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A4   U.S. NEWS
                      Friday 4 august 2023

            A man accused of locking a woman in a homemade cell had a

            handwritten plan and sketch, FBI says

            By  Andrew  Selsky  and                                                                                             way,  according  to  court
            Gene Johnson                                                                                                        documents.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    After the woman escaped,
            SALEM,  Ore.  (AP)  —  He                                                                                           Zuberi fled but was arrested
            called  it  “Operation  Take                                                                                        by state police in Reno, Ne-
            Over,” with a list that includ-                                                                                     vada,  the  next  afternoon,
            ed a chilling reminder to go                                                                                        the FBI said.
            after women who wouldn’t                                                                                            Zuberi  is  married  and  has
            be  missed  to  avoid  “any                                                                                         a child, but the FBI did not
            kind  of  an  investigation,”                                                                                       say  whether  they  were  liv-
            according to the FBI.                                                                                               ing  in  the  Klamath  Falls
            Accompanying  the  bullet-                                                                                          home and declined to an-
            point notes was a sketch of                                                                                         swer questions about them.
            an  apparent  dungeon,  to                                                                                          Zuberi  did  not  follow  item
            be built with cinder blocks,                                                                                        No.  1  in  the  “Operation
            foam insulation and water-                                                                                          Take Over” plan that police
            proof concrete.                                                                                                     found in the house — a re-
            Police found the legal pad                                                                                          minder to leave  his  phone
            with the notes in the south-                                                                                        at home, authorities say. FBI
            ern Oregon home of a man                                                                                            Special  Agent  Travis  Glue-
            who  is  now  a  suspect  in                                                                                        senkamp said in an affida-
            sexual  assaults  around  the                                                                                       vit  that  GPS  location  data
            country.  Also  in  the  home:                                                                                      from  Zuberi’s  cellphone
            a  cinder  block  cell  where                                                                                       showed  he  was  in  Seattle
            police say the man, Negasi                                                                                          on  July  15.  Both  his  phone
            Zuberi,  held  a  woman  he                                                                                         and  the  woman's  phone
            had  allegedly  kidnapped    This undated photo provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Portland Field Office shows   also  traveled  from  Seattle
            in Seattle until she escaped   the interior of a makeshift cinderblock cell in Klamath Falls, Ore., allegedly used by Negasi Zuberi.  to  Klamath  Falls  that  day,
                                                                                                                    (FBI via AP)
            by  pounding  at  the  door                                                                                         Gluesenkamp said.
            with bloodied hands.         The  FBI  set  up  a  website  resided  since  August  2016.  a woman for prostitution in  Zuberi is now behind bars in
            Court  and  police  records  asking  anyone  who  be-     Those  states  could  include  an area known for sex work  Nevada, waiting to be ex-
            show Zuberi, 29, had been  lieves they may have been  California, Washington, Or-      and afterward posed as an  tradited to Oregon, where
            on  law  enforcement’s  ra-  a  victim  to  come  forward.  egon, Colorado, Utah, Flor-  undercover  police  officer,  he  is  charged  in  federal
            dar  before  —  for  offenses  The site says the FBI’s inves-  ida, New York, New Jersey,  the  FBI  said  Wednesday.  court  with  interstate  kid-
            such as punching someone  tigation  has  extended  to  Alabama and Nevada, the  He  handcuffed  her,  put  napping  and  transporting
            in  the  face  and  being  a  states  where  Zuberi,  who  site says.                  her  in  leg  irons  and  drove  an  individual  across  state
            bad tenant whose landlord  used  several  aliases,  in-   In  the  Seattle  kidnapping  to  Klamath  Falls,  Oregon,  lines with intent to engage
            sought to evict him.         cluding  Sakima,  previously  on  July  15,  Zuberi  solicited  stopping to rape her on the  in criminal sexual activity.q

                                                                      Ex-Mississippi officers plead guilty to

                                                                      racist assault on 2 Black men during raid

                                                                      execution” that went awry,  charges come after an As-     ed his tongue and broke his
                                                                      the documents say the of-    sociated Press investigation  jaw, then exited his neck.
                                                                      ficers  conspired  to  plant  linked  the  deputies  to  at  Those charged in the case
                                                                      and tamper with evidence  least  four  violent  encoun-   are  five  former  Rankin
                                                                      instead  of  providing  medi-  ters  with  Black  men  since  County  Sheriff’s  Depart-
                                                                      cal aid.                     2019  that  left  two  dead  ment  employees  —  Chris-
                                                                      The  Justice  Department  and another with lasting in-    tian  Dedmon,  Hunter  El-
                                                                      launched  its  civil  rights  juries.  “It’s kind of a partner-  ward, Brett McAlpin, Jeffrey
                                                                      probe in February. The Mis-  ship  in  crime,”  U.S.  District  Middleton  and  Daniel  Op-
                                                                      sissippi  attorney  general’s  Judge Tom Lee said about  dyke  —  and  former  Rich-
                                                                      office announced Thursday  the conspiracy charges un-     land  police  officer  Joshua
            Michael  Corey  Jenkins  stands  outside  Taylor  Hill  Church  in
            Braxton, Miss., March 18, 2023.                           it  had  filed  state  charges  sealed Thursday.          Hartfield, who was off duty
                                              (AP Photo/HG Biggs, File)  against  the  six  former  of-  Court  documents  said  the  when  he  participated  in
                                                                      ficers,  including  assault,  officers  took  on  the  Goon  the raid.
            By Michael Goldberg          one man in the mouth.        conspiracy  and  obstruc-    Squad nickname “because  Federal  marshals  took  the
            Associated Press             The  officers  entered  the  tion of justice.  “The defen-  of  their  willingness  to  use  former officers into custody
            JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Six  house  without  a  warrant  dants  in  this  case  tortured  excessive force and not to  Thursday,  and  the  judge
            white  former  law  enforce-  on  Jan.  24,  assaulting  the  and  inflicted  unspeakable  report  it.”  The  two  victims,  said  the  men  will  be  sen-
            ment  officers  in  Mississippi  men with a sex object and  harm on their victims,” U.S.  Michael Corey Jenkins and  tenced in mid-November.
            who called themselves the  using  stun  guns  and  other  Attorney General Merrick B.  Eddie Terrell Parker, filed a  The  documents  identified
            “Goon  Squad”  pleaded  objects to abuse them over  Garland  said,  adding  that  federal  civil  rights  lawsuit  Elward  as  the  person  who
            guilty  Thursday  to  a  racist  a roughly 90-minute period,  they  “egregiously  violated  against  Rankin  County  in  shot  Jenkins,  and  Opdyke
            assault  on  two  Black  men  court  documents  show.  the  civil  rights  of  citizens  June seeking $400 million in  and  Dedmon  as  the  ones
            in a home raid that ended  After  one  victim  was  shot  who  they  were  supposed  damages.  The  bullet  fired  who assaulted the two men
            with  an  officer  shooting  and  wounded  in  a  “mock  to  protect.”  The  civil  rights  into Jenkins’ mouth lacerat-  with the sex object. q
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