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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Friday 16 June 2017
            Rodman gives Kim ‘The Art of the Deal’

                                                                      Birthday”  to  Kim  and  sug-
                                                                      gested  an  American  mis-
                                                                      sionary was at fault for his
                                                                      own imprisonment in North
                                                                      Korea,  remarks  for  which
                                                                      he later apologized.
                                                                      But  the  sports  minister
                                                                      made  clear  Rodman  is
                                                                      viewed  fondly  in  Pyong-
                                                                      “In the past, our respected
                                                                      supreme  leader  met  you
                                                                      several times and he used
                                                                      his precious time to watch
                                                                      the basketball match with
            Former  NBA  basketball  star  Dennis  Rodman  presents  a  book   the  players  you  brought
            titled “Trump The Art of the Deal” to North Korea’s Sports Minister
            Kim Il Guk Thursday, June 15, 2017, in Pyongyang, North Korea.   here.  In  the  past  he  met
                                           (AP Photo/Kim Kwang Hyon)  you,  so  our  people  all
                                                                      know you well,” Kim Il Guk
            By ERIC TALMADGE             including judo gold medal-   told  Rodman.  “And  also
            Associated Press             ist An Kum Ae.               we feel that you are an old
            PYONGYANG, North Korea       “All of you guys should be   friend.”
            (AP) — Dennis Rodman has     proud  of  yourselves,  be-  NO ROLE IN STUDENT’S RE-
            delivered a message from     cause,  you  know,  a  lot   LEASE
            President Donald Trump to    of  people  don’t  give  you   Rodman’s  arrival  on  Tues-
            North Korea — sort of.       guys credit, because this is   day  came  just  hours  after
            On  Thursday,  the  former   such  a  small  country,  and   the  North  decided  to  re-
            NBA player gave the coun-    not  many  people  from      lease  Otto  Warmbier,  an
            try’s sports minister a copy   North Korea can compete    American  university  stu-
            of  Trump’s  book  “The  Art   around  the  world,”  Rod-  dent who had been impris-
            of the Deal,” a present in-  man said.                    oned for 15 years with hard
            tended  for  North  Korean   He continued: “But for you   labor  for  trying  to  steal  a
            leader Kim Jong Un.          guys to come back here in    propaganda banner.
            It wasn’t signed by Trump,   your country, with a med-    Warmbier,  who  had  been
            who  was  Rodman’s  boss     al,  that  says  a  lot  about   confined  for  17  months,
            for two seasons of the “Ce-  North   Korea,    because    has  apparently  fallen  into
            lebrity  Apprentice”  reality   people  don’t  really  take   a  coma  not  long  after  his
            TV show. Rodman has said     North  Korea  so  seriously   confinement  began  and
            his  visit  has  nothing  to  do   about  sports  or  anything   Pyongyang issued a state-
            with the White House.        like that.”                  ment Thursday saying it de-
            Some  other  highlights  of   “AN OLD FRIEND”             cided to let him go for “hu-
            what  has  so  far  been  a   Rodman,  one  of  the  only   manitarian reasons.”
            low-key Pyongyang trip for   Westerners to have person-   Officials in Washington and
            the  often  flamboyant  ce-  ally met Kim Jong Un, has    Pyongyang  said  Rodman
            lebrity, who has visited the   been  criticized  for  a  prior   played  no  role  in  the  re-
            North four times before:     trip where he sang “Happy    lease. q
            REAN ATHLETES
            While  his  previous  visits  in
            2013 and 2014 often drew
            controversy,  Rodman  has
            said this week he’s just here
            to  meet  old  friends  and
            have a good time.
            He and his small entourage
            have  been  spending  time
            hanging  out  with  young
            North  Korean  basketball
            players  and  visiting  local
            sights.He watched a North
            Korean  men’s  basketball
            team and met Sports Min-
            ister Kim Il Guk. Along with
            the  Trump  book,  other
            gifts  he  presented  for  Kim
            Jong Un include a copy of
            “Where’s  Waldo?  The  To-
            tally Essential Travel Collec-
            tion,”  a  mermaid  puzzle,
            two  sets  of  soap  and  two
            autographed jerseys.
            Rodman  also  met  North
            Korean  Olympic  athletes,
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