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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 23 July 2024
            U.S. ambassador visits Haiti to meet new leaders and Kenyan

            police helping to curb gang violence

            By JADE LOZADA                                                                                                      are  children,  and  resulted
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in  4  million  people  facing
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —                                                                                            food insecurity.
            The U.S. ambassador to the                                                                                          In a signal of support for the
            United  Nations  traveled  to                                                                                       U.N. mission to Haiti and the
            Haiti  on  Monday  to  meet                                                                                         Kenyan  police,  Thomas-
            leaders  of  the  new  transi-                                                                                      Greenfield  will  visit  the  po-
            tional government and the                                                                                           lice  force’s  living  complex
            Kenyan police who are the                                                                                           and  meet  Conille,  mem-
            vanguard of a U.N.-backed                                                                                           bers of the transitional pres-
            force  meant  to  help  the                                                                                         idential  council  and  U.N.
            country’s  national  police                                                                                         and  civil  society  represen-
            curb widespread gang vio-                                                                                           tatives.
            lence.                                                                                                              Haiti  asked  for  an  inter-
            A senior U.S. administration                                                                                        national  force  to  combat
            official  said  Ambassador                                                                                          gangs  in  2022,  and  U.N.
            Linda  Thomas-Greenfield’s                                                                                          Secretary-General    Anto-
            one-day  visit  also  seeks  to                                                                                     nio  Guterres  appealed  for
            encourage  action  on  Hai-                                                                                         months  for  a  country  to
            ti’s  humanitarian  crisis  and                                                                                     lead  the  force  before  the
            political  reform  leading  to                                                                                      Kenyans came forward.
            democratic  elections  in                                                                                           A  second  Kenyan  contin-
            2026.                                                                                                               gent  of  200  police  officers
            The ambassador will make     U.S. Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Brian Nichols, right, holds out a cell phone   landed  in  Haiti  last  week,
            two major announcements      to  take  a  photo  with,  from  right,  Haitian  Prime  Minister  Garry  Conille,  U.S.  Ambassador  to  the   following  the  first  contin-
            related  to  Haiti’s  security   United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield and Haitian Foreign Minister Dominque Dupuy before   gent  of  200  officers  last
            and  humanitarian  crises,   they meet with the Haitian Transitional Presidential Council at the Villa d’Accueil in Port-au-Prince,   month.  The  multinational
            the  official  said,  speaking   Haiti, Monday, July 22, 2024.                                                      force  will  eventually  total
            on condition of anonymity                                                                          Associated Press  2,500  personnel  from  Ke-
            ahead of the visit.          into surrounding areas. The  ment led by Prime Minister  cial  to  helping  control  the  nya,  the  Bahamas,  Ban-
            Gangs have grown in pow-     surge  in  killings,  rapes  and  Garry Conille, a former U.N.  country’s  gangs  and  mov-  gladesh,  Barbados,  Benin,
            er since the July 7, 2021, as-  kidnappings  has  led  to  a  development   specialist  ing  toward  democratic  Chad and Jamaica.
            sassination of President Jo-  violent  uprising  by  civilian  who  arrived  in  the  coun-  elections.             They  will  be  deployed  in
            venel  Moïse  and  are  now  vigilante groups.            try in early June. Earlier this  According  to  U.N.  agen-  phases  at  a  cost  of  some
            estimated to control up to  There  has  been  wide  in-   month,  he  told  the  U.N.  cies,  the  violence  has  dis-  $600  million  a  year,  ac-
            80% of the capital, Port-au-  ternational  support  for  the  Security  Council  that  the  placed  580,000  people,  cording to the U.N. Security
            Prince,  and  have  spread  new  transitional  govern-    Kenyan  police  will  be  cru-  more  than  half  of  whom  Council. q

            Brazil’s Lula urges Venezuela’s Maduro to respect vote results, is

            ‘frightened’ by talk of bloodbath

            By MAURICIO SAVARESE         erned    Venezuela    since  cess,” Lula said.            Maduro  told  a  rally  this  speak to Nicaragua’s Presi-
            Associated Press             2013, taking over after the  Lula,  who  for  many  years  month. “If we want to avoid  dent Daniel Ortega on be-
            BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Bra-  death  of  predecessor  and  refused  to  openly  criticize  a bloodbath, or a fratricid-  half of Pope Francis about
            zil’s  President  Luiz  Inácio  mentor  Hugo  Chávez.  The  the  Venezuelan  leader,  al civil war triggered by the  the leftist leader’s decision
            Lula  da  Silva  said  Monday  61-year-old  has  won  elec-  said he will send former for-  fascists, then we must guar-  to eject more than a dozen
            his  Venezuelan  counter-    tions  that  his  adversaries  eign minister Celso Amorim  antee the biggest electoral  Roman Catholic clergymen
            part Nicolás Maduro should  deemed not to be free and  to  watch  the  elections  on  victory ever.”                from the Central American
            respect  the  results  of  the  fair. His 2018 reelection was  Sunday. Other Brazilian ob-  Lula  also  said  he  tried  to  nation. q
            elections  scheduled  for  widely considered a sham,  servers will also be present.
            Sunday,  and  said  he  was  as  major  opposition  par-  “I  got  frightened  with
            “frightened”  by  Maduro’s  ties  and  candidates  were  Maduro’s  statement  say-
            reference  to  a  possible  banned from participating.    ing  there  will  be  a  blood-
            post-election bloodbath.     His  main  adversary  will  be  bath if he loses. When you
            The  veteran  leader  will  Edmundo  González,  a  for-   lose,  you  go  home  and
            send  a  top  diplomat  to  mer  diplomat  chosen  by  get ready to run in another
            neighboring  Venezuela  as  the  opposition  coalition  election,” Lula said.
            an observer of the vote.     to replace the fiery leader  In  recent  weeks,  Maduro
            “Maduro  knows  that  the  María Corina Machado on  and  allies  have  increased
            only chance for Venezuela  the ballot.                    their  references  to  post-
            to  return  to  normality  is  to  “If  Maduro  wants  to  con-  election  violence,  assert-
            have  an  electoral  process  tribute for growth to return  ing that the opposition will
            that  is  respected  by  ev-  to  Venezuela,  for  people  carry  out  violent  demon-
            eryone,”  Lula  told  report-  who  left  Venezuela  to  strations and reject the re-
            ers  at  the  presidential  resi-  come  back  and  to  estab-  sults, which the ruling party   Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva takes a sip of coffee
            dence  in  Brasilia.  “He  has  lish  a  state  of  economic  claims will show it victorious.  as he gives a press conference at his official residence Alvorada
            to respect the democratic  growth,  he  needs  to  re-    “The  destiny  of  Venezuela   Palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Monday, July 22, 2024.
            process.” Maduro has gov-    spect the democratic pro-    depends  on  our  victory,”                                           Associated Press
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