Page 49 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 49
Saturday 9 January 2016
Whaling museum Justin Bieber asked to leave Mexico’s Tulum ruin site
set for ‘Moby-Dick’ MARK STEVENSON Bieber was visiting the sea- Caribbean coast south of we do to preserve the envi-
Associated Press side ruins on Thursday when Cancun, for several days. ronment.”
reading marathon MEXICO CITY (AP) — A the incident occurred. Despite the singer’s repu- “He was completely re-
Mexican official said Friday The official could not spec- tation for getting out of spectful, and he partici-
MARK PRATT that Canadian pop star ify which of the site’s struc- line, the representative of pated in the welcoming
Associated Press Justin Bieber and his entou- tures Bieber allegedly had a native Maya ecotourism ceremony performed by a
BOSTON (AP) — “Moby- rage were asked to leave climbed, but said he was camp that Bieber visited local shaman,” said Leno.
Dick” fans from around the the Mayan archaeological “asked to leave.” near Tulum several days “He even ate some of the
world are getting ready for traditional food prepared
their own grueling quest Justin Bieber is seen in Cannes, southeastern France. A Mexican official the Canadian pop star by local communities,” she
— a marathon reading of and his entourage were asked to leave the Mayan archaeological site of Tulum after he appar- noted.
Herman Melville’s classic. ently tried to climb onto the ruins. Bieber was visiting the sea-side ruins on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, Bieber has been involved
The New Bedford Whaling when the incident occurred. in several incidents in Latin
Museum this weekend is America in recent years.
holding its 20th annual non- (AP Photo/Lionel Cironneau) In 2013, Mexican President
stop reading of the seminal Enrique Pena Nieto denied
man vs. whale novel, with site of Tulum after he ap- Visitors can climb some before described him as a tweet by Bieber saying
a few new twists to mark parently tried to climb onto pre-Hispanic pyramids in “completely respectful.” the singer met with the
the anniversary. or among the ruins. Mexico, but officials rope Nathalie Leño, the spokes- leader and his family prior
What started with just “a The official of the National off or place ‘no entry’ signs woman for AllTournative, to a show.
couple of die-hards and Institute of Anthropology on some ruins that are con- a cooperative effort with Apparently, Bieber was
some grog,” accord- and History spoke on con- sidered vulnerable or un- Maya communities at a confused about whether
ing to museum president dition of anonymity be- stable. camp called the Jungla the president was there or
and CEO James Russell, cause he or she was not Bieber has apparently Maya Park, said Bieber vis- not. Bieber later wrote in
has grown into a four-day authorized to be quoted been on vacation in the ited Jan. 5 and “expressed a tweet, “correction. I met
event that culminates in by name. Tulum area, on Mexico’s a lot of interest in the work the presidente’s family and
a cover-to-cover, 25-hour all their friends in the pri-
reading of the book aloud vate meet and greet with
by about 150 volunteers. all their security. They were
Hundreds attend the live very nice.”
event, and thousands That same year, Bieber
more watch a live stream. faced two criminal com-
The event has become plaints and demands for
so popular that this year’s refunds in Argentina, in ad-
reading spots were dition to trouble with police
snapped up within an hour. for allegedly spraying graf-
“This is my favorite mu- fiti in Brazil.
seum event of the year,” Bieber angered Argentines
Russell said. “It touches on by abandoning a concert
so many dimensions: the after less than an hour and
literary experience, the not showing up for a pho-
physical works of art, the to-op that some fans paid
theatrical performance, hundreds of dollars extra
the workshops and focus for. The singer’s manager
groups.” said Bieber came down
The readers are teenagers with food poisoning after a
and nonagenarians. They concert.q
include Melville scholars
and Melville descendants. Prisoners score Malawi’s first Grammy nomination
They come from across
the country and overseas. LYNSEY CHUTEL er tracks include “Prison of sandy yard and cramped pert in violence prevention.
This year’s celebrity read- Associated Press Sinners,” ‘’Last Wishes” and quarters. Music is a tool for empathy,
er, who traditionally kicks JOHANNESBURG (AP) — The the more upbeat “When Cut off from the world, the he said.
things off by reading what gentle chorus of maximum They See Me Dance.” Eigh- inmates heard about their Brennan struck a deal with
has been called the most security prisoners sung over teen of the 20 tracks are nomination via charity prison officials in Malawi
famous opening line in lit- simple guitar chords has sung in the Chichewa lan- workers and prison officials, that he would give work-
erature, “Call me Ishmael,” earned Malawians their first guage. album producer Ian Bren- shops on conflict preven-
is award-winning author Grammy nomination, but The Zomba Prison Project nan said in a telephone in- tion to inmates while get-
Nathaniel Philbrick. it took nearly 10 days for has been nominated for terview from Paris. ting the chance to record
Portions will be read in for- them to find out. best world music album, on Brennan, who has built a their haunting hymns and
eign languages including “I Have No Everything the heels of previous win- career as a producer de- traditional songs. The pris-
Spanish, French and Dutch. Here” is a 20-track collec- ners and now fellow nomi- termined to promote new oners were paid in money,
The reading starts at noon tion of sometimes melan- nees such as South Africa’s international music, said clothes and other commis-
Saturday and moves cholic songs performed by Ladysmith Black Mambazo he was nevertheless sur- sary items, all handled by
through different galler- the inmates of Malawi’s and Beninese singer An- prised that his “massive, the guards.
ies of the museum, even overcrowded Zomba pris- gelique Kidjo. money-losing labor of love” Brennan used his own funds
at one pointing sailing up on, documenting life on Grammy recognition will has garnered international to pay for the album, which
the cobblestone street to both sides of the crumbling not lead to a world-touring prestige. was released by Six De-
the Seamen’s Bethel — the red brick walls. career for the Zomba Pris- Born in Oakland, California, grees, a San Francisco re-
Whaleman’s Chapel in the The track “Listen to Me” is a on Project, though. Many Brennan has also worked in cord company known for
novel. warning to young women performers are serving life psychiatric facilities for over its international catalog. q
New for this year are a four- to stay out of trouble. Oth- sentences in the prison’s 20 years, becoming an ex-
hour reading of a Portu-
guese adaptation of “Mo-
by-Dick,” and a two-hour
children’s version, read by
kids ages 8 to 12.q