Page 13 - TTC 27 JULY 2015
P. 13
LOCALMonday 27 July 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Manchebo Beach Resort
John and Mrs. Tamara
Frye of Winchester, Virgin-
ia. John and Tamara are
loyal guests at the Man-
chebo Beach Resort and
they love Aruba very much
because of the friendly
people, the weather, the
beaches, the restaurants
and the Casinos. Aruba
feels like a second home to
these guests and the peo-
ple are like family to them.
The certificates were pre-
sented by Ms. Darline S. de
Cuba representing Aruba
Tourism Authority together
with Mrs. Rita Van Vollevel-
de, Assistant General Man-
ager, Mrs. Deborah Hassell,
Front Desk Manager, and
Mrs. Lidia Halley, Sales &
PALM BEACH - Recently of Goodwill. The symbolic
the Aruba Tourism Author- honorary titles are present-
ity had the great pleasure ed in the name of the Min-
of honoring a wonderful ister of Tourism as a token
couple who are loyal and of appreciation to guests
friendly visitors of Aruba who visit Aruba for 20-to-34
at the Manchebo Beach consecutive years.
Resort as Ambassadors The honorees were Mr.