Page 23 - HOH
P. 23
U.S. NEWS Monday 30 March 2020
Up to 200K US deaths foreseen as more cities stricken
Continued from Front
Worldwide, the count ap-
proached 700,000 infec-
tions, and deaths topped
32,000. World Health Orga-
nization figures showed the
daily increase in new infec-
tions was eclipsing 70,000,
up from about 50,000 ear-
lier in the week, and more
than six times what it was
two weeks ago.
New York State — where
the death toll closed in on
1,000, up by more than 200
from the day before — re-
mained the epicenter of
the U.S. outbreak, with the
vast majority of the deaths
in New York City. But spikes
in infections were recorded
around the country, not
only in metropolitan areas
but in Midwestern towns
and Rocky Mountain ski ha-
vens. The virus’ spread was
rampant at nursing homes,
assisted living facilities and A paramedic transports a patient into the Trauma Center at the Elmhurst Hospital Center, Sunday, March 29, 2020, in the Queens
other places that house el- borough of New York.
derly or otherwise vulnera- Associated Press
ble people. Gov. Andrew New York-Presbyterian/Co- and Italy alone accounted arrests of quarantine viola- a move. But the Centers for
Cuomo of New York said lumbia University Medical for more than half of the tors, and more tourists were Disease Control and Pre-
the virus is moving through Center, said the hospital world’s deaths. evacuated from Mount vention issued a travel ad-
such places “like fire throu- will probably be forced into Italy reported more than Everest and the Indonesian visory urging all residents of
gh dry grass.” “apocalyptic scenarios” in 750 new fatalities Sunday, island of Bali. New York City and others in
At one Long Island retire- the coming weeks in which bringing the country’s to- Poland is considering de- New York state, New Jersey
ment community, Peconic ventilators and intensive tal to nearly 10,800. But the laying its May 10 presiden- and Connecticut to avoid
Landing near Greenport, care unit beds will need to number of new infections tial election. Russia ordered all nonessential travel for 14
seven have died in the past be rationed. showed signs of easing, borders to close on Mon- days.
two weeks. As has hap- “Yesterday tried my soul,” with officials expressing day, Moscow all but con- Shocking as that is for Ame-
pened elsewhere, loved he wrote in an online pos- cautious optimism that the fined its 12 million residents ricans, that stopped short
ones were barred to keep ting. Worry for the poorest most severe shutdown in to their homes, and the of the restrictions imposed
the virus from spreading. was being echoed around the industrialized West is head of the Russian Ortho- in Europe or elsewhere.
“I have a feeling that I very the world. showing results. dox called on believers to Parisians are fined if they
likely may never see my In India, a lockdown co- Italy’s civil protection agen- stay away from churches try to leave the city, South
mother again,” said James vering the country’s 1.3 bil- cy said more than 5,200 and pray at home instead. Africans can’t even buy li-
Preller, whose 94-year-old lion people has put untold new cases were recorded A prominent French politi- quor, and Serbians are up-
mother, Ann Preller, is a numbers out of work and in the last 24 hours, the lo- cian with the virus died, the set over a ban on walking
resident. Brian Lee of Fa- left many families struggling west number in four days, country’s first death of a se- their dogs. In Italy, burials
milies for Better Care, an to feed themselves. Tens for a total of almost 98,000 nior official. are being held with only
advocacy group for those of thousands in New Delhi infections. For most people, the coro- one family member.
living in longterm care fa- were forced to flee their Spain moved to tighten navirus causes mild or mo- Some U.S. states began to
cilities, said in a nursing homes, with no way to pay its lockdown and ban all derate symptoms, such as try to limit exposure from
home, “when we see an the rent, journeying back nonessential work as it hit fever and cough that clear visitors from harder-hit are-
outbreak that’s uncontrol- to their native villages. Wo- another daily record of al- up in two to three weeks. as. Rhode Island National
led, it’s practically a death men in saris held babies on most 840 dead. The coun- But for others, especially ol- Guard troops went door
sentence.” But he also said their hips. Others toted their try’s overall official toll was der adults and people with to door in coastal commu-
the way residents are being belongings in bags normal- more than 6,500. existing health problems, nities to find New Yorkers.
walled off from the outside ly used for cement. Spain’s health emergen- the virus can cause more Florida is setting up check-
world is as much of a con- Prime Minister Narendra cies chief, Fernando Simón, severe illness, including points to screen visitors from
cern as the virus itself. Modi apologized for the said the number of people pneumonia, and lead to Louisiana.
In New York, the virus was hardships that the lock- in intensive care units keeps death. “These are different times.
overwhelming some of the down brought but said, rising and hospitals are at More than 145,000 people Many people are frigh-
city’s poorest neighbor- “These tough measures their limits in several regions. have recovered, accor- tened. Even governments
hoods, with data showing were needed to win this “That is why we have to ding to Johns Hopkins. are frightened and sug-
high rates of infection in battle.” strictly apply the control President Donald Trump gesting they’ll take abrupt
densely packed areas with Though the U.S. leads the measures,” he said. backtracked on a threat to actions against New York,”
big non-English-speaking world in reported cases, five Egypt shut its beaches as quarantine New York and Cuomo said. “But listen,
populations. other countries have higher cases in the Mideast sur- neighboring states amid this is New York and we are
Dr. Craig Smith, who heads death tolls: Italy, Spain, Chi- passed 50,000. Police in criticism and questions going to make it through
the surgery department at na, Iran and France. Spain the Philippines stepped up about the legality of such this.”q