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Diasabra, 13 November 2021                                                                                         9

                                                           Minister Dangui Oduber

           Aruba ta keda “trendsetter” den Caribe y Americas ora

              ta trata di inovacion den control di salud na frontera

                                                                                                            Diahuebs mainta Minister di Turismo y Salud

                                           PUBLIC AUCTION                                                   Publico sr. Dangui Oduber conhuntamente cu
                                                                                                            sr. Yuri Feliciano kende t’e Project Manager
        On Friday NOVEMBER 19th, 2021 at 10:00 am in  the Auditorium at the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba the following properties will  di  Aruba Health App System  (AHA) a reuni
        be auctioned pursuant to Article 3:268 of the Civil Code of Aruba:
                                                                                                            cu e Manager di e organisacion di SITA aki
                                                                                                            na Aruba sr. Mauricio Pazzara. Den e reunion
                                                                                                            aki a papia tocante e proyecto cu a cuminsa
                                                                                                            na  april  di  aña  2020 entre SITA y AHA cu
                                                                                                            porcierto tabata un gran exito. Tambe  a
                                              SAVANETA 347-C                SAVANETA 70-A
                 SAVENETA 195-C                                                                             papia riba kico lo bira e siguiente fase di e
               a parcel of property land of 944 m2, located at  a parcel of property land of 4.990 m2, located  the right of long lease right till November 28,  proyecto.
               Savaneta in Aruba, officially known as 1-H-46,  at Savaneta in Aruba, officially known as 4-e-  2035  on  a  parcel  of  public  land  of  952  m2,
               with the thereon standing dwelling of a house  564,  with  the  thereon  standing  dwelling  of  a  located  at  Savaneta  in  Aruba,  officially  known
               and appurtenances, locally known as “Savaneta  house  and  appurtenances,  locally  known  as  as 4-E-705, with the thereon standing dwelling  SITA  ta  un  compania  multi  nacional  di
               195-C”                       “Savaneta 347-C” (near the public road)  of  a  house  and  appurtenances,  locally  known
                                                                         as “Savaneta 70-A”.
                                                                                                            informacion  y tecnologia.  Tambe SITA t’e
               Starting price: nil, however, only  Starting price: nil, however, only  Starting price: nil, however, only  programa mas uza rond mundo den industria
               serious bids will be considered.  serious bids will be considered.  serious bids will be considered.
               (Market  value  according  to  appraisal  report:  (Market  value  according  to  appraisal  report:  (Market value according to appraisal report:  di aviacion.  Nan  ta ta provee  servicio di
               Afl. 521.000,00)             Afl. 1.085.000,00)           Afl. 470.000,00)                   IT y telecomunicacion  na aeropuerto y

                                                                                                            aeroliñanan  rond  mundo,  por ehempel  e
                                                                                                            sistema  cu  ta  wordo  uza  pa  “check-inn“
                                                                                                            pasahero ta di SITA.

               SABANA GRANDI 13-D             SANTA CRUZ 59-B            DE LA SALLESTRAAT 7                E parti di mas importante ta cu e programa di
                                                                                                            SITA ta garantisa seguridad y privacidad total
               the right of long leasehold till October 12, 2066  a  parcel  of  property  land  of  995  m2  in  size,  a  parcel  of  property  land  of  520  m2  in  size,
               on a parcel of public land of 496 m2, located at  located in Santa Cruz in Aruba, officially known  located  at  the  la  Sallestraat  in  Aruba,  officially  di tur e usuarionan atrabes di un sistema cu
               Sabana  Grandi  in  Aruba,  as  described  in  the  as  First  Division  Section  R  number  1790,  with  known  as  First  Division  Section  E  number  534,
               land registry certificate number 69 of the year  the  thereon  standing  dwelling  of  a  house  and  with  the  thereon  standing  dwelling  of  a  house  ta verifica e credencialnan di cada usuario.
               2006,  with  the  thereon  standing  dwelling  of  a  appurtenances,  locally  known  as  “Santa  Cruz  and  appurtenances,  locally  known  as  “De  La
               house  and  appurtenances,  locally  known  as  59-B”.    Sallestraat 7”.                    E manera cu esaki lo  funciona  ta, p.e.  na
               “Sabana Grandi 13-D”.
                                                                                                            momento cu bo haci bo test di Covid esaki
               Starting price: nil, however, only  Starting bid: Afl. 178.000,00  Starting  price:  nil,  however,  only
                                            (Market value according to appraisal report:  serious bids will be considered.  ta bay atrabes di e laboratorio pa bo AHA y
               serious bids will be considered.
                                            Afl. 318.000,00)             (Market value according to appraisal report: Afl.
                                                                         744.000,00)                        e ora esaki ta keda verifica pa SITA. E manera
                                                                                                            di e proceso aki ta un hopi sigur y e usuario
                                                                                                            por tin trankilidad cu su informacion medico
                                                                                                            ta keda den privacidad.

               SABANA BASORA Z/N             ESSO HEIGHTS G-12              SAN FUEGO 5-R
                                                                                                            E desaroyo nobo aki lo bay facilita henter e
               the right of long lease December 15, 2069 on a  The right of leasehold till August 13, 1952 on a  the  right  of  leasehold  till  July  21,  2029  on  a  proceso di entrada na Aruba p’e pasaheronan.
               parcel of public land of 476 m2 in size, located  parcel of public land, in size 500 m2, located at  parcel of public land, in size 610 m2, located at
               at Sabana Basora in Aruba, officially known as  Esso Heights in Aruba, as further described in  San  Fuego  in  Aruba,  officially  known  as  Third  E pasaheronan ya no mester warda mas pa
               Third Division Section G number 2374, with the  cadastral  measurement  letter  number  1  of  Department  Section  D  number  986,  with  the
               thereon standing foundation.  January  3,  1992,  with  the  thereon  standing  thereon  standing  dwelling  of  a  house,  locally  nan resultado di e PCR test wordo acepta y
                                            dwelling  of  a  house,  locally  known  as  Esso  known as San Fuego 5-R.
                                                                                                            e upload di e certificado di e test ta keda pa
                                            Heights G-12
               Starting price: nil, however, only  Starting bid: Afl. 141,600.00  Starting bid: Afl. 150,000.00  pasado.
               serious bids will be considered.  (Market  value  according  to  appraisal  report:  (Market value according to appraisal report:
                                                                         Afl. 214.000,00
               (Market  value  according  to  appraisal  report:  Afl. 252.000,00)  For more information:   Minister  Dangui  Oduber  a  kibra  tur  barera
               Afl. 52.751,00)
                                                                                                            den inovacion pa locual ta trata controlnan
                                                                                                            di salud na frontera atrabes di AHA cu a haci
                                                                                                            e proceso na Aruba su frontera esun di mas
                                                                                                            liher den henter Caribe. E inovacion di AHA a
                                                                                                            haci cu Aruba a haya e atencion di socionan
                                                                                                            manera VFS Global, Common Project y SITA.
                                                                                                            El a percura pa mehora e relacion existente
                                                                                                            cu Estados Unidos caminda New York y New
        For more information please contact us at 280-0233                                                  Jersey  a mustra hopi  interes. Aruba tabata
        or send us an email  at                       or visit  e prome den Caribe y Americas pa habri su
                                                                                                            frontera uzando Certificado di Corona digital.
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