Page 12 - TTC 27 JULY 2015
P. 12

                                                                                        Monday 27 July 2015

Returning for family vacation;

    Famous Dutch Singer and TV Personality Frans Bauer at Divi Phoenix

                                                               1994 he landed his first na-
                                                               tional hit with the romantic
                                                               starry-eyed Als Sterren Aan
                                                               De Hemel Staan, and in
                                                               1997 he took Germany by
                                                               storm with his album Weil
                                                               Ich Dich Liebe, because I
                                                               love you.
                                                               Frans Bauer’s fame kept
                                                               growing to the point of
                                                               getting his own reality
                                                               show, called De Bauers, in
                                                               which his daily life, includ-
                                                               ing his family life with wife
                                                               Mariska van Rossenberg, is
                                                               Bauer also designs a cloth-
                                                               ing line for the Vroom &
                                                               Dreesmann retail chain,
                                                               based in The Netherlands.
                                                               Bauer who is seen here in
                                                               the picture with Divi Resort’s
                                                               member of management,
                                                               Gerrit Griffith won several
                                                               awards and honors, includ-
                                                               ing a knighthood, Ridder in
                                                               de Orde van Oranje-Nas-
                                                               sau, thanks to his charita-
                                                               ble work and the Gouden
                                                               Televizier-Ring, for the real-
                                                               ity show he has been run-
                                                               ning on Dutch television, in
                                                               previous years.q

PALM BEACH - Frans Bauer,      Bauer managed to launch
his wife and four kids are     his career in 1987 when he
again in Aruba, this time for  recorded his first single: Ben
three weeks.                   Je Jong, translated into
A native of Roosendaal, in     English as a question, Are
the Netherlands, Bauer is a    You Young?
popular singer with a spe-     Dutch producers Rudi Sch-
cialty, namely levenslied,     reijenberg and Emile Hart-
what the Dutch refer to        kamp gave him a hand
as songs about life, with      with the technical aspects
straight-to-the-heart lyrics   of the production, and the
and melody.                    rest is history!
Having grown up in a trail-    Bauer rose to local fame,
er park, Bauer aspired to      then to national fame, as
break away by means of         he participated in All You
music, from an early age.      Need Is love, a trendy TV
Inspired by Julio Iglesias,    show, in early 1992, where
Elvis Presley and Koos Al-     he was to choose two fe-
berts, a fellow Dutch star,    male fans for a date. In
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