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Juni 3, 2021

                  DEZHI TA

               INVITA TUR


             PA PARTICIPA

               N’E EXPORT

               WEEK 2021:



       DEPARTAMENTO di Asunto Eco-                      dor por bishita e Facebookpage di               my company? Operational status:
       nomico, Comercio y Industria y su                Exprodesk. E topico nan cu lo trata             can we take on increase in business
       unidad  Exprodesk,  segun  maneho                durante e Export  Week 2021:  ‘Con-             ? Time, structure operations/produc-

       economico di Minister di Finansa,                quering New Horizons’ lo ta: Dia 1              tion; Dia 4 (Diahuebs, 10 di juni: 9:00

       Asunto  Economico  y Cultura,  sra.              (Dialuna, 7 di juni:  9:00 AM- 12:00            AM- 12:00 PM): ‘Search Engine Mar-
       Xiomara Maduro ta invita nos com-                PM): ‘Overview of the e-commerce                keting  and  Online  Payment Possi-
       erciantenan pa participa n’e Export              landscape and current trends, get-              bilities. Marketing: Tools for turning

       Week  2021:  ‘Conquering  New  Hori-             ting ready to Conquer new Horizons              traffic  into  sales,  Marketing:  Tools

       zons’.                                           with a Powerful  E-commerce Web-                for  turning  traffic  into  sales.  Mar-
                                                        site. Logistics, USA, Europe, Domin-            keting: Tools for turning traffic into
       Lo tin mas cu 25 orador internacio-              ican Republic and Import & Export               sales;  Dia  5  (Diabierna,  11  di  juni:

       nal  y local,  cada un  ta experto den           Tax benefits’;                                  9:00 AM- 12:30 PM): ‘Blockchain and

       nan area. Pa conoce mas di cada ora-             Dia 2 (Diahuebs, 8 di juni: 9:00 AM-            the disruptive potential of cryptocur-
                                                                 12:00 PM):  ‘Doing Business            rencies for Aruba and the Promising
                                                                 in USA via Doral and Sourc-            Sectors. AgriLedger: Blockchain pos-

                                                                 ing from Asia: Tips and Best           sibilities for the Agriculture Sector as
                                                                 Practices  for Finding Sup-            AgriLedger provides a fair share for

                                                                 pliers’;  Dia  3  (Diaranson,  9       those  who  produce  and  this  means
                                                                 di juni: 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM):           for all of us to know where our food

                                                                 ‘Tips on  how  to grow  your           comes from’.
                                                                 business locally and thrive            Pa mas informacion tocante e Export

                                                                 internationally.  From lo-             Week  2021:  ‘Conquering  New  Hori-
                                                                 cal  to  export:  What  to  do if      zons’, por tuma contacto cu sra. Sha-

                                                                 I want to cross borders with           ron Meijer via:
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