surrounding Late Friday, the Korea In-
the likely birthday of Kim, stitute of Nuclear Safety
who is believed to be in said a small amount of
his early 30s. North Korean radioactive elements was
military forces often com- found in air samples col-
pete to show their loyalty lected from the peninsu-
to the leader. The North’s la’s eastern seas after the
state media has yet to blast but the measured
mention Kim’s birthday or amount was too small to
South Korea’s loudspeak- determine whether the
er campaign. The broad- North had really detonat-
casts came as world pow- ed a nuclear device.
ers sought to find other The institute said the lev-
ways to punish the North el of xenon-133 isotopes
for conducting what it found in the samples was
said was its first hydrogen similar to levels normally
bomb test Wednesday. detected at its two radio-
U.S. Secretary of State active gas detectors on
John Kerry urged China, the eastern and western
the North’s only major ally coasts. q