Page 6 - aruba-today-20240723
P. 6

                      Tuesday 23 July 2024
            Philippine president orders shutdown of Chinese-run online

            gambling industry employing thousands.

            By JIM GOMEZ                                                                                                        ordered  the  government’s
            Associated Press                                                                                                    gaming  agency  to  wind
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                                                          down the operations of the
            President Ferdinand Marcos                                                                                          so-called Philippine offshore
            Jr. on Monday ordered an                                                                                            gaming  operators,  or  PO-
            immediate  ban  on  wide-                                                                                           GOs, by yearend, drawing
            spread and mostly Chinese-                                                                                          loud applause from legisla-
            run  online  gaming  opera-                                                                                         tors and top officials at the
            tions in the Philippines, ac-                                                                                       House of Representatives.
            cusing  them  of  venturing                                                                                         He  asked  labor  officials  to
            into crimes, including finan-                                                                                       look for alternative jobs for
            cial scams, human traffick-                                                                                         Filipino  workers who would
            ing,  torture,  kidnappings                                                                                         be   displaced   because
            and murders.                                                                                                        of  the  shutdown.  Setting
            His  move  to  ban  the  Chi-                                                                                       out  his  vision  for  the  year
            nese-run  online  gambling                                                                                          ahead,  Marcos  outlined
            outfits — estimated to num-                                                                                         moves to address a range
            ber  more  than  400  across                                                                                        of  issues,  including  soaring
            the Philippines and employ-                                                                                         costs of food and electric-
            ing tens of thousands of Chi-                                                                                       ity, poverty and low wages.
            nese  and  Southeast  Asian                                                                                         His administration’s “blood-
            nationals—  came  amid                                                                                              less  war”  on  dangerous
            an  ongoing  government      Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivers his third State of the Nation Address as Senate   drugs never aimed at “ex-
            crackdown     backed    by   President Francis Escudero, left and House Speaker Martin Romualdez, right, applaud at the House   termination,”  Marcos  said
            Beijing. That has led to the   of Representatives in Quezon City, Philippines, on Monday, July 22, 2024.   Associated Press  in an obvious criticism of his
            shutdown of several sprawl-                                                                                         predecessor’s  brutal  anti-
            ing complexes with dozens  the South China Sea, add-      province  north  of  Manila  Philippine  senators  say  the  drugs  crackdown  that  left
            of buildings, where authori-  ing  that  his  country  would  who  has  failed  to  appear  massive online gambling in-  thousands  of  mostly  inno-
            ties  suspect  thousands  of  only settle disputes through  at  public  hearings  where  dustry has flourished largely  cent suspects killed.
            Chinese,  Vietnamese  and  diplomacy.                     allegations   against   her  due to corruption in regula-  The  International  Criminal
            other nationals mostly from  The Philippines has a com-   were  being  investigated,  tory  agencies  and  payoffs  Court has been investigat-
            Southeast Asia have been il-  plicated  relationship  with  including  her  alleged  links  to local officials.     ing the widespread drug kill-
            legally recruited and forced  China,   including   signifi-  to a large online gambling  “Disguising as legitimate en-  ings under former President
            to work in dismal conditions.  cant  trade  engagements  complex  near  her  town-     tities, their operations have  Rodrigo Duterte as a possi-
            Marcos  announced  the  and  cooperation  against  hall and suspicions that she  ventured into illicit areas fur-   ble crime against humanity.
            decision during his state-of-  crimes. But the neighboring  fraudulently hid her Chinese  thest from gaming such as  Duterte has denied autho-
            the-nation  address,  when  Asian  countries  have  also  nationality to be able to run  financial scamming, money  rizing extra-judicial killings.
            he  also  said  that  the  Phil-  had  longstanding  disputes  for a public office reserved  laundering, prostitution, hu-  On  Manila’s  increasingly
            ippines  would  press  efforts  in  the  South  China  Sea  only for Filipinos.        man  trafficking,  kidnap-   hostile disputes with Beijing,
            to  strengthen  its  defensive  which have grown increas-  The mayor, Alice Guo, has  ping,  brutal  torture,  even  Marcos  stressed  the  Philip-
            capability by forging secu-  ingly hostile since last year.  denied  any  wrongdoing  murder,” Marcos said in his  pines would not back down
            rity  alliances  with  friendly  Relatedly,  Philippine  sena-  but  has  been  suspended  address. “The grave abuse  but  would  only  resort  to
            countries to counter threats  tors  ordered  the  arrest  of  from her post with her finan-  and disrespect to our system  peaceful means to resolve
            to  its  territorial  interests  in  a  town  mayor  in  Tarlac  cial  assets  ordered  frozen.  of  laws  must  stop.”Marcos  any dispute. q

            Cyprus displays once-looted antiquities dating back thousands of years

            NICOSIA,  Cyprus  (AP)  —  them  thousands  of  years  looted them from the ethni-     tion  of  a  country’s  cultural  Iconoclastic  period  in  the
            Cyprus on Monday put on  old    that  were  returned  cally  divided  island  nation  heritage  as  evidenced  in  8th and 9th centuries when
            display  artifacts    some  of  after  a  Turkish  art  dealer  decades ago.           recent  conflicts  becomes  most  such  works  were  de-
                                                                      Aydin  Dikmen  took  the  ar-  a  “deliberate  campaign  stroyed.
                                                                      tifacts  from  the  country’s  of  cultural  and  religious  Cyprus’ authorities and the
                                                                      breakaway  north  in  the  cleansing that aims to elim-   country’s Orthodox Church
                                                                      years  after  Cyprus’  split  in  inate identity.”        for  decades  have  been
                                                                      1974, when Turkey invaded  Among the 60 most recent-      hunting for the island’s loot-
                                                                      following a coup mounted  ly returned artifacts put on  ed  antiquities  and  centu-
                                                                      by supporters of union with  display include jewelry from  ries-old relics from as many
                                                                      Greece.    The   antiquities  the Chalcolithic Period be-  as  500  churches  in  open
                                                                      were  kept  in  Germany  af-  tween  3500-1500  B.C.  and  auctions and on the black
                                                                      ter  authorities  there  seized  Bronze  Age  bird-shaped  market.
                                                                      them in 1997, and protract-  idols.                       The  museum’s  antiquities
                                                                      ed  legal  battles  secured  Antiquities   that   Dikmen  curator,  Eftychia  Zacha-
                                                                      their  repatriation  in  three  also  looted  but  were  re-  riou,  told  the  ceremony
                                                                      batches,  the  last  one  this  turned  years  ago  include  that Cyprus in recent years
                                                                      year.                        1,500-year-old  mosaics  of  has benefited from a shift in
            Cyprus’  President  Nikos  Christodoulides,  right,  stands  in  front   Addressing  the  unveiling  Saints Luke, Mark, Matthew  thinking  among  authorities
            of  an  Orthodox  Christian  icon  after  the  same  was  repatriated   ceremony  at  Cyprus’  ar-  and James.      in many countries who now
            and displayed at the Archeological museum in capital Nicosia,   chaeological   museum,    They  are  among  the  few  opt to repatriate antiquities
            Cyprus, Monday, July 22, 2024.                            President   Nikos   Christo-  examples  of  early  Chris-  of dubious provenance.q
                                                     Associated Press  doulides  said  the  destruc-  tian  works  to  survive  the
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