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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 19 augustus 2021

                         Report shines light on abuse by Bolivia's interim government

            (AP)  —  Bolivia’s  recent  who  have  long  maintained  an  email  said  that  Bolivians  the Ford Foundation, is care-
            interim government came  Áñez  took  power  through  deserve  accountability  based  ful not to endorse claims of a
            to  power  by  sidestepping  a coup tacitly backed by the  on credible legal proceedings  coup against Morales.
            constitutional  rules  for  Trump  administration.  It’s  that respect due process.
            presidential    succession  also  likely  to  undercut  criti-                         But  it  does  question  the  le-
            and persecuted opponents  cism  by  the  Biden  adminis-  Following  Áñez’s  arrest  in  gitimacy  of  Áñez’s  ascent  to
            with  “systematic  torture”  tration and others suggesting  March,  Secretary  of  State  power, pointing out that her
            and    “summary     execu-   that the jailing of Áñez on se-  Antony  Blinken  said  on  election  to  the  head  of  the
            tions” by security forces in  dition and terrorism charges  Twitter  that  he  was  “deeply  Senate  and  then  as  interim
            the tumultuous aftermath  tied to the unrest was politi-  concerned  by  growing  signs  president lacked the quorum
            of  Evo  Morales’  resigna-  cally motivated.             of  antidemocratic  behavior  required by Bolivia’s consti-
            tion in 2019, according to                                and  politicization”  of  Boliv-  tution  after  several  of  Mo-
            a new report by indepen-     “This   thoroughly   docu-   ia’s justice system.         rales’ allies in the legislature
            dent  human  rights  ex-     mented report sets the record                             resigned in protest.         a  fourth  term,  deep-seated
            perts.                       straight,” said Kathryn Lede-  An OAS electoral mission to                             racism against his Indigenous
                                         bur, who leads the nonprofit  Bolivia  found  a  number  of  “If  this  isn’t  a  coup,  what  followers  and  traditionally
            The  scathing,  471-page  re-  Andean  Information  Net-  “irregularities”  in  the  2019  more  proof  can  there  be?”  weak institutions as aggravat-
            port is the most comprehen-  work in Bolivia and has been  election,  including  the  ex-  Arce said at Tuesday’s presen-  ing factors.
            sive yet to examine the events  a sharp critic of Áñez.   istence  of  hidden  computer  tation to shouts of “Justice!”
            surrounding  the  disputed                                servers.  Morales  officially  by  relatives  of  those  killed  But it specifically faults Áñez
            2019 presidential vote, when  Ledebur,  an  American  who  won by barely enough votes  who were also in attendance.  officials  for  utilizing  the  ju-
            Morales’  narrow  election  has  lived  in  Bolivia  for  de-  to  avoid  a  runoff  with  the                      diciary and security forces to
            to  an  unprecedented  fourth  cades,  said  she  finds  U.S.  second-place finisher.  The  report  also  detailed  ex-  target opponents, often based
            term  triggered  widespread  policy  toward  Bolivia  espe-                            amples of excessive force by  on  flimsy  evidence.  It  also
            protests  spurred  by  strong  cially  disappointing  because  That  OAS  electoral  mis-  police,  including  the  use  of  found evidence of female de-
            international  allegations  of  of the parallels between how  sion’s findings prompted op-  lethal  ammunition,  to  sup-  tainees being threatened with
            voting  fraud  —  claims  later  the Áñez government spread  ponents  joined  by  Bolivia’s  press  unarmed  supporters  rape and subjected to genital
            questioned  by  foreign  elec-  misinformation  and  inter-  armed  forces  to  pressure  of Morales who poured into  touching.
            toral experts.               vened in the judiciary to at-  Morales into resigning hours  the streets. At least 20 people
                                         tack opponents and attempts  after  he  had  acquiesced  to  were  killed  in  two  incidents  Among  those  imprisoned
            The  report,  presented  Tues-  by former President Donald  OAS Secretary General Luis  the  experts  characterized  as  was a maid found when po-
            day in La Paz in an event at-  Trump  to  hold  onto  power  Almagro’s  call  for  a  redo  of  “massacres”  perpetrated  by  lice  raided  the  abandoned
            tended by new President Luis  following his defeat last year.  the vote.               security  forces  acting  un-  home  of  a  former  top  offi-
            Arce,  was  commissioned  by                                                           der the authority of a decree  cial, as well as Morales’ for-
            the  Organization  of  Ameri-  “Instead of suggesting Áñez’s  Later,  researchers  from  the  signed by Áñez guaranteeing  mer  cabinet  chief,  Patricia
            can States chief human rights  arrest was politically motivat-  Massachusetts  Institute  of  amnesty for those working to  Hermosa, who had a miscar-
            watchdog  under  an  agree-  ed, the U.S. should speak out  Technology would cast doubt  reestablish public order.  riage in custody while being
            ment  with  the  former  in-  about the gross human rights  on the OAS’ claim that a sud-                           denied medical attention, ac-
            terim  government  led  by  violations committed by, and  den  change  in  voting  trends  “We don’t want revenge. We  cording to the report.
            Jeanine Áñez.                the  illegality  of,  the  Áñez  following  an  extended  lapse  want  justice,”  said  Gregoria
                                         government,” Ledebur said.   in releasing results pointed to  Siles,  whose  son  Omar  was  The  report  contains  36  rec-
            The  five-member  panel’s                                 fraud. The OAS has stood by  killed after being shot in back  ommendations,   including
            findings of widespread abus-  The  State  Department  said  its findings.              in the city Sacaba.          calls  to  compensate  victims
            es  by  security  forces  acting  that  it  would  not  comment                                                     of state violence, a thorough
            under the conservative inter-  until  it  had  heard  from  the  The  new  report,  which  was  The  report  highlights  the  investigation of crimes com-
            im government’s direction is  Group  of  Independent  Ex-  the  result  of  eight  months  deep  political  polarization  mitted by security forces and
            likely to embolden leftist sup-  perts  and  had  reviewed  its  of research partly funded by  surrounding Morales’ chang-  greater  independence  for
            porters of Morales and Arce,  report. But a spokesperson in  the  U.S.  Government  and  ing of the constitution to seek  prosecutors and judges.

                           Spain, rights groups disagree over rights of child migrants

            (AP)  —  Spanish  officials  urging  him  to  end  it  im-  by  scaling  a  border  fence  or  that are returnable,” Grande-
            sought  to  justify  Tuesday  mediately.                  swimming  around  it.  They  Marlaska said in an interview  But  in  a  letter  to  Spanish
            their  policy  of  sending                                have  been  in  Ceuta  since  with  Spanish  public  radio  Prime  Minister  Pedro  Sán-
            unaccompanied child mi-      Hundreds of unaccompanied  then.                          RNE. “They are not at risk.”  chez  published  Tuesday,  28
            grants  back  to  Morocco,  minors  were  among  a  surge                                                           Spanish  and  international
            while 28 human rights or-    of  10,000  people  who  tried  Last Friday, Spanish authori-  The head of the Ceuta gov-  rights groups insisted the re-
            ganizations  wrote  to  the  to enter Spain’s North Afri-  ties began sending them back  ernment,  Juan  Jesús  Vivas,  turns are illegal because they
            Spanish  prime  minister  can enclave of Ceuta in May  to Morocco in groups of 15,  acknowledged  that  the  2007  are  done  in  groups,  without
                                                                      triggering  an  outcry  from  agreement  does  not  set  out  prior warning and without a
                                                                      rights groups.               specific  rules  but  states  that  hearing  or  the  provision  of
                                                                                                   Spain  and  Morocco  have  to  legal counsel.
                                                                      Spanish  Interior  Minister  agree on how to proceed with
                                                                      Fernando  Grande-Marlaska  returns.                       Because  of  that,  the  returns
                                                                      said Tuesday the returns were                             are in contravention of Span-
                                                                      taking  place  under  a  2007  Regardless of whether an in-  ish,  European  and  interna-
                                                                      agreement  between  Spain  dividual  written  assessment  tional  law,  the  rights  groups
                                                                      and Morocco for assisted re-  has been made of each child,  argue.
                                                                      turns  once  children’s  cases  he  said,  for  the  past  three
                                                                      had been considered.         months the minors who have  A Spanish court has suspend-
                                                                                                   been returned have been ac-  ed  the  returns  until  Thurs-
                                                                      Morocco  has  given  “assur-  companied by qualified pro-  day,  giving  the  government
                                                                      ances” that the minors’ rights  fessionals  and  no  child  clas-  72  hours  to  show  it  is  not
                                                                      will be respected, he said.  sified by them as vulnerable  breaking the law.
                                                                                                   has  been  sent  back  to  Mo-
                                                                      “We  are  returning  the  ones  rocco.
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