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Monday 30 SepteMber 2024
Trump escalates attacks on Harris' mental fitness and suggests she
should be prosecuted
Former Maryland Gov. Larry
Continued from Front Hogan, running for the Sen-
ate as a moderate Repub-
And I just don’t know what it lican, brought up Trump's
is but there is definitely some- false claims that Harris, the
thing missing. And you know daughter of Jamaican and
what, everybody knows it.” Indian immigrants, had pre-
With just over a month until viously played down her
the election, Trump is intensi- Black heritage. Harris at-
fying his use of personal and tended Howard University,
offensive attacks, even as a historically Black college,
some Republicans say he'd and has identified as both
be better sticking to the is- Black and South Asian con-
sues. sistently throughout her po-
His suggestions that politi- litical career.
cal enemies be prosecuted “I’ve already called him out
are particularly notable for when he had the one inter-
their departure from norms view where he was ques-
in the U.S. in which the ju- tioning her racial identity,
dicial system is supposed and now he’s questioning
to be protected from po- Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event, her mental competence,"
litical influence. In recent Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024, in Erie, Pa. Hogan told CBS' “Face the
weeks, he has threatened (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) Nation.”
prosecutions of Google for “good stories” about Harris, and anyone he deems to be behavior” related to the “And I think that’s insulting
allegedly giving priority to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, “involved in unscrupulous coming election. not only to the vice presi-
His derision of the first Black dent but to people who
woman and person of South actually do have mental
Asian descent to lead a ma- disabilities.”
jor party ticket as “stupid,” Harris has not commented
“weak,” “dumb as a rock” on Trump’s recent attacks
and “lazy” is also a sign of but has said when asked
how nasty and personal about other comments
the final stretch of the cam- that it was the “ same old
paign may be. show. The same tired play-
His allies have pushed him book we’ve heard for years
publicly and privately to talk with no plan on on how he
instead about the econo- would address the needs of
my, immigration and other the American people.”
issues. Ahead of the rally on Sun-
“I just think the better course day, some of Trump's sup-
to take is to prosecute the porters said he often makes
case that her policies are offensive remarks. Still, they
destroying the country,” support his proposals to re-
said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R- strict immigration and said
S.C., on CNN's “State of the he would have a better
Union" Sunday when asked handle on the economy.
about Trump's comments. “He says what’s on his mind,
“They’re crazy liberal.” and again, sometimes how
When asked whether he he says it isn’t appropriate,”
approved of the person- said Jeffrey Balogh, 56, who
al attacks on Harris, Rep. attended the rally with two
Tom Emmer, R-Minn., side- friends. “But he did the job.
stepped during an interview He did very well at it.”
on ABC’s “This Week.” At the rally in Erie, Trump said
“I think Kamala Harris is the the “invasion” would end
wrong choice for America,” and deportations begin if
said Emmer, who is helping he took office.
Trump’s running mate JD “Thousands of migrants
Vance prepare for Tues- from the most dangerous
day’s vice-presidential de- countries are destroying
bate. “I think Kamala Harris the character of small towns
is actually as bad or worse and leaving local commu-
as the administration that nities in anguish and in de-
we’ve witnessed for the last spair,” he said, talking about
four years.” communities in the battle-
When pressed, Emmer said: ground states of Wisconsin,
“I think we should stick to the Michigan and Pennsylvania.
issues. The issues are, Don- Last month, the GOP lead-
ald Trump fixed it once. They er said he was “entitled” to
broke it. He’s going to fix it personal attacks against
again. Those are the issues.” Harris.q