Page 46 - min.soc 9 jan,2016
P. 46


SCIENCESaturday 9 January 2016

US says pesticide harms bees in some cases                                                                                                                     Study:

A bee works on a honeycomb the Gene Brandi Apiary in Los Banos, Calif. The Environmental                                    the chemical, “there’s a             Ebola survivors’
Protection Agency has found that a major pesticide harms honeybees when used on cotton and                                  significant effect,” namely
citrus but not on other big crops like corn, berries and tobacco.                                                           fewer bees, less honey and          blood didn’t help
                                                                                                                            “a less robust hive,” said
                                                                                            (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)  Jim Jones, EPA’s assistant          Guinea patients
                                                                                                                            administrator for chemical
SETH BORENSTEIN                     trouble and they do more      pesticides and fungicides                                 safety and pollution pre-          MARIA CHENG
AP Science Writer                   than make honey. They are     interact, said bee expert                                 vention. But if the nectar         AP Medical Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) — A                 crucial to our food supply:   May Berenbaum at the                                      chemical level was below           LONDON (AP) — Giving the
major pesticide harms hon-          About one-third of the hu-    University of Illinois.                                   25 parts per billion, it was as    blood of Ebola survivors
eybees when used on cot-            man diet comes from in-       “Anything to reduce stress                                if there were no imidaclo-         to patients didn’t seem to
ton and citrus but not on           sect-pollinated plants, and   on bees is helpful,” said Uni-                            prid at all, with no ill effects,  make a difference, doctors
other big crops like corn,          the honeybee is respon-       versity of Maryland ento-                                 Jones said. It was a clear         found in the biggest study
berries and tobacco, the            sible for 80 percent of that  mologist Dennis vanEngels-                                line of harm or no harm, he        so far on the approach,
U.S. Environmental Protec-          pollination.                  dorp. “I am not convinced                                 said.                              prompting some scientists
tion Agency found.                  Some advocacy groups          that neonics are a major                                  Levels depended on the             to say it’s time to aban-
It’s the first scientific risk as-  target neonicotinoids —       driver of colony loss.”                                   crop, Jones said. While            don the strategy. With no
sessment of the much-de-            the chemical works on in-     Before it acts on a pesti-                                nectar of cotton and cit-          licensed treatment for the
bated class of pesticides           sects’ central nervous sys-   cide, EPA wanted more                                     rus fruits were above the          devastating disease, doc-
called neonicotinoids and           tems and are often called     specific and targeted re-                                 harmful concentrations,            tors have sometimes used
how they affect bees on             “neonics” — and call for      search. The risk report re-                               the levels were not harmful        blood from survivors to
a chronic long-term ba-             bans on the chemicals.        leased Wednesday is the                                   for corn — the nation’s top        treat the sick, hoping its
sis. The EPA found in some          Recent scientific studies     first of four on this class                               crop by far — most vege-           infection-fighting antibod-
cases the chemical didn’t           have pointed to problems      of chemicals. The study                                   tables, berries and tobac-         ies might help patients de-
harm bees or their hives            and pesticide makers dis-     was done by the EPA and                                   co. Other crops weren’t            feat the virus. It seemed to
but in other cases it posed         pute those studies and this   California’s environmental                                conclusive and need more           help some patients in the
a significant risk. It mostly       one from the EPA. Europe      agency, with a similar one                                testing, including legumes,        past but there was no clear
depended on the crop, a             banned the pesticide class,   done by Canada.                                           melons, tree nuts and              proof. Amid the world’s
nuanced answer that nei-            and then lifted the ban.      EPA analysis of detailed                                  herbs. Also, the controver-        biggest outbreak of Ebola
ther clears the way for an          Don’t expect any future       tests found a clear level of                              sial practice of treating          in West Africa in 2014, sci-
outright ban nor is a blan-         action on this pesticide to   concentration of the pesti-                               seeds with the chemical            entists decided to put the
ket go-ahead for contin-            solve the dwindling bee       cide imidacloprid, the most                               seemed not to harm bees,           treatment to the test in
ued use. Both the pesticide         problem because it’s not      common neonicotinoid,                                     Jones said.                        Guinea. At a clinic in the
maker and anti-pesticide            just this pesticide alone,    in which things start to go                               The problem crops of cot-          capital Conakry, scientists
advocates were unhappy              but a complicated puzzle      awry. If nectar brought                                   ton and citrus are No. 7           found no difference in sur-
with report.                        that includes lack of food    back to the hive from                                     and 9 in U.S. production           vival between 84 patients
The issue is important be-          for bees, parasites, dis-     worker bees had more                                      value in 2014, according           who got survivor blood
cause honeybees are in              ease and the way different    than 25 parts per billion of                              to Agriculture Department          compared to about 400
                                                                                                                            statistics.                        patients treated some five
                                                                                                                            The study looked just at           months earlier, accord-
                                                                                                                            commercial honeybees               ing to the study published
                                                                                                                            because they are a good            in New England Journal of
                                                                                                                            surrogate for all pollinators,     Medicine Thursday.
                                                                                                                            Jones said. But Lori Ann           “We would have liked to
                                                                                                                            Burd, environmental health         have seen more dramatic
                                                                                                                            director of the advocacy           results,” said Johan van
                                                                                                                            group Center for Biologi-          Griensven of the study in
                                                                                                                            cal Diversity, criticized the      Guinea, the paper’s lead
                                                                                                                            agency for ignoring wild           author. “But this doesn’t
                                                                                                                            bees, like bumblebees,             mean (blood) plasma
                                                                                                                            which studies show are             treatment doesn’t work
                                                                                                                            much more sensitive to the         by definition.” He said an-
                                                                                                                            pesticides, calling the re-        tibody levels are often low
                                                                                                                            port “weak.”                       in patients who have only
                                                                                                                            Jones said this is a draft         recently recovered from
                                                                                                                            of a scientific report, not        Ebola and that doctors
                                                                                                                            a regulation. After public         might need to use blood
                                                                                                                            comments and the report            from long-term survivors to
                                                                                                                            is finalized, then EPA may         get a better effect.
                                                                                                                            act.q                              Van Griensven and col-
                                                                                                                                                               leagues studied people
                                                                                                                                                               who got two transfusions
                                                                                                                                                               of plasma — the clear part
                                                                                                                                                               of blood that contains an-
                                                                                                                                                               tibodies — in Guinea last
                                                                                                                                                               year. q
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