Page 26 - HOH
P. 26

a32    local
                     Monday 30 March 2020

            Aruba and the world facing COVID-19

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  world  turned  From  yesterday  on  a  total  lock-
            upside down because of the pan-     down  is  applicable.  No  one  is  al-
            demic that we are facing. Remem-    lowed  to  enter  the  country,  not
            ber  January  and  February  when  even residents.
            we  were  feeling  sorry  for  China
            and the crisis they were/are facing  The world
            with regards to corona virus? Who  There are 707.738 coronavirus cas-
            would ever thought that weeks af-   es throughout the world and 33.526
            ter we would be in the same situ-   deaths  so  far.  150.732  people  in-
            ation.  Aruba  now  has  46  infected  fected have been recovered.  The
            with the virus and 561 persons have  coronavirus  COVID-19  is  affecting
            been  tested  so  far.  One  person  is  199 countries and territories around
            in the hospital and so far luckily no  the world and 2 international con-
            deaths. (updated March 29).         veyances:  the  Diamond  Princess
                                                cruise ship harbored in Yokohama,
            Aruba  has  increased  the  number  Japan, and the Holland America's
            of tests to identify more cases ear-  MS Zaandam cruise ship.
            lier  on.  The  image  shows  the  pro-  The  World  Health  Organization
            gression  of  number  of  tests  done.  (WHO) advises to stay aware of the
            Aruba is leading in the region with  latest information on the COVID-19
            regards  to  number  of  tests  per-  outbreak  through  their  website  Why?  When  someone  coughs  or  and COVID-19.
            formed.                             and through your national and lo-   sneezes  they  spray  small  liquid  •      Stay  home  if  you  feel  un-
                                                cal  public  health  authority.  Many  droplets  from  their  nose  or  mouth  well.  If  you  have  a  fever,  cough
            From  midnight  last  Saturday  on,  countries  around  the  world  have  which may contain virus. If you are  and difficulty breathing, seek med-
            Aruba is put under "shelter in place"  seen cases of COVID-19 and sev-  too close, you can breathe in the  ical attention and call in advance.
            meaning  that  one  cannot  leave  eral have seen outbreaks. Authori-   droplets,  including  the  COVID-19  Follow the directions of your local
            their  home.  The  exception  to  this  ties in China and some other coun-  virus if the person coughing has the  health authority.
            rule  are  visits  to  the  supermarket,  tries have succeeded in slowing or  disease.                      Why?  National  and  local  authori-
            doctor, pharmacy and take away  stopping their outbreaks. However,  •           Avoid touching eyes, nose  ties will have the most up to date
            but it is required to remain at least  the  situation  is  unpredictable  so  and mouth.                    information on the situation in your
            two meters apart. It is prohibited to  check regularly for the latest news.  Why? Hands touch many surfaces  area. Calling in advance will allow
            go out with more than three peo-    WHO informs how you can reduce  and can pick up viruses. Once con-      your health care provider to quick-
            ple  together.  If  you  have  a  vital  your  chances  of  being  infected  taminated, hands can transfer the  ly direct you to the right health fa-
            service job you will still be able to  or  spreading  COVID-19  by  taking  virus to your eyes, nose or mouth.  cility. This will also protect you and
            get  to  work.  The  curfew  between  some simple precautions:          From there, the virus can enter your  help prevent spread of viruses and
            9pm and 6am remains in place. No  •         Regularly  and  thoroughly  body and can make you sick.         other infections.
            one  can  be  outside  their  home/  clean your hands with an alcohol-  •       Make  sure  you,  and  the  •       Keep  up  to  date  on  the
            property except for a very few ex-  based hand rub or wash them with  people  around  you,  follow  good  latest  COVID-19  hotspots  (cities
            emptions. The fines for violating the  soap and water.                  respiratory  hygiene.  This  means  or  local  areas  where  COVID-19
            curfew and shelter in place range  Why?  Washing  your  hands  with  covering your mouth and nose with  is  spreading  widely).  If  possible,
            from 1.000 Florin to 10.000 Florin.   soap  and  water  or  using  alcohol-  your bent elbow or tissue when you  avoid  traveling  to  places  –  espe-
            All  companies  will  be  closed  ex-  based  hand  rub  kills  viruses  that  cough or sneeze. Then dispose of  cially if you are an older person or
            cept for gas stations, supermarkets,  may be on your hands.             the used tissue immediately.        have  diabetes,  heart  or  lung  dis-
            pharmacies,  take  away  places,  •         Maintain  at  least  1  metre  Why? Droplets spread virus. By fol-  ease.
            hospital.  Media  is  allowed  to  per-  (3 feet) distance between yourself  lowing  good  respiratory  hygiene  Why?  You  have  a  higher  chance
            form  their  job.  There  are  no  visits  and  anyone  who  is  coughing  or  you  protect  the  people  around  of  catching  COVID-19  in  one  of
            allowed  no  more  at  the  hospital.  sneezing.                        you  from  viruses  such  as  cold,  flu  these areas.q
            All  establishments  that  are  on  the
            non-essential  list  published  by  the
            government need to close for the
            public  during  this  2-week  period.
            Employees  of  these  establishment
            are not allowed to go to work, ex-
            cept for very few essential require-
            ments, such as security and payroll
            manager. It is recommended that
            these  individuals  have  a  compa-
            ny  ID  or  employer  letter  identify-
            ing their position). Police can shut
            down businesses completely if cur-
            few is violated.
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