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u.s. news Diamars 20 OctOber 2020
Organizers exhort women to vote for change at US rallies
(AP)- Thousands of most- women marching and now board sign carried by a young
ly young women in masks it’s going to end with woman woman wearing a red mask
rallied Saturday in the na- voting. Period,” she said. with small portraits of the
tion's capital and other liberal Supreme Court jus-
U.S. cities, exhorting vot- “Vote for your daughter's fu- tice whose Sept. 18 death
ers to oppose President ture,” read one message in sparked the rush by Repub-
Donald Trump and his the sea of signs carried by licans to replace her with a
fellow Republican candi- demonstrators. “Fight like a conservative.
dates in the Nov. 3 elec- girl,” said another.
tions. People wearing masks gath-
Demonstrators rallied in ered peacefully under sunny
The latest of rallies that be- dozens of other cities from skies on the City Hall steps in
gan with a massive women’s New York to San Francisco Portland, Oregon, to sing and
march the day after Trump’s to signal opposition to Trump listen to speakers. One speak-
January 2017 inauguration and his policies, especially er called for racial justice and of Breonna Taylor, a Black
was playing out during the the push to fill the seat of late an end to police brutality. “When we vote him out, medical worker killed by of-
coronavirus pandemic, and Supreme Court Justice Ruth come Nov. 3, there is no ficers in March during a raid
demonstrators were asked to Bader Ginsburg before Elec- In Washington, the demon- choice," said Spoo. "Donald at her home in Louisville,
wear face coverings and prac- tion Day. strators started with a rally at Trump will not get to choose Kentucky.
tice social distancing. Freedom Plaza, then marched whether he stays in power."
A socially distanced march toward Capitol Hill, finish- A grand jury decided last
Rachel O’Leary Carmona, was held at Cornell Uni- ing in front of the Supreme "That is not his power, that is month not to charge any of
executive director of the versity in Ithaca, New York, Court, where they were met our power. ... We are the hell the police officers involved
Women’s March, opened outside the dormitory where by a handful of anti-abortion and high water,” she said. with her death; instead, one
the event by asking people to Bader Ginsburg lived as an activists. officer was charged with
keep their distance from one undergraduate student. Next month's presidential shooting into a neighboring
another, saying that the only In New York, a demonstra- In one of several speeches at contest was also the focus of home.
superspreader event would tor wearing a Donald Trump the rally, Sonja Spoo, direc- a separate New York protest
be the recent one at the White mask stood next to a statue of tor of reproductive rights Saturday in which hundreds “People need to get out and
House. George Washington at Feder- campaigns at Ultraviolet, said of demonstrators protested vote,” Palmer told those at
al Hall during the the wom- she has to chuckle when she the killings of Black people the event. “Protesting is good
She talked about the power en's march outside the New hears reporters ask Trump by police officers. but if we don’t take it to the
of women to end Trump’s York Stock Exchange. whether he will accept a polls we’re really not going
presidency. peaceful transfer of power if Among those protesting was to make the change we want
“His presidency began with “We Dissent,” said a card- he loses his reelection bid. Tamika Palmer, the mother and nee
Trump, Biden go on offense in states they're trying to flip
(AP) — President Donald performance. Luckey, which also featured ference in states that remain
Trump on Monday sought On Sunday night in Carson a performance by the Beach close.
to buck up his campaign “People are tired of hearing City, Nevada, Trump ad- Boys.
staffers two weeks from Fauci and all these idiots," dressed thousands of sup- “Where we have states that
Election Day, dismissing Trump said of Dr. Anthony porters who sat elbow to el- But over the past four are sort of tipping could go
the cautionary corona- Fauci, declaring the govern- bow, cheering him and boo- months, Biden has raised either way,” he said. “I have
virus advice of scientific ment's top infectious disease ing Biden and the press. The over $1 billion, a massive an ability to go to those states
experts as well as poll- expert “a disaster.” He sug- vast majority wore no masks amount of money that has and rally. Biden has no ability,
ing showing him trail- gested it would create a con- to guard against the coronavi- eclipsed Trump's once-over- I go to a rally we have 25,000
ing Democratic rival Joe troversy to fire him. rus, though cases in the state whelming cash advantage. people. He goes to a rally and
Biden across key battle- are on the rise, with more he has four people.”
ground states. Fauci, in an interview with than 1,000 new infections That's become apparent in
CBS's “60 Minutes” that reported Saturday. The Re- advertising, where Biden and Trump's visit to the state is
Speaking to campaign aides aired Sunday, had said he was publican president, as he of- his Democratic allies are on part of an aggressive schedule
on a conference call, Trump not surprised by Trump com- ten does, warned that a Biden pace to spend twice as much of campaign events, where he
insisted he believes he's go- ing down with the virus after election would lead to fur- as Trump and the Republi- has leaned heavily into fear
ing to win, volunteering he he held large events with no ther lockdowns and appeared cans in the closing days of the tactics.
didn't have that sense of con- face coverings. Fauci also ob- to mock Biden for saying he race, according to data from
fidence two weeks ago when jected to the president's cam- would listen to scientists. the ad tracking firm Kantar/ Trump's Carson City rally
he was hospitalized with paign using his words in a CMAG. was held at an airport with a
COVID-19. One week since campaign ad. “He'll listen to the scientists. golden scrub brush-covered
returning to the campaign If I listened totally to the sci- Though Trump has pulled hill providing a dramatic
trail, where his handling of “I was worried that he was entists, we would right now back from advertising in Mid- backdrop. He relived fond
the pandemic is a central is- going to get sick when I saw have a country that would western states that secured moments from his 2016 cam-
sue to voters, Trump blasted him in a completely precari- be in a massive depression,” his 2016 win, he's invested paign against Hillary Clin-
his government's own scien- ous situation of crowded no Trump said. heavily elsewhere, including ton, revisited his long-run-
tists for their criticism of his separation between people, North Carolina, where he is ning feud with NFL players
and almost nobody wearing In addition to public polling on pace to slightly outspend and went on an extended rant
a mask,” Fauci said of the that indicates Biden has an Biden in the days ahead. about water management
president. edge, the former vice presi- policy, which he blamed for
dent enjoys another consid- In Nevada, which Trump people having to “flush their
Trump dialed in to his staff- erable advantage over Trump: came close to winning in toilet 15 times.”
ers Monday from Las Vegas, money. 2016, Democrats are set to
where he was on the third outspend Trump in the clos- _ Slodysko reported from
day of a campaign swing to Trump raked in $12 million ing days by a more than 3-to- Washington and Weissert
the West. He was to hold ral- during a fundraiser Sunday 1 ratio. from Durham, North Caro-
lies in Prescott and Tucson in afternoon at the Newport lina. Associated Press Writer
Arizona before returning to Beach home of top GOP do- Trump argued that his rallies Elana Schor in Washington
the White House. nor and tech mogul Palmer could help make up the dif- contributed to this report.