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                  Tuesday 13 March 2018
            BAZAR Pop-Up Event                                        Three great-looking ladies enjoy

                                         In  the  Nieuwstraat  36  at   schnitzels at Café the Plaza
                                         Nikki Habibe Plaza in Oran-
                                         jestad the vibes of art and
                                         culture will go around. The
                                         organization  states:  “Our
                                         walls  were  built  to  show-
                                         case  local  artists,  we  are
                                         honored  to  display  Jenny
                                         Kock. Jenny Kock is a well
                                         know  artist  on  the  island,
                                         mostly for his great appre-
                                         ciation for Aruba’s scenery
                                         and culture. With his unique
                                         technique,  he  has  shown
                                         the  world  that  art  has  no
                                         This is the right opportunity
                                         to  acquire  your  very  own
                                         Jenny  Kock  Art.  As  a  sur-
                                         prise  element  to  the  pub-
                                         lic  BAZAR  will  feature  their
                                         Coffee  Boutique  concept
                                         with delish coffee and pas-
            ORANJESTAD  –  There  is  a  tries  from  12pm-4pm.Start-
            new place in town and you  ingfrom  6pm  they  take  it
            are  most  welcome  to  ex-  up  by  creating  a  unique
            perience.  Coming  Satur-    experience  with  local  arti-
            day BAZAR will be welcom-    sans,  local  pastries,  vegan
            ing  you  with  open  arms.  snacks,  local  farmers  and
            “Come  join  us  at  BAZAR,  local  food  too,  you  can
            and take a look at our Pop-  either Go Vegan or simply    ORANJESTAD - These great-    Café  the  Plaza  in  the  Re-  are very enthusiastic about
            Up  Galleria  featuring  local  stay true to your meat!   looking  ladies  are  Veron-  naissance    Marketplace  Aruba’s locals as well:
            artists  and  artisans,  while                            ica  Guickean  (80),  Vesta  was    recommended      to  ``Everyone  is  so  welcom-
            taking  the  opportunity  to  Part of the proceeds will go   Rhymer  (81)  and  Gail  Hart  them,  so  they  went  down-  ing, helpful and warm; we
            enjoy our bar serving bliss-  to Stichting Mi Por, to con-  (80). They are retirees from  town to check out this pop-  love it here’’, they say.
            ful  drinks,  coffee,  vegetar-  tinue  helping  kids  with  a   Florida  and  this  is  the  first  ular restaurant.  That is wonderful to hear -
            ian or meat dishes!”         physical impairment on the   time that they are on Aru-                                thank you!q
                                         island.q                     ba.                          Veronica,  Vesta  and  Gail

            Mr & Mrs Demaree and Sophia & William Ratchik

            Honored at the Marriott Ocean Club

                                                                                                   consecutive  years  coming  ing to Aruba.
                                                                                                   to  Aruba  and  also  to  two
                                                                                                   brother & sister William Rat-  They love Aruba  mainly for
                                                                                                   chik and Sophia Ratchik  as  the beaches & friendly Aru-
                                                                                                   “Distinguished Visitors” with  ban people.q
                                                                                                   10 consecutive years com-

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently  had the great pleasure to-      Ocean  Club  To  Honor  Mr.
            Emely    Ridderstaat   from  gether  with  the  Staff  and  & Mrs. Demaree as “Good-
            Aruba  Tourism  Authority  Personal  of  the  Marriottt  will  Embassador”  with  20+
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